Program Information
- Copyright Type
- Proprietary
Kindergarten | 2020Publisher: Savvas Learning
Series includes:The quality review is the result of extensive evidence gathering and analysis by Texas educators of how well instructional materials satisfy the criteria for quality in the subject-specific rubric. Follow the links below to view the scores and read the evidence used to determine quality.
Section 1. Spanish Language Arts and Reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Alignment
Grade |
TEKS Student % |
TEKS Teacher % |
ELPS Student % |
ELPS Teacher % |
Kindergarten |
100.00% |
100.00% |
N/A |
N/A |
Grade 1 |
100.00% |
100.00% |
N/A |
N/A |
Grade 2 |
100.00% |
100.00% |
N/A |
N/A |
Section 2. Texts
Section 3. Literacy Practices and Text Interactions
Section 4. Developing and Sustaining Foundational Literacy Skills
Section 5. Progress Monitoring
Section 6. Supports for All Learners
Section 7. Implementation
Section 8. Bilingual Program Model Considerations
Section 9. Additional Information
Grade | TEKS Student % | TEKS Teacher % | ELPS Student % | ELPS Teacher % |
Kindergarten | 100% | 100% | N/A | N/A |
The materials include well-crafted texts of publishable quality that are traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse and represent the quality produced by experts in various disciplines. Well-crafted materials represent the quality of content and language across disciplines. The writing produced by experts in various disciplines is evident in the engaging materials that provide information that furthers the student’s understanding of a particular topic. Materials include increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and multicultural diverse passages and excerpts. Texts include content that is engaging and relevant to students.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The texts are well-crafted and are of publishable quality, representing the quality of content, language, and writing produced by experts in various disciplines. The “Libro del estudiante interactivo” includes various texts that have been recently published and are of high quality. For example, materials include an infographic titled Parques Nacionales, which supports the growth of knowledge for students who have not been exposed to one before and contains what can be found there.
In the “Libro del estudiante interactivo,” the resource provides a story called Animales en Movimiento, written by Ron Fridel. This nonfiction text describes a variety of animals that move on land, water, or the sky. It helps students learn about animal migration and the reasons for their journey. In all, the text represents high-quality material because it contains rich information in the discipline of Science.
The materials contain books specifically written for the program. For example, the Leveled Readers provide texts that cover information across disciplines, including Science, Music, Social Studies, and Art. The books are of publishable quality, providing adequate and appropriate content for close reading. For example, in Unit 4, a nonfiction unit includes titles such as La historia de la escritura. This nonfiction book describes how different cultures invented the alphabet and writing. Cómo consiguió Anansi sus cuentos is a folk tale about how a little spider receives a gift and shares it with others. Although the materials present trademark books, they are copyrighted by the publisher but are not authentic editions.
The materials provide texts that facilitate student knowledge by exposing students to other cultures. For example, in El Año Nuevo Chino, written by Ruby Lee, the author conveys a family practicing Chinese traditions that lead up to the New Year. There are a series of texts written by Ruby Lee included in the collection. The material also includes text that exposes students to other states with different cultures. In California by Deanna Yuen, the students experience other cultures by using pictures in the text. Read alouds are designed to incorporate cultural and ethnic activities and materials.
The materials include engaging content for students. For example, texts include content that is engaging to students in this grade level. For example, in Unit 2, Week 6, the “libro de fonetica” titled El gusano by Lilia Mosconi is grade-level appropriate. This text is appealing because it provides illustrations of the developmental stages of the caterpillar. The resource also states descriptive words that are eye-catching, like “golosa, agita, gira.” Additional engaging content provided in the resource for this grade level of students is presented in a Level B reader titled ¿Qué me pongo hoy? by Kathleen Corrigan. The text is authentic because it presents the student with characters who have to make real-life choices where they must dress for specific weather conditions. This text is relatable to students because it supports their ability to dress appropriately for the current weather they are experiencing where they live.
The materials consider a range of student interest in their leveled reader books. These books include authentically rich plot lines with diverse characters to which students can relate. The students can identify themselves and others in the readings with rich, diverse, and aesthetic pictures and photographs. The Leveled Readers included in the materials are relevant to children's linguistic and cultural backgrounds, including stories representing cultures, races, religions, and traditions. Texts in the resource include the following titles: Rosh Hashanah, Nuevo Año Chino, Feliz Navidad, El pájaro trueno, and Hace mucho tiempo. Although the materials are responsive to diverse cultural backgrounds, they do not depict students with disabilities.
The materials include relevant texts to help identify students in familiar situations. For example, Nuestra Escuela by Lin Brochu is about a tour of a school. Children relate to this scenario because they make the connections between what is occurring in the text and the real world. The materials consider a range of student interests, as found in titles such as Mi Mascota by Lin Brochu, a narrative nonfiction tale about pets. This text depicts culturally diverse children of various ethnicities. The read-aloud is designed to incorporate cultural and ethnic activities and material to engage students.
The materials provide texts that increase in Lexile measure as the year progresses. Structure, language features, and knowledge scaffold learning and challenge kids more as the year progresses. For example, in Units 1, 3, and 5, the Leveled Readers begin at level A and increase in complexity to level D. The materials include vocabulary and language appropriate to the topic and genre focus of the unit. For example, the Leveled Readers in Unit 1 are aligned to the Unit topic “Al aire libre” and to the genre focus of non-fiction. The materials through the big book Canciones y poemas present traditional, contemporary, classical, and multicultural diverse texts. For example, the first song, El mundo es grande, is played to the tune of a traditional Hispanic song Arroz con leche, while talking about the topic of rural and urban communities.
The materials include informational text with rich vocabulary and language appropriate to the discipline it represents. For example, in the story Este es mi hogar by Larry Swartz, a content expert in science, the context provides information that is rich in vocabulary and language. This short story includes vocabulary and illustrations about different animals and their habitats.
The materials also include relatable characters and demonstrate a sense of learning throughout the course of the story. For example, in the story Estoy Aqui by Rachelle Marsan, a sister helps her brother overcome obstacles that many children face. This story of love and kindness between siblings depicts a situation where they interact with one another to overcome a challenge.
In Unit 3, Week 2, the text titled El hombrecito de jengibre y el cuento del hombrecito de maíz written by Pleasant DeSpain, is a fable about a lady that bakes gingerbread in her kitchen that later escapes. Once he is in the street, he yells, “íJa, ja, je, je. ¡No me puedes atrapar!” Then the character falls for a trick. This traditional text provides rich characteristics which depict a character who learns a lesson. The Leveled Reader titled, En el museo, written by Larry Swartz, is a multicultural informational text about what the reader may see in a museum. This text reflects age-appropriate content because it contains rich vocabulary associated with its content discipline. Overall, materials include increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and multicultural diverse passages and excerpts.
The materials include a variety of text types and genres across content that meet the requirements of the grade-level SLAR TEKS. Materials include opportunities for students to recognize the characteristics and structures of literary and informational texts. The texts include opportunities for students to recognize characteristics of persuasive texts and texts connected to science and social studies topics in the grade-level TEKS. Materials include opportunities for students to analyze the use of print, graphic features, multimodal, and digital texts.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include multiple opportunities for students to recognize the characteristics and structures of literary and informational texts. The materials provide texts and Leveled Readers instruction cards. The instruction cards guide the teacher to teach text structures, including descriptions, repetition, and chronology. The materials also include titles such as Akoko y Abruburo, El hermanito de Beto, and Enrique mira arriba. These story elements include characters, setting, plot (problem/solution), theme, and sequence. The materials provide informational texts such as California, Animales en la lluvia, and Las rocas a nuestro alrededor, including text elements such as maps, pictures, and labels. The texts include genres such as animal fantasy or fantasy, fiction, and realistic fiction. The teacher has opportunities to model the differences with instructions found in the “Teacher Edition” and “Teacher Guide for Leveled Readers.”
Materials include opportunities for students to recognize the characteristics of persuasive texts. The materials provide a table of contents and glossaries in all “Student Interactive” books for this grade level. The materials provide opportunities for students to recognize the characteristics of persuasive texts. For example, the materials provide a text where the author uses facts and opinions to get the reader to think or act a certain way. Students are provided with an anchor chart to support understanding. The story Generadores de cambio, written by Libby Martinez, is a persuasive text in which students read to understand the difference between fact and opinion. There are many opportunities for students to reflect and respond according to the author’s information.
Materials include informational and persuasive texts that connect to science and social studies topics in the TEKS. Informational texts are connected to science topics that contain scientific context, vocabulary, photographs, and illustrations. Examples of Read-Aloud texts include, but are not limited to, Animales en movimiento, by Ron Fridell. Leveled Readers include El estanque, Las estaciones, and La escuela de chimpancés. In the “Libro interactivo del estudiante: Unidad 2,” the materials provide a scientific story titled Animales en movimientos, by Ron Fridell. The story provides students with the opportunity to learn about the migrations of animals. Some of the materials include pictures and maps to help students better understand the process of migration as well as content-related vocabulary. The materials include informational texts connected to social studies that contain Social Studies contexts, vocabulary, photographs, and illustrations. Leveled Readers include Rosh Hashaná, En el museo, and Hace mucho tiempo. The Leveled Reader titled Hace mucho tiempo, written by Therese McNamara, is an informational social studies text that provides the reader with the required knowledge of the TEKS. The texts include chronological terminology such as before, after, next, first, last, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Additionally, it provides visuals of students walking to school with text below stating, “Hace mucho tiempo caminábamos a la escuela. Ahora, tomamos el autobús.”
The materials include print and simple graphic features of a variety of texts. For example, the Read Aloud, Animales en movimiento, by Ron Fridell, includes labels, maps, and graphics that feature information. The students are guided to highlight words that provide evidence for their answers by using the “Libro Interactivo.” “Los carros siempre están cambiando” by Gary Miller includes photographs that provide opportunities for students to recognize characteristics and structures. In Unidad 1, in the “Libro del estudiante interactivo,” students are guided to use the glossary through the application of examples and illustrations. In Unidad 2, the material provides an anchor chart with illustrations of titles and photographs. The “Libro interactivo del estudiante” includes an informational text titled En la biblioteca, written by Eric Braun. This text provides a reading focus for students to make connections between informational graphic features and the text. For example, the text states, “Lee el texto y mira las fotografías para aprender por qué la biblioteca es un lugar especial.” Throughout the informational text, the materials provide the teacher with stopping points in which the teacher can ask students to highlight words that support the main idea. Students are introduced to different types of written texts and are allowed to discuss the differences between texts.
The materials expose students to multimodal and digital texts that are adequate to TEKS requirements. For example, the materials include Read-aloud texts, poems, traditional tales, and fables. Titles of these texts include Cómo consiguió Anansi sus cuentos and El hombrecito de jengibre. The materials include audio stories online, videos, interactive notetaking, and interactive glossaries, allowing students to manipulate the content. For example, in the book Colección de poesía, by Kristin Sorra, students can listen to audiobooks, take interactive notes, and highlight texts. The materials offer an engaging, interactive game titled La Selva de los sonidos, in which students classify sounds to feed a chameleon. In this multimodal game, students classify beginning sounds through visuals that start with the vowel e. This material offers students the opportunity to read the instructions or press the audio button that reads aloud instructions and offers visuals for students to make connections between those and the sounds. For example, the game states, “Arrastra las imágenes de las palabras que empiezan con el mismo sonido que estante al recuadro con la imagen de estante.” For example, in the Leveled Reader, Mi Mascota, written by Lynn Brochu, students highlight the sentence, “Este es mi perro” in yellow, and the reader provides a textbox in which the student can write notes about their reading. Additionally, students are given the opportunity to explore video and audio recordings associated with the content area. Students have complete online access to the leveled library.
Materials include read-aloud texts and shared reading at an appropriately challenging level of complexity to support students’ grade level. Texts and the series of texts connected to them, including read-aloud texts and shared reading texts, are accompanied by a text complexity analysis provided by the publisher. Read-aloud and shared reading texts are above the complexity level of what students can read independently. Texts are at the appropriate quantitative levels and qualitative features for the grade level.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include texts and the series of texts connected to them, including read-aloud and shared reading texts, accompanied by the publisher’s complexity analysis. The units of study are based around an essential question, a topic, and a presentation of related texts and materials that drive instruction. For example, in Unit 1, the topic is “De viaje,” and the essential question is, “¿Que hace un lugar especial?” with a focus on realistic fiction. In week 2, the trade book is titled Demasiados lugares para esconderse, by Antonio Sacre, a realistic fiction story about a family moving to a new house and all the hiding places the family cat can find. The “Guía para grupos pequeños” provides the teacher with access to text analysis for Leveled Readers books. Each book contains Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) level, Lexile level, and word count. In addition, the publisher has a tool in the tab Leveled Readers to search books with a leveling scale for the readers by Lexile, Guided Reading, DRA, or Reading Maturity Metric (RMM). The teacher can find texts by selecting the desired level.
Texts are at the appropriate quantitative levels and qualitative features for the grade level. The “Tablas de complejidad del texto” analyzes the complexity of shared reading books, explaining the quantitative and qualitative measures for each read-aloud in the materials. Each card contains a colored coded graph and explanation to identify the complexity level in the following areas: Levels of Meaning, Text Structure, Language Conventionality and Clarity, and Knowledge Demands. The book El teléfono de la abuela by Ken Mochizuki is Lexile level 180, with a word count of 92. The text structure is in chronological order, the text is clear, and the dialogue matches the illustrations. In addition, each book card provides teachers with ideas for lesson extension or differentiation instruction in the section “Reader and Task Consideration.”
The “Guia del maestro,” Unit 1, Week 2, includes a decodable read-aloud story titled El niño va. Although the reading level is not provided, a qualitative feature contains the rationale for explaining the educational purpose. The teacher is provided with the following rationale, “Remind students of this week’s high-frequency words: a, va, and niño.” Other qualitative features include visuals and learning activities, such as “Resalta las palabras que tienen la palabra o,” and simple text layouts that help students decode more easily than other complex layouts. The materials provide texts that identify the Lexile level for reading. The leveled books for Unit 1 are from level A to level D. Students receive a Lexile reading measure as a score from a reading test, giving the teacher the student’s reading level. Books include a Lexile measure from the “Lexile Analyzer,” which is the book's reading demand or difficulty.
Read-aloud and shared reading texts are above the complexity level of what students can read independently. The materials increase in Lexile measure as the year progresses and can be found through the book selection in “Tablas de complejidad del texto.” This section identifies quantitative and qualitative measures and complexity levels for each read-aloud in the materials. Each card contains a colored coded graph and explanation to identify the complexity level in Levels of Meaning, Text Structure, Language Conventionality and Clarity, and Knowledge Demands. For example, in Unit 5 Week 4, the text Plan de acción para un tornado, Plan de acción para una ventisca by Jill McDougall has a Lexile level of 390 and a word count of 75; the level of meaning is simple because the author explicitly states the purpose for students to understand. The text structure is medium, as it follows a sequence text structure, and students may need help understanding the procedural genre. The language conventionality and clarity are simple because the nouns in the text provide details. The knowledge demands are medium because some students need additional support understanding the science content.
In the “Guia del maestro,” Unit 1, Week 1, the realistic fiction shared reading of “íMisión Cumplida!” written by Ebony Joy Wilkins is grade-appropriate; however, the materials do not specify the Lexile level, so it is not clear if the material is above the complexity level for students to independently read. As far as the written text’s complexity, the average number of sentences that this text provides per page is two, and the vocabulary present is appropriate and familiar since the keywords are shown beforehand. Later in the same unit and week, the students listen to a story, “Julia y su imaginación,” as a read-aloud. Students actively listen to the story. The teacher explains that this is a story about a girl named Julia. As students listen actively, students ask themselves whether Julia can be a real child and whether the things she does might happen in real life. Students then participate in a read-aloud routine. Students read the entire text aloud without stopping for the “Think Aloud” callouts. Students then reread the text aloud, pausing to model Think Aloud strategies related to the genre.
The materials contain questions and tasks that support students in synthesizing knowledge and ideas to deepen understanding and identify and explain topics and themes. Most of the materials and tasks build conceptual knowledge, are text-dependent, and prompt students to synthesize new information. Most formal and informal assignments and activities focus on texts students are reading or listening to and require close attention to the meaning and inferences as students demonstrate comprehension. The questions and activities provided in the materials grow students’ understanding of topics and literacy skills over most of each unit. The materials provide opportunities for students to evaluate and discuss information from multiple places within a text and allow them to make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Most questions and tasks build conceptual knowledge, are text-dependent, and prompt students to synthesize new information. Most of the materials provide questions and tasks for students to develop and deepen comprehension of texts and topics. The materials include well-crafted questions that lead to new insights and generate discussion among students. For example, in Unit 2, Week 1, during Guided Reading, students use “Leveled Readers” to answer questions to identify informational text features such as, “What is the title? Can you guess what the text will be about? What does the author want you to know?” The materials also provide questions that support students in examining complex elements of texts. For example, in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante,” the story “!Abre la boca!” asks students, “Qué piensas que vas a leer en este texto?” The materials mostly provide students with opportunities to make connections and recall if the predictions they made were correct. In Unit 3, students read the story El hombrecito de jengibre by Pleasant DeSpain and El cuento del hombrecito de maíz by Joseph Bruchac. Students complete a Venn diagram to list the differences and similarities between the two stories.
Most formal and informal assignments and activities focus on texts students are reading and listening to and require close attention to the meaning and inferences as students demonstrate comprehension. Most of the questions and tasks included in the materials elicit an understanding of grade-level skills by asking students to provide examples, classify items, summarize information, and draw inferences. During Shared Reading in the text titled, Describir el pasado by Jennifer Torres, students preview vocabulary and share what they know about the topic with questions such as, “¿Qué significa que algo haya sucedido en el pasado?” and “¿Qué saben sobre lo que hacen los científicos?” Later in the resource, the materials require the students to read carefully and re-read the story. For example, students read the story La rana. Students use the “Libro interactivo” and follow along with the teacher. The materials provide opportunities for the students to practice reading words in the story La rana. The teacher is guided to display the words and has students read with them. Students whisper-read the story as the teacher listens in. Then students re-read the story with a partner as they listen carefully.
The questions and activities provided in the materials grow students’ understanding of topics and literacy skills over each unit’s course. The materials provide questions and tasks that are strategically sequenced to support students’ analysis of knowledge. For instance, the questions found in the Leveled Readers support the mini-lesson instruction. For example, the questions require students to identify features found in Informational texts. Some of the questions included in the text include, “What does the author want you to know? What does the word ___ tell about the main idea of the text?” and “Which information in the text is shown in the photos and illustrations?” The materials also include suggestions that guide the teacher to preview the text, discuss key vocabulary, and chunk the text to discuss the text. For example, in the Shared Reading text, El estado del tiempo en el mundo by Andre Yapo, the teacher is guided to share the following to think-aloud question prompts; ”¿Qué puedo hacer? ¿Por qué las personas en China llevan sombreros cuando trabajan? ¿Que´explica sobre la idea principal?”
Materials provide opportunities for students to evaluate and discuss information from multiple places within a text. The materials require students to share their experiences and ideas about the content and how it relates to their lives. In Unit 4, students are introduced to family traditions and are guided to respond to the following question prompt, “Qué podemos aprender de las tradiciones familiares?” At the end of the unit, students interview an elder to learn more about them and experiences that help with traditions. The questions and tasks presented in the material require readers to produce evidence from texts to support their claim and integrate multiple TEKS. For example, after reading the book titled Monsi puede ayudar by Ruth Chan, students use their “Interactive Student Book” to circle and write their response to the following question prompts, ”¿Qué explica la autora sobre la naturaleza?” and ”¿Por qué las criaturas marinas se ríen de Monsi?”
Materials make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society. In the “Taller De Lectura,” students read the story Cambiar Leyes, cambiar vidas: Martin Luther King, Jr. by Eric Velasquez. The resource guides the teacher to model the definition of a good citizen. The teacher is then guided to ask students to talk about their personal connection to good citizens in their community. The materials provide open-ended questions to challenge students to think about what they have read in both narrative and informational texts and how those messages affect their lives. At the end of the Shared Reading section titled ”Verificar la comprensión,” the materials provide opportunities for students to respond to the book titled Un desierto florido by Justin Scott Parr. The first question requires students to confirm their predictions before reading, determine the author's purpose, and make inferences. The materials guide the teachers to ask students to share their own experiences and ideas about the content and how it relates to their lives.
The materials provide opportunities that contain questions and tasks that require students to evaluate the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts. The materials include opportunities that support students’ analysis of the literary and textual elements of texts by asking students to analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the author's purpose and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. The materials provide opportunities to support students’ analysis of the literary and textual elements of texts by asking students to compare and contrast the stated or implied purposes of different authors’ writing on the same topic.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials contain questions and tasks that require students to evaluate the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts. In Unit 1, students use text evidence to support their ideas. The materials require students to refer back to the text titled “¡Misión cumplida!” The teacher prompts students with true and false statements about the story. Students decide whether the sentences are true or false and identify text or picture evidence that supports their decision. Then, students share their ideas using the following sentence frame: “Piensa que ____ porque el texto dice/las imágenes muestran _________.” Materials contain questions and tasks that require students to evaluate the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts.
The materials provide questions and tasks that support students’ analysis of the literary and textual elements of texts by asking students to analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the author's purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. For example, the text included in the resource connects to cultural, historical, and contemporary context by providing facts and details about real people, things, or events. In Unit 1, Semana 5, Lección 1, “Taller De Lectura,” students review a previously-made anchor chart to check their understanding of the author’s purpose. The teacher asks students questions such as, “What is the purpose? What does it mean to inform someone? What is a fact?” Students continue to add their informational text to the anchor chart. The materials provide opportunities for the teacher to share the definition of an informational text. The materials also provide opportunities for students to define the author’s purpose. Students follow along as the teacher reads the model text in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” The teacher assists students as they discuss the author’s purpose from the model text, “Una visita a la tienda de arte.”
Students have the opportunity to think and identify the author’s purpose in each Shared Reading in their “Interactive Student Book.” In Unit 2, Week 5 in the Shared Reading book Tempura tempura by Lyn Miller-Lachmann, students answer questions such as ”¿Cómo describe la comida la autora?” Also, in the Close Reading section of the Shared Reading book, students practice identifying the author's purpose by answering questions, using annotating tools, and questioning their reading. Additionally, the teacher guides students by stating that the author includes details in a text that support the author’s purpose.
Materials contain questions and tasks that require students to evaluate the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts by asking questions and lessons that support students’ analysis of the literary and textual elements of texts. Materials provide questions and tasks for students to both develop and deepen comprehension of texts and topics. The questions and tasks foster textual analysis through meaningful classroom discussions. In Unit 3 Week 2, during the shared reading of “El hombrecillo de jengibre” by Pleasant De Spain, the teacher introduces the text by previewing the vocabulary with questions such as, “¿Qué hacen cuando atrapa una pelota?” and “¿Alguna vez engulleron algo?” The materials allow the students to demonstrate what they know about the words. The students are guided to share or pantomime what they know about the words. The materials also include questions that can be answered only by referring explicitly back to the text. Students refer back to the text during small group instruction to gather the information that further supports their response. For example, in the book Mi hermanito Beto by Ruby Lee, students answer questions such as “¿La ilustración coincide con las palabras? ¿Cómo se siente Beto ahora? ¿Qué creen que podría decir?”
Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact with and build key academic vocabulary in and across texts. Materials also include a year-long plan for building academic vocabulary, including ways to apply words in appropriate contexts. Materials include scaffolds and supports for teachers to differentiate vocabulary development for all learners.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include a year-long plan for building academic vocabulary, including ways to apply words in appropriate contexts. The routines and structures facilitate vocabulary instruction and provide guidance for teaching word meanings with examples related to the text. The resource also provides examples for the appropriate use of vocabulary in contexts. For example, in Unit 1, Week 5, in the text titled “Una visita a la tienda de arte” by Jerry Craft, the teacher introduces the words while students preview the vocabulary in their “Interactive Student Book.” Later in the lesson, in the “Primer vistazo al vocabulario” section, students find pictures and words related to the book. In the section, “Lectura atenta,” students highlight the words that help them understand the text, “¿Qué palabra nos dicen por qué las personas van a la tienda de arte?” There is limited use of the materials that allow students to learn, practice, apply, and transfer words into familiar and new contexts. For example, later, during Unit 1, Week 5, few of the materials include teacher guidance in selecting possible teaching points related to academic vocabulary where students have the opportunity to practice in their Interactive Student Book. In the text “Del nectar a la miel” by Christine Taylor-Butler, the teacher models antonyms, and students practice, apply, and transfer word knowledge into their Interactive Student Book in the section “Puente entre lectura y escritura.”
Materials offer support and scaffolds for students. The resource includes visuals for the vocabulary found in the Interactive Student Book. For example, in the section “Primer vistazo al vocabulario,” the resource presents the picture and the vocabulary words from the text titled “¿Necesitamos estos?” by Guadalupe V. Lopez. The materials provide teacher guidance to use strategies such as show and tell, tapping into prior knowledge, pre-teaching vocabulary, using visuals, and allowing students to collaborate with others. For example, in the text “Abre la boca” by Ana Galán, the teacher presents words: “águila, tiburón, colibrí, y tortuga” and students share what they know about the animals.
The materials provide opportunities for students to practice, apply, and transfer words into familiar and new contexts. For example, in Unit 1, “Presentar La Unidad,” teachers set up a “Word Wall” at the beginning of the unit or each week. As the teacher moves through reading and writing lessons, students add the words that correspond to their content understanding. Students are encouraged to use new words and recycle learned ones in their daily speaking or writing activities. The teacher explains to students that they use academic words to support their learning. Students turn to a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” to read aloud the words and sentences. In the section titled “Ampliar,” the teacher asks students, “¿Qué lugar es especial para ustedes?” Students respond using the newly acquired academic vocabulary as appropriate.
The materials offer supports and scaffolds for students that include visuals that are paired with the vocabulary. In Unit 1, Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” the teacher displays the “Tarjetas de imágenes” for the vocabulary words that are found in the text. The teacher then points to the picture on a page of the “Libro interactive del estudiante.” Students name the pictures in the first row and underline the pictures that begin with the sound /i/. The teacher displays the “Tarjeta del alfabeto” while pointing to the picture and guides students to complete an activity.
The materials have opportunities to use different forms of tasks and assessments to determine whether students have successfully acquired the vocabulary. In Unit 1, Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” students turn to a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” to practice developing vocabulary. Students are given the vocabulary words and are asked to draw a picture of the word. If students cannot identify and use new vocabulary words, the teacher provides instruction for vocabulary in small groups on a series of pages. Once the students show understanding, the teacher extends instruction of vocabulary in small groups on a series of pages. Students then complete a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” to check for understanding.
The materials include a plan to support and hold students accountable as they engage in self-sustained reading. Generally, the procedures and protocols, along with adequate support for teachers, are provided to foster independent reading. The materials provide a plan for students to self-select texts and read independently for a sustained period of time, including planning and accountability for achieving independent reading goals.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include procedures and protocols, along with support for teachers to foster independent reading. The procedures mentioned in the “Teacher Edition” include partner reading, independent reading, Book Club, Literacy Activities, and Word Work. Specifically, in the Teacher Edition, under the “Evaluación y diferenciación” tab, the materials provide independent and collaborative options. For example, students have the option to read a self-selected trade book, listen to a previously-read leveled reader text, or begin reading their Book Club text. The materials support independent reading and collaboration among students with the Book Club section at the end of each unit. The goal of the Book Club is to develop student’s fundamental skills at their reading level. The teacher serves as an observer and occasional facilitator. The resource supports conversations to scaffold understanding. For instance, the Book Club guides students to discover their enjoyment of reading and develop their ability to share ideas and listen to those of others. Students have a selection of books to choose from, and the teacher can assign a text.
The materials provide teachers guidance for planning for students to self-select texts with teacher guidance and read independently for a sustained period of time. This action includes planning and accountability for achieving independent reading goals in the “Mi registro de lectura” section found in the “Interactive Student Book.” In Unit 2, students self-select texts to demonstrate how to hold and handle the book, where to start reading, and how to put the book away upon completion of reading. Students are also directed to record the amount of time they spend independently interacting with the text. The resource includes guidance to foster independent reading by including a “Reading Log.” In the Teacher Edition, under the tab “Presentar la unidad,” the materials guide the teacher to state the unit’s goal and purpose. In the Interactive Student Book, students are prompted with the following questions, “¿Estoy leyendo para disfrutar de un cuento? ¿Estoy leyendo para aprender acerca de un tema? ¿Estoy leyendo para responder a una pregunta?”
The materials offer suggestions for students to share their reading. During Book Club, students share their observations, connections, and wonders. The materials also include support for Social Emotional Learning. For example, in Unit 3, students practice their questioning with partners by using sentence stems such as, ”Me gusta tu idea sobre ___” and “¿Puedes explicar por qué dices eso?” The section “Práctica oral y auditiva” has an additional option for sharing their reading, where students are provided guidance on how to have collaborative conversations in small groups. The materials offer stories of varied genres that meet the TEKS for that specific grade level and include stories for the genre that captures the attention of students. For example, students access “Libros de fonética” and Shared Reading. The materials also have access to a variety of genres such as Expository Nonfiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Traditional Tales, and Realistic Fiction.
The materials incorporate supports for independent reading during class time. In Unit 1, Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” students are given the opportunity to read independently. Students read with a partner, read a self-selected text, or reread or listen to their leveled reader. In Unit 4, during Shared Reading, the teacher previews the words found in the text with students. The teacher reads the text while students work to understand the central idea. Students utilize the pictures to deepen their understanding. Students discuss their ideas with a partner and are prompted to read independently, in pairs, or as a class. Leveled books are provided at the beginning of each unit and are available in a range of levels. The genres found in the Leveled Readers include a variety of fiction and nonfiction genres. The students have access to audio, highlighting tools, and other supports as they read. The teachers have access to detailed information on the complete “miVision Leveled Reader Library.” Students are given the opportunity to share their reading. In the “Taller De Lectura,” students read a self-selected trade book independently and listen to a leveled reader or “Realize Reader.” Students begin reading their Book Club text and are guided to write or draw about their reading in their interactive notebook. Students share information about a book they are reading by sharing something interesting about the book’s people, places, and events.
The materials provide support for students to compose across text types for a variety of purposes and audiences. The materials also provide opportunities to write literary texts for multiple purposes and audiences. The materials also provide opportunities for students to dictate or write personal narratives that convey their thoughts and feelings about an experience. Moreover, the materials provide students opportunities to write informational texts.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials provide guidance for teaching the elements of the writing process throughout the school year, as well as guidance for scaffolding the process. The materials lay out an instructional model in the Writing Workshop with three parts: Mini-lesson, Independent Writing, and Conferring. The materials also provide instructional resources such as “Mentor Texts,” texts from the “Interactive Student Book,” “Staple Books,” and “Portafolios.” At the end of each unit, students select one piece of their writing to share during the “Celebration. The units also include a Flexible Route to writing over the course of five weeks. The routine includes Week 1: Introduction and immersion, Week 2: Develop elements, Week 3: Develop the structure, Week 4: Author’s craft, and Week 5: Publish, celebrate and evaluate.
The materials provide guidance for teachers in developing student composition skills. For example, in the Tab titled “Writing Workshop,” the materials provide teachers with a Daily Plan for the week. In this plan, teachers have access to the following components: Minilesson Bank, Independent Writing, Conference Bank, and Share Back Focus. The Minilesson Bank offers lessons including Compose a Title, Explore Main Idea, and Apply Main Idea. The Independent Writing and Conference Bank offers lessons that cover writing independently and conferencing. The Share Back Focus offers lessons on Title Ideas, Decking on a main idea, Main idea, and Details about the main idea. Teachers can use these materials to guide students as they support student composition skills in their classrooms.
The materials offer students opportunities to write literary texts for multiple purposes and audiences. For example, students dictate or write personal narratives that convey their thoughts and feelings about an experience. The weekly progression guides the teacher to model and support students in exploring elements of personal narratives, generating ideas, planning their personal narrative, developing their drafts orally or by drawing, and composing a setting for their writing. To further support student opportunities to write, the teacher asks students, “¿Cuáles son algunos de los detalles que podemos incluir?” The materials include opportunities for students to organize the events in their personal narratives into a proper sequence, conclude with a resolution, learn about subjective and possessive pronouns, identify the parts of a sentence, edit, and celebrate their writing.
In Unidad 4, students are introduced to personal narratives, where they learn about the use of first-person narration. For example, teachers are provided with a “Mentor Stack.” A Mentor Stack is a list of books associated with the unit. These books are written in the first person and have a clear and logical series of events. Based on what the teacher knows about their students’ writing, a daily plan is provided. Later in the resource, during whole group instruction, the teacher and students brainstorm ideas for their writing. On an anchor chart, the teacher is guided to draw a big circle and write “Lo que se” in the middle. During guided practice, the teacher guides students to select a topic they have a clear understanding of and guides them to draw a picture of their topic. Students then draw and discuss a mind map as a class to practice planning and generating ideas through class discussions and drawings. When students are ready to begin independently writing their personal narratives, they use their brainstorming and planning material to help them draft. Moreover, students are asked to present their ideas according to their pictures with a partner.
The materials offer different prompts for informational writing. The teacher is provided with an informational text and prompts students to look at the front cover, back cover, title page. Students are then prompted to review the pictures and think about the main idea of the book. After reading the book, the teacher asks the students the following questions, “De que se trata este libro?” and “Qué detalles recuerdan del libro?” Students then select a book of their choice and are directed to look through the pictures and front and back covers to practice identifying the main idea. Then, students practice drawing their own main idea and details into the graphic organizer in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.”
Additional supports for students include opportunities to write informational texts for multiple purposes and include activities that allow exploration. For example, students explore the specific characteristics of informational text questions and use the text to provide their answers over the course of the year. Over the course of a five-week period, students generate ideas for creating their question-and-answer books. The materials also include opportunities for students to use graphic organizers to plan their writing, identify details for a topic, and learn how to compose questions and answers. The teacher prompts the students by stating, “We will use a graphic organizer to generate ideas.” The materials also include opportunities for students to organize their ideas, write an introduction and conclusion, and add details with pictures or drawings.
Later in the resource, the materials include additional teacher supports to assist students through the process of writing informational texts. During the whole group lesson, the teacher introduces the genre of Informational Text in the Reading Workshop with an anchor chart by connecting to the Writing Workshop with an Informational Text. After connecting Writing Workshop with an informational text, the teacher asks the following, “¿Cuáles son algunos de los detalles que incluyó el autor sobre la idea principal?” Moreover, the Interactive Student Book in the Writing Workshop section makes the connection to Informational Text by modeling parts of a prompt. Students use a graphic organizer to plan their question-and-answer book. This question-and-answer book includes four circles: one central circle to name the topic and three exterior circles to add details.
The materials engage students in the writing process to develop text in oral, pictorial, or written form. Materials facilitate students’ coherent use of the elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and sharing or publishing) to compose text. The students utilize drawing and brainstorming to generate drafts. The materials offer opportunities to plan and organize their drafts by speaking, drawing, or writing. In this grade level, students edit drafts with adult assistance.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include varied prompts that garner the interest of students. During Unit 1, Week 4, “Taller De Escritura,” the students use what they learned about the Writing Club rules. The materials provide opportunities for students to take turns, ask questions, and respond to suggestions during shared writing. During interactive writing, students share what they wrote or drew in their journals. During the conference and small group instruction portion of the materials, the teachers are provided with prompts to help students begin discussion during the Writing Club. During interactive writing, the teacher asks the following prompts, “¿Qué piensas sobre ____ ?, ¿Cómo puedo mejorar _____ ?, Gracias por la idea. Creo que lo haré_____."
In Unit 1, Week 5, “Taller De Escritura,” the materials provide for open-ended questions that grow in complexity according to grade level during the whole group instruction. An example of a question prompt is, “What details did the author include?” During this unit, students are introduced to parts of a book and how to think like an author. Students are also guided on how to accept feedback from peers and how to ask questions about others’ writing. Students learn how to participate in the Writing Club during the interactive writing portion of the lesson. During interactive writing, the teacher reviews the parts of a book. The teacher then reads the book and explains the following, “El autor escribió palabras e imágenes en cada página.” Students are then informed that they are going to take a writing assessment using the skills that they have learned in this unit. During independent writing, students are prompted to respond to the following prompt, "Piensa en una idea para un libro y escribe un libro al respecto."
The materials facilitate students’ coherent use of the elements of the writing process. During whole group instruction, the elements of the writing process are introduced in a systematic way over the course of the year. For example, In Unit 3, students are introduced to the writing process by participating in oral composition, where they learn to be authors and writers. Students also explore elements, main ideas, and details through elements of fiction. The teacher asks the following question “¿Qué sabes de tu idea principal? ¿Si los estudiantes muestran comprensión, entonces pregunte cuál es un hecho en su libro.” Later in the unit, the materials provide activities for explicit instruction throughout the writing process. For example, during whole group instruction, the teacher reads a mentor text and students use an example in their Interactive Student Book. Then, the teacher reads a mentor text that helps students generate ideas through brainstorming and class discussions. The resource further supports this skill by providing opportunities for students to draw their ideas in their Interactive Student Books during independent writing. The materials provide products and activities for explicit instruction in the writing process. Also, in Unit 3, during whole group instruction, the teacher reads a mentor text, and students look to an example in their Interactive Student Book. Then the teacher reads a mentor text and helps to generate ideas through brainstorming and class discussions and drawings. Students are provided with opportunities to draw their ideas in their Interactive Student Books during independent writing.
The materials support teachers in providing student support to grow their composition skills. In Unit 4, Week 2, the resource provides prompts, guidance, and teacher supports that develop composition skills. An additional component of the Writing Workshop is conferring in small groups. The materials include guidance for conferencing and prompts for teachers to use each week of learning. For example, the resource includes ideas to help students write about their setting, generate ideas, or plan a personal narrative. If students need additional support in composing their setting, the teacher guides students through a stack text to identify a setting that is conducive to their writing prompt. Additional question prompts include, “¿Qué detalles incluyó el autor?” If students show understanding, the teacher guides students to add more details, such as descriptive words, to their setting during small groups and independent writing.
Over the course of the year, the materials provide students with opportunities to apply grade-level standard Spanish conventions to their writing. The materials provide opportunities for the practice and application of academic language conventions when speaking and writing, including punctuation and grammar. Additionally, grammar, punctuation, and usage are taught systematically, both in and out of context.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials provide opportunities for practice and application of the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing. Further opportunities for practice and application include punctuation and grammar. The materials include a “Writers Workshop” that has a week dedicated to the study of the author's craft, where students have the opportunity to learn and practice explicit Spanish grammar during whole group instruction. Students apply their knowledge through the use of “Interactive Students Books” during independent writing. For example, the students learn to apply rules for capitalization and edit their work for adjectives and nouns. The students practice in their Interactive Student Book by editing sentences, applying correct grammar. The Interactive Student Book provides varying prompts to support composition skills prompts like, “Encierra en un círculo y escribe: aprendemos sobre los animales.” The materials provide teacher guidance to support students in the development of composition skills. The materials include direct instruction for whole group lessons with dialogue, prompts, and mentor texts. Students work on their writing assignments using academic language conventions (e.g., graphic organizers, writing templates, sentence starters, rules for punctuation cheat sheets, etc.) during whole group and small group instruction.
During the whole group writing portion of the “Taller de Escritura,” the materials guide the teacher to support students in the development of composition skills. The teacher guides students to ask clarifying questions in order to get more information and better understanding. The teacher holds up a book and explains, “todos ustedes fingirán ser el autor y harán preguntas.” The teacher creates a T-chart, titled “pregunta y respuesta.” After the read-aloud, the materials provide the teacher with the following question prompt, “Quien tiene una pregunta para mi acerca de mi libro?” During the interactive portion of the writing, the teacher records the question on the left side of the T-chart, then answers the questions aloud. The teacher then records the answer on the right side. The teacher continues this strategy until several questions have been asked and answered. Students continue writing and drawing in their books during small group instruction.
The materials provide multiple and varied opportunities for students to receive explicit instruction in Spanish conventions. The section “Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura” provides flexible lessons that include a focus, model and practice, and applications. For example, during the whole group portion of the lesson, students learn about objective personal pronouns and are provided with multiple opportunities to learn, practice, and apply. In their Interactive Student Book, students participate by talking with a partner about pronouns. The materials provide the following prompt “¿Qué sustantivo reemplaza? (la, me, lo) Ben ayudó a mamá.” The materials provide opportunities for practice and application of academic language conventions when speaking and writing, including punctuation and grammar.
In the “Talleres De Lectura Y Escritura,” the materials include units dedicated to teaching grammar through whole group instruction. The teacher explains the following, “los sustantivos pueden nombrar personas y animales.” During the whole group lesson, the teacher writes the categories People and Animals on the board. The materials guide the teacher to display a picture of an animal and ask what it is. The teacher explains the following, “La palabra animal es un sustantivo y el nombre del animal en la imagen también es un sustantivo.” The teacher writes the following sentence on the board, “El gato es gordo.” After the teacher and the students read the sentence together, they point to each word and identify nouns. Students continue looking for nouns in the room. Then the teacher has students turn to a page in the “Libro Interactivo del estudiante” to edit a singular noun to complete the activity during independent writing.
Although the materials provide multiple and varied opportunities for students to practice Spanish conventions, they do not provide ideas for classroom activities, such as handing students Spanish verb cards to correct the verb form based upon the time frame in the time marker.
The materials include practice for students to write legibly in print. The materials include instruction in print handwriting for students in this grade level, according to the TEKS. The materials also include a plan for procedures and supports for teachers to assess students’ handwriting development.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials offer some varied activities to support instruction in print. The materials provide guidance that supports proper sitting position and pencil grip for students who are right- and left-handed. Additional activities support slanted lines, straight lines, and backward and forward circles to write letters. Also, the materials include lessons in the section “Caligrafía” in the tab “Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura” such as, but not limited to, proper paper position, upper and lowercase letters, and the opportunity to write words.
The materials offer some varied activities to support instruction in print handwriting and offer diverse opportunities for students to practice their writing. In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 1, “Puente Entre Los Talleres De Lectura Y Escritura,” the teacher shows students the alphabet. The teacher points out that the letters in the alphabet include different types of lines. The materials provide the following question prompt, “Unas letras tienen líneas rectas, otras líneas curvas. Antes de que puedan escribir letras, !deben poder escribir líneas rectas y curvas! Hoy empezaremos practicando con líneas rectas.” The materials also guide the teacher to model a vertical line on the board while pointing out the direction of the line. The students practice drawing vertical lines in the air, starting at the top and moving their fingers straight down. The materials include a plan for procedures and supports for teachers to support students’ handwriting development by including activities where students interact with trays of sand or paper and pencil, asking them to practice drawing vertical lines.
The materials are limited in covering procedures and supports for teachers to assess students’ handwriting development. For example, the materials offer opportunities to practice print directionality. In the “Guia de Maestros” under “Caligrafía, Práctica de Caligrafía,” the worksheets guide students in practicing letter formation using dotted lines that can be traced and guided by arrows that indicate the correct directionality of the letters. Students then extend the activity by completing an independent practice. The independent practice guides students to write featured letters in the blank line provided. This resource is found in the “Practica de Caligrafia” section for each letter of the Spanish alphabet. The materials also offer “Practica de Caligrafia” worksheets that allow the practice of print directionality and capital letters with a variety of words found in each theme. Students also have the opportunity to trace these words and follow the guiding arrows for proper letter formation. They may also extend the activity in independent practice by writing words in the blank line provided. The materials include activities for the teacher to focus on a specific letter, naming its features such as curves and lines, and then prompting the teacher on how to model and explain the proper letter formation for each individual letter. This activity guides the teacher and focuses on forming a specific letter, as found in the Guia de Maestros under “Caligrafía.”
The materials support students’ listening and speaking about texts. The materials provide opportunities for students to listen actively and to ask questions to understand information. The materials provide consistent opportunities for students to engage in discussions that require students to share information and ideas about their topics.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials provide activity ideas for students to practice active listening. For example, in Unit 2, Week 3, “Comprensión auditiva,” the student goal is to actively listen and ask relevant questions to clarify information. The teacher reads “La aventura de campamento de Pedro y Maria” and completes the Read-Aloud Routine (purpose, read, and reread). The students listen and use a chart to help students identify the features in the story. These features include characters, setting, and plot.
In Unit 3, Week 1, “Género Y Tema,” the teacher reads “Yo tengo una casita” and asks students how the author feels about the main character’s house. Students act out gestures shown in the pictures that represent the action in the poem, then describe how they would feel about moving to a house like the one in the poem. The teacher further encourages students to ask questions about the poem and clarify any misconceptions. Students interact with sources by using the pictures and the text found. Students are prompted to discuss moving to a house like the one in the poem. The teacher guides a class discussion about how they would react if they were in a similar situation. The teacher prompts the students with the following questions, ”¿Dónde guardan su ropa? ¿Cómo lo hacen? ¿Dónde guardan los juguetes?”
In “Lectura atenta 2,” the material’s weekly focus for students is around the opportunity to practice the skill of the week. For example, in Unit 4 Week 1, students identify important details, evaluate and determine which details are most important. The teacher is prompted to ask students, “Did the detail help me understand the text? Was this detail interesting but not helpful?” and, “Are the illustrations to support the detail?” The teacher models and guides students to apply what they have learned. This activity is completed in the “Interactive Student Book,” prompting students to recognize important details and read the text. The materials provide additional opportunities for students to close read and highlight the most important details on the page.
The materials provide consistent opportunities to respond to information and topics of texts in the section “Reflexionar y comentar.” For example, the Unit 5 Week 1, Focus on Strategies section provides opportunities for students to talk about or respond to a text they read. Students respond to the following prompt, “Tell your opinion about the text.” The teacher guides students to monitor their comprehension by explaining what the text is about. The teacher then guides students to think about information or ideas to share with others, how to speak loudly, and how to take turns. The teacher models how to share the ideas and information about a topic by using Turn and Talk with the questions on the Interactive Student Book.
The materials provide opportunities for students to actively listen and ask questions to understand the information in a text. In the section “Género Y Tema,” the students listen to a story. The teacher tells students that, like all stories, this story has characters and a setting. The story includes a lesson, and the students listen as the teacher reads aloud. The teacher reminds students to be active listeners by thinking about the meaning of the story as the teacher reads aloud. The resource follows the Read-Aloud Routine, which includes students actively listening for the characters, setting, main idea, and theme. The teacher reads aloud the text without stopping for Think Aloud callouts. The teacher rereads the text aloud, pausing to model Think Aloud strategies related to the genre. The materials provide opportunities for students to listen actively and to ask questions to understand the information in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.”
In the “Presentación De La Semana,” students are reminded of the Unit Essential Question: “¿Qué hace que un lugar sea especial?” They also are reminded of the Weekly Question: “¿Qué es lo emocionante de mudarse a otro lugar?” The students follow along as the teacher models the poem on a page in the “Libro interactive del estudiante.”
The materials provide activities for students to actively engage in listening. For example, under the “Actividades de Ampliación,” the students organize their learning by using elements from the text being read, such as title, author, “palabras claves,” and their connections to the text. The materials provide a graphic organizer that can be used for both fiction and nonfiction texts. The materials also offer opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of what is being taught. In the section “Comentemos,” the students are prompted to demonstrate the lesson presented. The materials also provide opportunities for checking for understanding techniques. Some of the techniques include close reading, think alouds, and partner reading. The teacher guidance is provided in the “Guia del maestro,” and supports vary by unit and theme. The materials include opportunities for guiding questions that relate to the text being read called “Pregunta de la semana” and also “Pregunta Esencial,” which gives a purpose (focus) for listening to the story being read. The materials also include opportunities for students to read and share in a group setting about different texts weekly by the use of “Club del libro.”
Although the materials provide opportunities to ask questions and understand information from the text, the materials do not give activity ideas for teachers to practice active listening. For example, they could have the students pull out a blank sheet of paper and give them directions on what to draw or write.
The materials engage students in collaborative discussions. The materials provide consistent opportunities for students to engage in discussion. The materials provide opportunities for students to practice grade-appropriate speaking skills using the standard conventions of the Spanish language. The materials also allow students to develop social communication skills appropriate to their grade level.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials provide opportunities for students to speak clearly and concisely using the conventions of language. For example, after a Shared Reading in Unit 4, Week 1, the teacher poses questions for students to respond and analyze the reading. The materials provide the following question prompts, “Los carros siempre están cambiando” and ”In the text, did you like the old cars or the new cars more? Which car did you like the most?” Students work with partners to discuss their responses and ideas. The materials offer activity suggestions for talking opportunities. For example, in “Recursos para descargar: Práctica oral y auditiva,” the materials provide opportunities for collaborative conversations. For example, the cards include drawings and instructions such as: “1 habla, 2 dibuja, 3 comparte y escucha, 4 pregunta,” The students are guided to use cards that include drawings and instructions such as “habla, dibuja, comparte y escucha, pregunta.”
The materials provide opportunities for students to develop social communication skills appropriate to their grade level. The materials provide teacher support and guidance for the implementation of collaborative discussions. For example, in Unit 2, Week 5, the “Teacher Edition” includes a tab “Reflexionar y comentar,” where teachers have a mini-lesson and a model and practice section. The mini-lesson has the students respond to a text and make connections. Students draw about the connections in their own life. The teacher models how to make connections with a text and past experiences. The resource provides opportunities for students to practice making connections with their life. The materials provide opportunities for social communication skill development appropriate to the student’s grade level. For example, the Student Book Unit 1, Week 5, “Vocabulario academico,” has opportunities for students to practice talking with a partner using sentences and questions. For example, students look at academic vocabulary in a box and make a drawing, then they talk to a partner about their drawing, what they drew and why they drew it. Later in the resource, students look at academic vocabulary and make an illustration, then they discuss their illustration with a partner.
The materials include protocols for students to practice speaking and listening. In “Género Y Tema,” the teacher reminds students of the Essential Questions for Unit 1: “¿Qué es un vecindario?” and “¿Cómo pueden ayudarse los vecinos?” Students follow along in “Libro interactivo del estudiante” as the teacher reads aloud “De vecino a vecino.” The teacher organizes students into small groups and prompts them to use the pictures to describe how neighbors help each other. During group discussion, the teacher encourages students to ask questions to clarify any confusion about the infographic topic. The teacher displays the following statements as ideas that groups might discuss: “There are ways of helping that help one person or family, and there are ways of helping that help a whole neighborhood.” The teacher asks, “¿Qué notan cuando observan distintas maneras de ayudar?” The teacher guides groups to reach a consensus and selects a representative to share the group's answer with the class. The teacher asks students to turn to a partner and discuss what they can do to help in their neighborhoods, using the sources on a page in the “Libro interactive del estudiante” as a guide. The teacher tells the student to speak clearly and to take turns speaking.
In Unit 1, Week 1, “Taller De Lectura,” the teacher has students look back to “iMisión cumplida!” and prompts students to use sentences that contain true and false information about the story. The following prompts are included in the resource, “Rena está contenta pero Cristóbal está triste” and “Los niños se divierten en el subibaja.” The teacher has students decide whether the sentences are true or false and asks them to identify text or picture evidence that supports their decision. The teacher elicits responses from the students by prompting them to use the following sentence frame, “Pienso que ____ porque el texto dice/las imágenes muestran ____.“ Students then reread the story ”El ala y el elefante” to provide instructional support for foundational skills and comprehension.
The materials include protocols for students to practice speaking and listening. In Unit 1, Week 6, “Proyecto De Indagación,” the teacher sets up a camera or recording device and prompts students to create a video to share their projects. The teacher guides students to use props or drawings to make their presentation fun and exciting. The teacher reminds students to look at the camera and to speak clearly and loudly. Students practice their presentations in pairs before recording and have all material ready. The students who share their projects with the class explain different ways for them to share their projects by showing their writing and drawings or talking about their projects. The teacher reminds students to choose an appropriate mode of delivery, such as speaking orally, loudly, and clearly.
The material includes gradual release models that promote student independence while writing; this model provides clear instructions for teachers to follow in order to release students for writing. Students have the opportunity to use “turn, talk, and share.” The materials include a colored thumb up or thumb down system, allowing students to engage in collaborative activities. The material includes sentence starters that allow students to collaborate and fill in the blanks for vocabulary about specific subjects, as found in “Evaluación y Diferenciación — desarrollo del lenguaje en espanol” Later in the materials, there are opportunities for students to act out while practicing in poetry writing and reading. The materials include opportunities for students to collaborate in pairs for summarizing and retelling texts that the teacher has previously taught.
The materials engage students in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for different purposes. The materials support instruction for students to ask and generate general questions for inquiry and support instruction to generate and follow a research plan with adult assistance. The materials support students in the identification of relevant sources based on their questions with adult assistance. The materials also support student practice in understanding, organizing, and communicating ideas and information in accordance with the purpose of the research.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials support instruction for students to generate and follow a research plan across the instructional year. In Week 6 of each unit, the materials conclude with a research project, where students have the opportunity to apply their Unit Topic and Essential Question comprehension. This project combines inquiry skills to create an authentic product based on real-life situations that supports Social Emotional learning. In Unit 2, Week 6, “Proyecto De Indagación,” the materials provide opportunities for students to generate questions on a topic. Students work in pairs to choose a pet and research what it needs. Students write an informational text about their pets. The teacher reminds students of what they have learned in Unit 1 about developing and following a research plan. The teacher directs their attention to the first item in the Pet Research Plan on a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante,” in the text titled, “Elige una mascota.” The teacher says: “Si pudiera tener una mascota, ¿que tendría? Aunque sería lindo tener un tigre o un chimpancé, estos animales son demasiado salvajes y no serían buenas mascotas. Tengo que escoger una mascota que pueda vivir en mi casa y a la que pueda cuidar.” Students generate their questions with teacher guidance, “¿Qué mascotas ven en los imagenes? ¿Alguno de ustedes tiene una de estas mascotas en casa? ¿Creen que todas las mascotas tienen diferentes necesidades?” In pairs, students decide on a pet and write it on a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” The teacher reads the remaining steps in the Pet Research Plan and helps students make the connection. The teacher states that an important part of doing research is generating questions and explains that their personal experience with pets is valuable and is considered part of their research.
During shared reading in Unit 5, Week 6, in the “Hacer una investigación” section, students find suggestions for research support such as “buscar en línea” where they are instructed, “pueden buscar información sobre su estado del tiempo favorito en línea. Escriban las palabras que hablen del tiempo en el recuadro de búsqueda. Luego, hagan clic en la lupa para buscar.” Students ask questions with a partner about their favorite time of year. Students independently research information through the web in the “afinar la investigación” section for the “proyecto de indagación.” For example, in Unit 5, Week 6, the teacher asks students to “Tomar notas” by telling them “pueden obtener información del título, los elementos gráficos y el texto de un sitio web.” Students conduct an investigation using their online research by filling out the graphic organizer as provided. In this example, students draw and write about “hechos y datos de la lluvia.” The materials also include explicit instruction in research skills that have direct alignment to the instructional unit; for example, in Unit 3, Week 6, “Cuentame un cuento,” students have “hacer una investigación de un cuento” and “escribirán o harán un dibujo de porque debemos de leer este cuento.” This project directly correlates to the theme and finishes the subject. The materials engage students in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for different purposes.
The materials contain interconnected tasks that build student knowledge. The questions and tasks are designed to build and apply knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and language. The tasks also integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking; include components of vocabulary, comprehension, and syntax; and provide opportunities for increased independence.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include questions and tasks designed to build and apply knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and language. The materials include opportunities to build and apply knowledge in the six domains as per the Reading Workshop tab “Género y tema, Interacción con las fuentes.” For example, through whole group instruction, the teacher reminds students of the Essential Question for Unit 1: “¿Qué hace que un lugar sea especial?” as well as the Week 4 question: “¿Qué es divertido acerca de explorar lugares nuevos?” The teacher directs the students to use their “Interactive Student Book” and prompts them to think about the relation between the two questions,"Cuando exploras un lugar nuevo, puedes descubrir cosas que lo hacen especial." Students look, point, and talk about what they can discover in the woods. Again, during the whole group lesson, the teacher reads the text with students and asks them to color the page and discuss what they see in the woods.
Tasks integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking and include vocabulary, comprehension, and syntax components. For example, read-aloud lessons include opportunities for students to discuss key vocabulary in the story’s context and build comprehension. For instance, in Unit 5, Week 2, in the book Un desierto florido by Justin Scott Parr, the Close Reading component prompts the teacher to explain, “La estructura del texto es cómo un autor organiza un texto." During a whole group lesson, the teacher directs the students to their Interactive Student Book and states the following, “¿Pueden identificar si el autor va a conectar los pasos de una secuencia? Revisen el texto, contiene imágenes que los ayudan a inferir si el autor va a explicar una secuencia.” Students highlight the words that tell when the steps happen in their Interactive Student Book during independent work. The teacher scaffolds the academic vocabulary while the text is being read. The teacher models the use of the vocabulary words with sentences such as, “¿Qué tiempo extremo tienen los desiertos? ¿Cómo se puede medir el crecimiento de las plantas?”
In small groups, in Unit 3, students collaboratively work with others to develop social and emotional skills while working to resolve problems or generate new products and solutions in the Book Clubs. The students begin in small groups, then move to independent reading as they work with the Book Club. The Book Club has the opportunity to share their ideas effectively and to listen to those of others. The materials also provide the teacher with sentence starters to help students to talk respectfully with each other during whole group, small group, and partner work. The sentence frames are as follows, “¿Quisiste decir ___? ¿Estuvo clara mi idea? Tu idea sobre ____ me hizo pensar en ____.”
Every unit includes a culminating project in the section “Proyecto de indagación,” which gives the opportunity for the student to read stories, write about what they read, speak to a partner about their writing, listen to their peers about their findings, think and correct their errors, and apply their vocabulary as learned overall from their unit. In Unit 4, Week 6, “Proyecto De Indagación” section, the students work on a project in which they interview an older family member about his or her life as a child. Through the completion of this project, students work collaboratively with others through discussion to develop and follow a research plan. Students are encouraged to follow the rules during discussions and take turns during partner work and small group settings. The teacher helps guide students during the whole group instruction by asking the following, “¿Qué cosas hacen los niños en la actualidad de manera diferente que en el pasado? ¿Qué tenemos ahora que las personas no tenían en el pasado? ¿En qué se parecen los niños de la actualidad a los del pasado?” In pairs, students look at the picture on a page to discuss their answers. Students continue collaborating on developing their research plan as they work to answer “¿Cómo vivían los niños en el pasado?” If students struggle to talk about and create research plans, the teacher provides the following sentence stems, “Cuando entreviste, voy a ___. Tendré que ____ para recordar las respuestas de mi entrevistado.” Students write or draw what they already know about the family member they plan to interview. Students share their ideas in small groups or pairs and use academic vocabulary as they tell about their writing or drawing.
The material provides opportunities for students to build and apply their knowledge in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and vocabulary. In the section of “introducción de taller de escritura,” the materials explicitly explain the outline of becoming a great writer. The outline includes learning by reading, writing, speaking, and commenting. The teacher guides the students on how to follow the process of connecting the aforementioned process. During Unit 4, Week 4, shared writing “Taller De Lectura” section, the teacher reviews the anchor chart to check students’ understanding of the elements of nonfiction. Students use the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” as the teacher reminds them that today the lesson is about narrative nonfiction. During independent writing, students listen to a biography on Ben Franklin. The teacher says, “Este texto de no ficción narrativa es una biografía porque habla de la vida de una persona. Ben Franklin fue una persona real. Los lugares son reales y los sucesos realmente ocurrieron. Puedo usar una línea cronológica para mostrar los sucesos importantes de la vida de Ben.” In small groups or pairs, students turn and talk about the events on the timeline. The partners share their ideas with the class then look at and read biographies or other narrative nonfiction texts during independent reading.
The materials provide read-aloud lessons that allow students to focus on key vocabulary, read, write, think, speak, and listen. Later in the resource, under the in Unit 1, Week 2, “Taller de lectura” section, students read about the genre of fairy tales. After the story of “El hombrecito de jengibre” is read, the teacher is guided to read a different version, “El hombrecito de Maíz.” Students use sentence stems (allowing proper syntax) to answer questions about the texts that were read. The teacher reads the questions provided and prompts students to write in the allotted space. The teacher uses this opportunity to emphasize using evidence from the text during whole group instruction during their response. Students then compare and contrast the two stories read and use the Venn diagram provided. Students move on to making inferences on the stories and then have a chance to reflect and comment in the whole group setting about their readings. The teacher uses guiding questions provided such as “Porque huye el hombrecito de jengibre y el hombrecito de maíz?” This section gives the teacher an opportunity to scaffold using various literary components in order to provide students with comprehension of the content. The materials contain interconnected tasks that build student knowledge while building and applying knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and language.
The materials provide spiraling and scaffolded practice. The materials support distributed practice over the course of the year. The materials’ design includes scaffolds for students to demonstrate the integration of literacy skills that spiral over the school year.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The material design includes scaffolds for students to demonstrate the integration of literacy skills that spiral over the school year. During whole group phonics instruction, the resource provides lessons that specifically address Phonological Awareness and Phonics. For example, the materials provide shared reading activities that include questions and a decodable story. These components increase in complexity during the year. In Unit 2, Week 3, the Phonological Awareness section presents the consonant Vv. During the Shared Reading section, the decodable story is “La alfombra de Vale.” During Shared Reading, the teacher uses the text ¿Necesitamos esto? by Guadalupe V. Lopez and a Foundational Skill Extension lesson for the consonant V. In Unit 5, Week 2, the Phonological Awareness lesson prompts students to identify and count syllables. The Phonics lesson reviews words with Ll and Yy. The decodable story for this lesson is Yayo, Rayo y el coyote. During the Shared Reading of El desierto florido by Justin Scott Parr, the resource provides a Foundational Skill Extension where students identify the digraph Ll. The materials provide integration of skills that spiral during the school year, as seen in these two examples, which increase in complexity.
The materials include questions and tasks within and across each unit build in academic rigor to meet the full intent of the standards. The materials present a question in each unit that guides the whole group and small group instruction throughout that unit, in addition to a related question each week to deepen the understanding of topics. For example, the question in Unit 4 is, “¿Qué podemos aprender del pasado? and the question in Week 3 is, “¿Cómo ha cambiado la comunicación con el tiempo?” These questions allow students to build into the knowledge of the topic, “Ahora y antes.”
In Unit 1, Week 2, “Puente Entre Los Talleres De Lectura y Escritura,” the teacher reviews that singular nouns can name a person or an animal. During whole group instruction, the teacher writes the categories “persona and animal” on the board and calls on students to name examples of both. The teacher provides examples of singular nouns if needed, such as “maestro, bombero, conejo, perro.” In pairs, students take turns listing singular nouns that name a person or an animal while naming the categories. The teacher reminds students that singular nouns also name a place or thing in addition to naming a person or animal. The teacher holds up a book and tells students that a book is a thing. During whole group instruction, the teacher continues to point out other examples that are also nouns. The teacher prompts students by asking, “Comparte sustantivos singulares que nombran un lugar o una cosa.” The teacher calls on students to name other places and things they can think of and then places students into small groups of four or five and gives them a piece of paper with the title, “Sustantivos” and the headings “lugar” and “cosa.” The teacher gives the following prompt, “Dibuja bocetos sencillos de lugares y cosas bajo los títulos correctos.” Students use the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” and identify which noun names a thing and which names a place. Students then edit a sentence for singular nouns for independent or small group practice. Students apply newly acquired knowledge by completing “Lenguaje y nomas” from the “Centro de recursos para descarga” through their independent reading time.
The materials include tasks developed appropriately and spaced out accordingly for the expected outcome of learning at the end of the academic school year. For example, materials have a sequence of the TEKS with specific page numbers for activities that align with the TEKS in both the student text and teacher edition. TEKS are clearly stated at the beginning of the lesson and follow a sequence throughout the entire text in the Teacher Guide. For example, in Unit 1, Week 4, “Puente Entre Los Talleres De Lectura y Escritura,” students review plural nouns during whole group instruction. The teacher tells the student, "Los sustantivos nombran a una persona, animal, lugar y cosas." The teacher reminds students, “Cuando hay más de uno, como dos animales, a menudo agregamos -s.” During guided practice, the teacher draws a simple sketch of one book and two books. Under the sketch of one book, the teacher writes “un libro.” Under the sketch of two books, the teacher writes “dos libros” and circles the -s. The teacher guides students to hold up two hands while the teacher asks how many hands each student held up. The teacher continues giving examples. Students sit in a circle and are given a softball. The teacher asks the students, “comparte un ejemplo de un sustantivo.” The student passes the ball to the student on his or her right; students add an -s or -es to make a plural noun. The student then names another noun and passes the ball. Students use the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” for independent practice during their independent reading time.
The materials provide opportunities for teachers to differentiate their questions by evaluation, analysis, or synthesis, which increase in complexity by the end of the academic year. Using the teacher’s guide, the teacher can provide repeated lessons that allow students to practice all domains and meet the standards progression of the vertical alignment matrix for this grade level.
Materials provide explicit instruction in print concepts and opportunities for student practice. The materials provide explicit instruction in print awareness and connect print awareness to books or texts. The materials also provide opportunities for students to connect print awareness knowledge to texts.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials provide frequent and adequate practice on the organization of print. In Unit 1, Week 1, “Taller De Lectura,” the teacher has students hold up their “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” The teacher explains that every book has a front cover, back cover, and title page. The teacher has students identify each part in their own interactive book. The materials provide “frequent and adequate” practice about the organization of print. In Unit 1, Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” the teacher has students pull out their “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” After the teacher models, students demonstrate print awareness by holding their book right side up. The teacher models how to turn the pages as students follow along. The teacher reminds students to turn the pages in the correct order without skipping.
The materials provide explicit instruction in print concepts. Teachers have access to scaffolded lessons to teach print awareness, such as different print features, in the sections “Conocimiento de la letra impresa,” “Destrezas fundamentales,” and “Puente entre lectura y escritura.” For example, in Unit 1, Week 2, “Conocimiento de la letra impresa,” the teacher models holding the book right side up, showing how to turn the pages as students follow along without skipping pages. Students practice independently with their “Interactive Student Book.” Materials include lessons in word awareness that help children become conscious of individual words. For example, in Unit 1, Week 4, students learn about adjectives. Adjectives are first introduced in the Shared Reading activity as a “tema de enseñanza”; the teacher explains to students in a whole group setting that “an author uses words to help the reader to know how the character feels” and asks, ”¿Cómo se siente Trueno ahora?” The teacher uses the lesson in “Puente entre lectura y escritura” in a whole group environment to explain that authors choose words carefully to help readers to understand how characters feel. In the Shared Reading, the teacher models how the words describe things and the images confirm them. Finally, students practice looking for words and images to describe how the character feels in the story and write them in their Interactive Student Book.
The materials include explicit instruction in print concepts. For example, in Unit 3, Week 3, “Puente Entre Los Talleres De Lectura Y Escritura,” the teacher models correct spacing between letters in a word. The teacher says: “Miren como escribo la palabra Beto. Después de que escribo la B mayúscula, debo escribir la e minúscula. Necesito asegurarme de que el espacio entre las letras no sea muy grande ni muy pequeño.” The teacher finishes writing the word Beto. The teacher has students write the words “ceja and beca” with appropriate spacing between the letters in each word. The teacher guides students to use appropriate directionality when forming each letter. The materials include explicit instruction in print concepts; for example, in Unit 4, Week 4, “Puente Entre Los Talleres De Lectura Y Escritura,” the teacher displays uppercase and lowercase Kk. The teacher models how to write the uppercase K, forming the letter accurately using appropriate directionality. The teacher has students practice writing the letter in the air with their fingers and then repeating with lowercase k.
The materials provide opportunities for students to practice and apply print concept knowledge to texts. For example, in Unit 1, Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” students read a decodable story titled “El niño va.” Students turn to the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” The teacher points to the title and says, “El título del cuento es ‘El niño va.’ Escucho el sonido /e/ en la palabra El. Después escucho los sonidos /i/ y /o/ en la palabra niño. También escuchó el sonido /a/ en la palabra va. En este cuento leeremos otras palabras que tienen los sonidos /a/, /e/, /i/, y /o/.” The teacher reminds students of this week’s high-frequency words: “a, va, niño.” Students practice reading these words in the story “El niño va.” The teacher displays the words and has students read them together. Students whisper read the story as the teacher listens in. The teacher has students reread the story page by page with a partner. The teacher listens carefully as students use letter-sound relationships to read the sounds /o/ and /i/. After students read the story, the teacher calls their attention to the title and helps them identify, or say, the sound /o/, then has them find and highlight the words with the vowel o in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” Then, the teacher helps students identify, or say, the sound /i/ spelled i. Students find and underline the word with the vowel i in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” Students point out any high-frequency words they see.
The materials address teaching print concepts. For example, In Unit 2, Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” the students revisit last week’s decodable book La urraca to practice reading words with the sound /r/ spelled r and rr, the sound /k/ spelled c, and last week's high-frequency words. Before reading, the teacher displays and reminds students of last week’s high-frequency words, “esta, agua, refrescante.” Students practice reading these words in the decodable book La urraca. The teacher pairs students for reading and listens carefully as they use letter-sound relationships to decode. Each partner takes turns reading pages and then switching who starts and reads again. Although the materials address teaching print concepts, they do not provide big books or more meaningful activities to encourage the students to play with print (e.g., writing a shopping list, constructing a stop sign, writing a letter, making a birthday card). Therefore, only some of the materials provide explicit instruction in print concepts and opportunities for student practice.
The materials provide explicit instruction in phonological skills and opportunities for daily student practice (e.g., rhyming, syllabication, blending, segmenting, manipulation). The materials provide opportunities for students to practice oral language activities and explicit instruction in each newly taught sound and sound pattern. The materials provide opportunities for students to practice each newly taught sound/phoneme and syllable patterns and provide opportunities for students to practice blending spoken phonemes to form syllables and syllables to form multisyllabic words. The materials also allow students to practice segmenting spoken words into individual syllables and manipulate syllables to form new words.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The instructional materials provide systematic, explicit instruction in each newly taught sound pattern. For example, the materials include teacher guidance or a scope and sequence on what sounds to introduce first. All the units in all grade levels are set up in the same way. There are five units in each grade. Each unit is composed of weeks. There are five weeks in each unit with one week of projects. Each week begins with a “Plan Para Los Talleres.” This section includes “Taller De Lectura” with all the relevant TEKS listed. It also includes the teacher page where the teacher can find the information. Every unit also includes a “Plan de la semana.” This plan is a breakdown of what will be done for the week. The week is then broken down into five lessons. This section is where the teacher can find exactly what will be taught for the day.
The materials provide opportunities for students to practice each newly taught sound, phoneme, and syllable pattern. The resource explicitly teaches all phonemes and syllable patterns, as evident in the section, “Correlación con los TEKS,” which includes lessons found by TEKS in both the “Teacher Guide” and the “Interactive Student Book.” The materials include resources for students to practice sounds, words, and letters. For example, resources include the “Libro de práctica de fonética, cuadernillos de libros de fonética, tarjetas de sonidos y grafías, tarjetas de imágenes, práctica adicional,” along with virtual games such as “La selva de los sonidos, las islas de las palabras y tarjetas de letras.” Also, students can practice chants or songs that they can use during instruction with “El super libro de canciones y poemas.”
The materials include frequent and adequate practice in phonological awareness. In Unit 1, Week 1, “Taller De Lectura,” the teacher tells students that today they will learn a new sound, “Escuchen con atención mientras digo el nuevo sonido /a/. El sonido /a/ se hace abriendo bien la boca mientras decimos el sonido.” The teacher models with the students as they practice the sound /a/. Students turn to a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” The teacher tells students they will be circling pictures whose names begin with the sound /a/. The teacher points to the picture of the blue paint and the bird. “Escuchen la primera sílaba de la palabra azul. La primera sílaba de esta palabra tiene el sonido /a/. Ahora escuchen la primera sílaba de esta palabra, ave. La primera sílaba de ave tiene el sonido /a/.” The teacher has students name each picture on the page and circle the words that begin with the syllable /a/. The materials provide opportunities for students to sort by vocabulary word subject, for example, in the Teacher's Guide, which provides a whole group mini-lesson on classifying animals. The teacher asks the students to only circle the pictures that are animals. The teacher will say “Veo algunas imagenes que son de animales y otras que no son de animales. Lo encerramos en un círculo.” Students then work independently on circling the animals and sharing the similarities between the circled vocabulary words with a partner. In the student textbook, students have opportunities to practice the classification of vocabulary words; in Unit 1, Week 1, “Pre Ortografia,” students have the opportunity to classify what is an animal and what is not using vocabulary words. Students circle the pictures that are animals independently and then share with partners the similarities of the circled words by using the question, “En qué se parecen las palabras ilustradas que están encerradas en un círculo?” The materials also allow students to practice segmenting spoken words into individual syllables and manipulate syllables to form new words.
The materials provide opportunities for students to practice oral language activities and include frequent and adequate practice in phonological awareness. For example, materials provide clear guidance for teachers to routinely and directly instruct students on how to blend, segment, delete, add, manipulate, and substitute syllables in spoken words. The materials include a variety of activities for students to practice phonological awareness. Every week there are lessons dedicated to Phonemic Awareness. In Unit 1, Week 4, Lesson 3, the teacher models initial and final sounds to the whole group by saying, “Hoy vamos a aprender un nuevo sonido. Escuchen con atención:/l//l/ /l/. El sonido /l/ se hace levantando la lengua hacia el paladar mientras se suelta el aire.” Students follow and practice. Next, the teacher shows “La tarjeta de imágenes (lago)” and says, “Este es un lago. Escuchen el sonido al comienzo de la primera sílaba de la palabra /l/ ¿Con qué sonido comienza la primera sílaba de lago?” The teacher shows “La tarjeta de imagenes (sol)” and asks students to give a thumbs up if they hear the sound /l/ at the beginning of the syllable and a thumbs down if they hear the sound/l/ at the end of the word. The teacher says five more words to practice. Students use their Interactive Student Book to complete the first row by circling the picture words that begin with the syllable /l/ and complete the second row by circling the pictures with the sound /l/ at the end of the word.
In Unit 1, Week 1, Lesson 5, “Taller De Lectura,” the material includes frequent and adequate practice in phonological awareness. The teacher tells students that alliteration is when a group of words all begin with the same sound. The teacher says, “Escuchen esta oración, Ema está en el escritorio. ¿Cuál es el primer sonido de la primera sílaba de Ema?” The teacher continues with “esta, en, el, escritorio.” They say, “Todas las palabras comienzan con el mismo sonido. ¿Con qué sonido comienzan las palabras Ema, está, en, él y escritorio? Si, con el sonido /e/.” The teacher has students repeat the sentence together, then displays the “Tarjetas de imágenes” for “amarillo, arana, avion.” The teacher says the words and has students repeat them. The teacher then says the following group of words and has students touch their toes if the words in the group all begin with the same sound, but stand still if the words in the group do not all begin with the same sound: “asa, abeja, azul; Ana, mapa, mopa; estrella, erizo, Elena.” The teacher repeats only the alliterative groups of words again and has volunteers tell what sound the words begin with.
The materials provide opportunities for students to practice segmenting words into syllables to form new words. For example, in Unit 2, Week 3, Lesson 3, students segment words into syllables. The teacher says to the whole group, “Hoy vamos a escuchar un sonido que ya hemos aprendido. Escuchen con atención, /b/ /b/ /b/. Pueden hacer el sonido /b/ juntando los labios y dejando salir el aire mientras hacen el sonido. Escuchamos el sonido /b/ en la primera sílaba de vaso.“ Students practice how to make the sound /b/. Next, students look at their Interactive Student Book, and the teacher explains that they will segment and blend the syllables first. Then they will circle picture words whose first syllable begins with the sound /b/. The teacher prompts, “Esta es la imagen de una vaca. Las sílabas que escucho en vaca son dos: va-ca. Puedo después combinar las sílabas va-ca y formar la palabra vaca.” The teacher names each picture with students. Students segment the syllables and then blend the syllables in each word. Then, students circle the picture whose second syllable begins with the sound /b/.
The materials provide explicit instruction and frequent and adequate practice in each newly taught sound and sound pattern. For example, in Unit 2, Week 5, the Phonics instruction is to read and write words with Ch ch. The teacher presents the “Tarjeta de imagenes” (chaleco) and says “Estes es un chaleco. Escucho el sonido /ch/ en la primera sílaba de chaleco. Digan el sonido/ch conmigo.” Then the teacher shows how the word is written on the back of the card. The teacher writes the digraph ch and says, ”Escuchen con atención las siguientes palabras: chapa, capa. Una palabra tiene el sonido /ch/. Escuchen con atención: cha, pa, chapa; ca- pa, capa. ¿Qué palabra tiene el sonido /ch/?” A volunteer identifies the word “chapa.” The teacher asks, “¿Con qué letras se escribe el sonido /ch/?” Students need to say with ch. The teacher repeats the activity using the following words, “chica, pica; ducha, duna; leche, leve.” Finally, students have the option to complete a practice sheet in their Interactive Student Book or look through a magazine and make a collage with at least three pictures with the sound /ch/. They write the digraph Ch ch at the top of their collage.
The materials provide regular, systematic modeling of phonemic and phonological awareness learning. For example, the materials provide activity suggestions such as substituting the different sounds for the first sound, combining syllables, removing phonemes to form new words, identifying rhyming words, etc. In Unit 3, Week 3, Lesson 1, students blend phonemes to form syllables. The teacher explains that they will blend sounds that have already learned to form one-syllable words, “Escuchen esta palabra: por. Esta palabra tiene una sola sílaba. Escuchen los sonidos de la palabra :/p/ /o/ /r/. Ahora escuchen cómo combino los sonidos para formar la palabra por.” The teacher models again with the word “ir.” Next, students look at their Interactive Student Book and point to the picture of the sea (“mar”); students blend the word “mar.” The teacher says, “La palabra mar está formada por la combinación de los sonidos /m//a//r/.” Students continue working with picture words that contain the sound /r/.
The materials provide an adequate sequence for teaching new concepts, provide guidance to introduce new concepts, and maintain or review old concepts. Every week includes an outlined instruction of phonological awareness and phonics in the table of contents, which includes “Conciencia fonológica y Fonética, Fonética, Cuento de fonética, Conciencia fonológica y Fonética.” For example, in Unit 4, Week 1, the lesson for phonological awareness is to blend syllables with the sound /j/. For phonics, the lesson is to learn consonants Jj and Gg. In Lesson 2, the lesson for phonics is to read and write words with Jj and Gg. In Lesson 3 for Phonemic Awareness, students segment and blend syllables with the beginning sound /s/, and for Phonics, they learn the consonants Ss, Cc, Zz. In Lesson 4, students read words with Ss, Cc, Zz for Phonics. Next, students practice with a decodable story, “Mis juguetes,” which includes words with the beginning sounds j and s. Finally, in Lesson 5, for Phonological Awareness, students identify and count words in sentences, and for Phonics, they review consonants Jj, Gg, Ss, Cc, and Zz.
The materials provide explicit, systematic instruction in phonetic knowledge and opportunities for students to practice both in and out of context (K–2). The materials include a research-based sequence of grade-level foundational skills instruction and ample student practice opportunities to achieve grade-level mastery. The materials systematically develop knowledge of grade-level phonics patterns as addressed in the SLAR TEKS for grades K–2 and provide opportunities for students to apply grade-level phonetic knowledge to connected texts (e.g., decodable readers) and tasks. The materials also include building spelling knowledge as identified in the SLAR TEKS.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include a research-based sequence of grade-level foundational skills. The Teacher Guide includes a Scope and Sequence of foundational Skills that includes Phonics skills by grade level. Kindergarten students learn about connected sounds and letters; know sound-letter relationships and match sounds to letters; generate sounds from letters and use those sounds to decode consonants, consonant blends, digraphs, hiatus, diphthongs, and common vowel patterns. The Scope and Sequence also includes Phonological Awareness skills, such as count syllables in spoken words, segment and blend syllables in words, and identify the same and different initial sounds or syllables in words. Kindergarten skills include recognizing and producing rhyming words, adding or deleting beginning or ending phonemes or syllables in words, and segmenting multisyllabic words into syllables.
The materials provide a Scope and Sequence with teacher suggestions on how to teach the skill. For every week in the section “Vistazo a la unidad: Plan para los talleres,” the Reading Workshop has a scope and sequence for teachers for the phonics instruction. In Unit 2, Week 1, Lesson 1, “Introduce consonant Rr and digraph rr,” the mini-lesson guides the teacher to hold the “Tarjeta del alfabeto Rr” and point to the picture of the river; students repeat the word “río.” The teacher says “digamos el sonido que escuchamos al comienzo de la palabra /rr/. Cuando el sonido/rr/ está al comienzo de una palabra se escribe con la letra r.” For Model and practice, the teacher writes the letter Rr on the board; students look at their Student Interactive Book and trace the letters on the first line. The teacher says a group of words, some beginning with the /rr/ sound and some not. Students trace the letter r in the air with each word that begins with /rr/. The words are “rama, luna, reno, asa, ropa, rima, nota, remo.”
The materials include systematic, explicit instruction of grade-level phonics patterns in the weekly scope and sequence with daily phonemic awareness and phonics instruction that builds on each other and in complexity. For example, in Kindergarten, the lessons include recognizing vowels and consonants one at a time, identifying, segmenting and blending syllables, recognizing alliteration, identifying and counting words in sentences, manipulating, substituting, and adding syllables. Students practice phonemic awareness by segmenting words into syllables, changing initial syllables, changing and removing syllables, identifying rhyming words, removing phonemes, listening to the stressed syllable, and adding syllables.
The materials provide students with opportunities to hear, say, encode and reach each newly taught phonic/spelling pattern through direct instruction from the teacher, check for understanding, activities, etc. For example, in Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 1, students are introduced to digraph Ll ll. In Lesson 2, students read and write words with Ll ll. Students identify words with sound /ll /and practice in Interactive Student Book. In Lesson 3, students are introduced to Kk and practice in their Interactive Student Book. In Lesson 4, students read and write words with Kk and read the decodable story, “El safari”; in Lesson 5, students review Ll ll and Kk and practice in their Interactive Student Book.
The materials include high-frequency words to practice, so students develop automaticity and fluency. The same words are used during read-alouds, decodable readers, and small group instruction as independent/collaborative practices. The materials provide opportunities for students to read high-frequency words in and out of context. For example, in Unit 3, Week 1, the small group activity asks the teacher to write the high-frequency words on a sticky note and place them in a snake on the floor. Students read each word to get to the end of the snake. If students cannot read a word, the teacher reads it for them and has the student read it before continuing. The materials include opportunities for students to build spelling knowledge. For example, in the section “Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura,” there is a section dedicated to spelling with a specific weekly focus. In Unit 2, Week 3, students sort by stressed syllable.
The materials inform the teaching and learning of phonics. In Unit 1, Week 1, “Taller De Lectura,” the teacher holds up the “Tarjeta del alfabeto Aa” and points to the picture of the astronaut. The teacher has students say “astronauta” with her, “Digamos el sonido que se escucha al comienzo de la primera sílaba de la palabra: /a/. El sonido /a/ de la primera sílaba de astronauta se escribe con la letra a.” The teacher points to the letters Aa on the “Tarjeta del alfabeto” and tells the student that the word astronauta begins with the sound /a/, so it begins with the letter a. The teacher then writes the letters A and a on the board and has students turn to a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” and trace the letters on the first line. The teacher tells students that the teacher will say a group of words that may or may not begin with the sound /a/. The teacher uses the following words for this activity, emphasizing the sound /a/ in the first syllable: “asa, beso, abanico, avion, sol, ardilla, dedo, Ana.” The teacher directs students to listen for the beginning sound /a/ and trace the letter in the air as they say each word that begins with the sound /a/.
In Unit 1, Week 1, “Taller De Lectura,” the teacher reviews the letters Aa and Ee. The teacher writes the letters Aa and Ee on the board and has students identify the letters as they point to them. With students, teachers review the sound for each letter: a/a/, e/e/. The teacher asks students to say the sound as they point to each letter. The teacher then tapes an Aa or Ee card on each student and continues to write the word ala on the board. “Voy a leer esta palabra. Si escuchan el sonido /a/, parense si tienen pegada la letra a. Si escuchan el sonido /e/, parense si tiene pegada la letra e.” The teacher points to the letter a while reading the word aloud and continues to repeat with the words “asa, pez, amo, casa, escalera, rana, pelo, Anita.”
The materials include systematic, explicit instructions of grade-level phonics patterns. In Unit 4, Week 4, the teacher tells students that a consonant blend is two or more consonant sounds heard together in a word. The teacher displays the “Tarjeta de imagenes for bloque.” The teacher says: “Este es un bloque. Escuchen con atención mientras separo las sílabas de la palabra: blo-que. Escuchen otra vez los dos sonidos al principio de la primera sílaba: /blo/. ¿Con qué sonido combinando empieza la palabra? Si, /b/ y /l/: /bl/.” The teacher holds up her arm and says: “Este es mi brazo. Escuchen los sonidos mientras segmento la palabra: /bra/ /zo/. ¿Qué sonido combinado oyen al principio de la palabra?”
The materials provide opportunities for students to read high-frequency words in and out of context and provide decodable readers that help students practice grade-level appropriate letter-sound patterns. In Unit 2, Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” students revisit the Decodable Book La urraca to practice reading words with the sound /r/ spelled r and rr, the sound /k/ spelled c, and last week’s frequency words. Before reading, the teacher displays and reminds students of last week’s high-frequency words: “esta, agua, refrescante” and tells students that they will practice these words in La urraca, “Cuando vean estas palabras en el cuento de hoy, sabrán cómo leerlas.” The teacher forms pairs of students for reading and carefully listens as they use letter-sound relationships to decode.
In Unit 3, Week 1, “Taller De Lectura,” students look at the Decodable Book “La oruga” to practice reading words with the sounds /g/ and /j/ spelled g. Students revisit last week's high-frequency words. Before reading, the teacher displays high-frequency words “que, hago, nadie” and tells students they will practice reading these words in “La oruga." The teacher pairs students and listens carefully as they use letter-sound relationships to decode. Students take turns reading the story. The teacher places this week’s high-frequency words on three sticky notes, then places the notes in a snake on the floor. Students read each word to get to the end of the snake. If students cannot read a word, the teacher reads it for them, and the student reads it again before moving on.
The materials include opportunities for students to build their knowledge and application in the concept of spelling. In the teacher's guide, Unit 1, Week 2, the teacher guides students in the whole group setting by implementing high-frequency words. The teacher explains to students what high-frequency words are and their purpose. The teacher reads and writes, “a, va, y nino.” The students then repeat the words with the teacher and spell the words while hopping for each individual letter. The materials provide explicit, systematic instruction in phonetic knowledge and opportunities for students to practice both in and out of context.
The materials include developmentally appropriate diagnostic tools (e.g., formative and summative progress monitoring) and guidance for teachers, students, and administrators to monitor progress. The materials include a variety of diagnostic tools that are developmentally appropriate (e.g., observational, anecdotal, formal). The materials provide guidance to ensure consistent and accurate administration of diagnostic tools. The materials also include tools for students to track their own progress and growth and diagnostic tools to measure all content and process skills for SLAR K–2, as outlined in the SLAR TEKS.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Informal and formal diagnostic tools are designed to measure all content and process skills outlined in the Kindergarten SLAR TEKS. The assessment type recommended for each skill is matched to the outcome desired. This matching can be seen in the weekly “Verificación del progreso,” where the TEKS covered are listed on the top right of each section (phonics, high-frequency words, comprehension, and writing).
The materials include assessment tools that are designed to be ongoing, strategic, and purposeful. A quick check is embedded in each section of the daily continuum. After the mini-lesson and practice, the materials include a quick check with the option to notice behavior and decide an approach. In Unit 1, Week 4, the teacher assesses using the following question, “¿Pueden los estudiantes identificar los ambientes de la ficción realista?” The teacher has the option to revisit instruction about realistic fiction in a small group. The teacher is guided to use the TE page with a teacher-led option for small groups. If students show understanding, there is an option to extend instruction about realistic fiction, and it directs the teacher to a TE page with a teacher-led option for small groups. The assessment methods are appropriate to the developmental status and experiences of young students, and they recognize the individual variation in learners and allow students to demonstrate their competence in different ways. The assessment tools are designed to allow students to demonstrate understanding using multiple modalities, such as verbal and nonverbal responses, as well as concrete, pictorial, and abstract representation of skills. One of the key components is the teacher-student conferring time, and the materials provide prompts to guide the teachers to know and assess the student in a closer personal approach.
The assessments are designed to measure what students can do independently as well as what they can do with teacher assistance. The materials include tools that support the teacher in gathering information in various settings, including one-on-one, guided group, small group, or whole group instruction. The materials include sections for “Evaluación y diferenciación” that provide Teacher-Led options to assess and provide practice to the students in whole group, small group, and independent work. The materials include formative and summative assessment measures designed to support the teacher in understanding at what level the student is performing based on performance on grade-level readiness skills. “Exámenes de las unidades” are provided at the end of the unit as summative assessments that show how students performed with the unit’s skills. The “Verificación del progreso” resource provides formative weekly assessments that show student progression in different skills (high-frequency words, phonics, comprehension, and writing).
The materials include a separate assessment guide that supports the teacher in understanding the informal assessment tools included. The “Opciones de evaluación formativa” section follows each teaching section and includes a quick checklist and an “Apply” option. In the quick check, the teacher observes the student's proficiency level with a question prompt and actions to follow if the student struggles or understands. The “Apply” section has two options for students to apply their knowledge.
Formal assessment tools include scripts to ensure the administration is consistent and standardized across examiners. “Exámenes de la unidad” provides a Teacher Script to use during assessment implementation. The formal assessment tool is supported by a User Guide which includes an overview of the assessment. The tool outlines the time to administer each task, provides step-by-step guidance for administering each measure, and includes information to support the teacher in understanding the benchmarks. For example, in “Examenes sumativos: Manual del maestro y Clave de respuestas,” the materials provide the necessary information and scripts for the test. The resource includes “Instrucciones para el Examen inicial y texto del maestro” which cover the following components: “fonética, reconocimiento de palabras, comprensión auditiva, conciencia fonológica.” The resource also includes the number of items for each section and the estimated assessment time.
The materials include recommendations for assessment tools that allow for student evaluation of their work. In every unit’s “Week 6,” the resource provides a “Lista de comprobación del proyecto de investigación,” where students can check off a list with evidence about their research project. For instance, in Unit 3, students check for the following, “¿Pusiste nombre a tu historia favorita? ¿Dijiste por qué es tu favorita? ¿Tienen detalles interesantes? ¿Tu texto está escrito en oraciones completas? ¿Todas las oraciones empiezan con mayúscula? ¿Todos los nombres empiezan con mayúsculas? ¿Todas las oraciones tienen puntuación final?” The materials include questionnaires to incorporate input from families to support the teacher’s understanding of the student’s developmental needs. In “Guia de evaluacion,” the materials provide parent forms. Parents can share their input on observation of their own child’s reading and their child as a learner.
The materials provide examples for teachers to plan for instruction. Throughout the day, teachers constantly monitor students through observation. These observations, as well as other assessment methods, can help teachers inform instruction. The following are examples of steps teachers can take to record observational assessment: jotting notes during a reading group about student responses, using record sheets to note answers to questions, creating checklists and observation sheets to note student interest, distributing student self-assessment surveys and notes, and taking photos or videos of student work in progress. Observational assessments provide a clearer snapshot of what students can and cannot complete. It also provides support and evidence for the results of more formal assessments. This guide helps teachers learn about how to use observational assessment in greater detail.
The material includes a tool that measures all content and process skills outlined in the SLAR TEKS. The “Guia de evaluacion” has the “miVision Evaluaciones sumativas” document that provides the teacher with the building blocks of literacy and when students should be tested on the areas. Areas include Comprehension, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, etc. The guide indicates in which grade level these areas should be tested. Materials provide help for teachers to use independent work for assessment. For example, independent, ongoing, informal assessment takes on different forms, including but not limited to class work samples. Quick check responses gather quick information about student progress at the end of a lesson. Independent assessments of this nature provide immediate data about a student. Teachers are asked to think of ways to use artifacts from the classroom to identify new pathways for instruction in real-time without waiting for a summative assessment to tell teachers about their students. The materials include developmentally appropriate diagnostic tools (e.g., formative and summative progress monitoring) and guidance for teachers, students, and administrators to monitor progress.
The materials include guidance for teachers and administrators to analyze and respond to data from diagnostic tools. Materials support teachers with guidance and direction to respond to individual students’ needs in all domains, based on student progress measures appropriate to the developmental level. The diagnostic tools yield meaningful information for teachers to use when planning instruction and differentiation.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include guidance that supports the teacher in scaffolding instruction based on the student’s demonstrated aptitude level within each literacy skill. The materials provide different levels of support and guidance. In everyday activities, there is the Running Record in “Lecturas independientes para la fluidez” to measure oral reading fluency levels. Quick Checks located at the end of lessons throughout the “Teacher Edition” support planning for intervention or independent assignments. The section Assess and Differentiate includes a set of small-group activities at the end of each lesson.
The materials include information that supports the teacher in understanding the progression of skill development. The information can be used to support interpreting assessment results and individualizing instruction. “Guía de evaluación” Part 2 includes tools and printables to help teachers analyze student behavior and reflect on the progression of skills development. In the Early Literacy Behaviors Checklist, the teacher can check if the student is P=profiecient, D=developing, E=emerging, or N=not yet to evaluate the student in the areas of Concept Print, Phonological/Phonemic awareness, Phonics and decoding, Comprehension, Writing, and Speaking and listening. The Reading Strategy Assessment Checklist is another resource where the teacher observes and identifies if the student is proficient, developing, emerging, or not yet proficient in the different skills for reading strategies. The student can be rated on the following, Building background, Comprehension, Fluency, and Self-Assessment.
The materials include a separate assessment guide or section that supports the teacher in understanding the benchmark data related to student age and level of support needed, further supporting teachers in grouping students and identifying areas of need for instructional focus. “Verificación del progreso: Manual del maestro y Clave de respuesta” provides an overview and description for each section of the test. The sections are Administering, Scoring, and Reteaching options. There is also a Student Progress Chart allowing the teacher to monitor student progress and a Class Progress Chart divided by units of study. Additionally, there is a Progress Check Up divided by units and weeks, a Writing Rubric, Top Level Responses for Writing, and Answer Key for each weekly test.
The assessment results can be utilized to understand the learning of a specific student or group of students. Assessment results enhance overall knowledge of student development and improve educational programs for students while supporting continuity across grades and settings. Items in these assessments are formatted to help students to gain experience with the item format and stem language they will experience in the state test: ”Materials yield meaningful information to help teachers understand the balance between responding to students’ current developmental level and the push to support all students in meeting grade-level expectations.” For example, with a balance of continued observation through Conferring, Quick Checks, Small Group work, and the weekly assessments, teachers gain student knowledge, allowing them to support all students in meeting grade-level expectations. Although the materials provide opportunities for observations and assessment to identify students' needs, there are no specific instructions or guidelines on how to communicate to families. It is assumed it will be done. Reports identify a student’s individual needs and can be used for communication with families.
The materials include instructional strategies that can be used to support students whose data demonstrates a need for more one-on-one or specialized support. These strategies may be included in a resource or specific to a lesson or skill being taught. For example, first, the teacher completes the Quick Check after each instruction section, allowing the teacher to check where students are performing. In the section “Evaluación y diferenciación,” the teacher finds the appropriate approach for each need. For example, the resource includes intervention activities, fluency work, Word Work strategy groups, small group activities with a decodable reader, high-frequency words, and Word Work. The materials direct teachers to provide varied support to each student based on their individual performances, even though their overall scores were the same.
The materials include recommendations to support teachers in adjusting instruction to meet student needs based on data from developmentally appropriate assessments in literacy skills. For example, the “Guia de evaluacion” provides teachers with materials that help them interpret assessment results and individualize instruction. In this material, there is a section titled, “How can I use assessment and data to inform instruction?” Teachers are provided with an overview of how the materials provide a variety of assessments to support instruction. Materials state that data-based decision making occurs in four stages: “Collect Data: Use a variety of assessment tools to gather data about your students as individuals and classroom as a whole; Document Data: Record and organize the data in a way that you can easily read and understand; Evaluate Data: Consider what the data tells you about individual and classroom learning when reviewed together; Instruct from Data: Plan your instruction to address the evidence of learning or needs of your individual students and classroom as a whole.”
The materials provide a document, “Programa para Kindergarten a Grado 2 Vistazo A Las Evaluaciones,” that provides teachers with an overview of all assessments for all grade levels. For example, materials include Baseline Tests, which determine a starting point for students who are struggling, on-level, or ready for a challenge. The Skills/Standards assessed for kindergarten are Concepts of Print, Letter Recognition, Listening Comprehension, and Phonological Awareness. The materials also provide Unit Tests that monitor student progress on skills and standards taught in a unit. Additionally, the resource includes Formative Assessments that gather comprehensive assessment data to inform instructional pathways, using these embedded daily routines and multiple digital/print assessment resources: Quick Checks, Assess and Differentiate, Assess Prior Knowledge, Assess Understanding, Observational Assessments, Conferring Checklists, and Rubrics. Teachers are also provided with Cold Reads that track student progress each week using fresh reading passages.
The materials include guidance for teachers and administrators to analyze and respond to data from diagnostic tools. Through “Realize,” administrators can customize and differentiate their dashboard, focusing on teacher support. Among other things, these options allow educators to view standards mastery and usage across the classroom, create teacher professional development and training plans, and streamline school data analysis.
The materials include frequent, embedded opportunities for monitoring progress. The materials include routine and systematic progress monitoring opportunities that accurately measure and track student progress. The frequency of progress monitoring is appropriate for the age and content skill.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include suggested timelines for checking progress that align with the scope of the materials. A guide includes suggested checkpoints to gather information about student progress and recommended connections based on performance with the skills taught in the materials. For example, in the “Verificaciones del progreso: Manual del maestro y Clave de respuestas” in the “Tablas de análisis de las preguntas,” the teacher has the opportunity to align and check the different program components per week per unit of study to verify progress. The checklist includes: Progress check-up ( week number), Section (High-frequency words, phonics, comprehension, writing), Items (number of questions), Item focus/skill, DOK level (Depth of Knowledge questions), Focus remediation opportunities, TEKS, and TEKS test format. The materials include teacher tips for tracking progress throughout a thematic unit for specific skills to monitor student growth. The materials include reminders within lessons of activities that provide authentic opportunities for assessing student learning. Examples of this can be found in the “Student Interactive Book,” where students can practice the skills, and the teacher can monitor the student’s responses.
The materials recommend embedded systematic observations in student’s everyday activities and interactions as opportunities to track progress and assess skills in authentic situations. The “Guía para grupos pequeños” presents a system to organize the groups and register their progress and needs chart with students’ information and “Fortalezas y destrezas por mejorar, nuevas destrezas por desarrollar.” The materials include a reading log with the student’s name, book title, level, and observations; a progress monitoring chart with the book title, level, and auto-correction index; and a meeting log with the student’s name, date, and book level. Progress monitoring opportunities in the materials reflect accurate methods for assessing students. The assessments are aligned with the TEKS and with specific emphases in the materials to ensure accuracy in the assessment of children.
The materials guide teachers to administer progress monitoring assessments at an appropriate frequency for the age and the skill development. For example, the materials suggest a variety of progress monitoring tools as informal and formal assessments. For formal assessments, there is a weekly “Verificación del progreso” that includes the monitoring of the skills taught in high-frequency words, phonics, comprehension, and writing. For more informal monitoring, the resource includes the “Comprobación rápida” after each teaching section with a question prompt to guide future actions depending on students' understanding. The Teacher Edition guides the teacher after doing the quick check that pairs with the section “Evaluación y diferenciación” and selects the appropriate actions either as an intervention or on an advanced level. The materials include recommendations for assessing students with formal progress monitoring measures at least three times in a school year. The formal progress monitoring occurs at the beginning of the year, the middle of the year, and at the end of the year. This frequency allows teachers to identify who is demonstrating progress. For example, the book “Examenes sumativos: manual del maestro y Clave de respuestas” and the online resource “Examen inicial, de medio año y de fin de año” provide the guidance for the baseline test at the beginning, middle, and end of the year so that teachers can monitor skill progression.
The materials include suggestions to support more frequent monitoring of students demonstrating difficulty to support instructional interventions and response to intervention. For example, the teachers have access to the “Guía del maestro para la intervención” and the online resource “Intervención” divided by units. The intervention book provides the teacher with the program overview, lesson overview, skills overview, and instructions with prompts. Students have materials for each of the different skills on phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, fluency, reading literature, language conventions, writing, and research and inquiry. The materials suggest reviewing the book “Guía para grupos pequeños,” where the teachers have access to specific small group observations and interventions.
The recommended progress monitoring opportunities recognize that primary students experience variation in growth and learning at an uneven and sometimes unpredictable pace while adhering to grade-level expectations. For example, in “Evaluación y diferenciación,” the teacher has the opportunity to differentiate the lessons based on demonstration of understanding. The materials present other opportunities, such as in writing in conference time, where Conference Prompts allow the teacher to monitor progress, and the teacher can observe if students need additional support. If students show understanding, the teacher can move them forward. The materials provide suggestions for tracking progress in an ongoing and observational manner that shows a picture of growth over time to support appropriate assessment practices.
The materials include suggested timelines for checking progress that align with the scope of the materials. In the “Guia de evaluacion,” the materials provide information for the teacher on when and how assessments should be used. For example, “Baseline tests” should be used at the beginning of the year. Formative assessments should be used weekly. Summative assessments are provided at the end of the unit of study. Benchmark tests should be used at the end of the school year. Performance-Based Assessments are used at the end of each unit. Fluency checks are used once per unit. Informal assessment and Observation assessments should be ongoing. Teachers are provided with information on where to find each one of these assessment types. The materials provide online assessment data with class and student data, including mastery, overall progress, and time on task for content completed. Teachers can view data for individual students in the class, mastery by standard, progress reports, and usage reports.
The materials provide for ongoing assessment and progress monitoring. Materials state that diagnostic assessment may be completed early in the year, but assessment should be considered an ongoing activity. Many assessments, like the “miVision Examen inicial and Examende de las unidades,” help teachers determine baseline student understanding so they can place students in appropriate instructional groupings. Teachers should also use a variety of other assessment tools each day to monitor student work. Formative assessments should not be seen as an entity separate from instruction but rather as an output from instructional time in the classroom as well as an informal assessment that captures student successes and achievements. It also helps identify areas of concern in the midst of instruction. Teacher observation, running records, inventories, small-group conferences, and “Verificaciones del progreso semanales” help inform teacher understanding of where students are and how they are progressing.
Materials include guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that maximize student learning potential by providing recommended targeted instruction and activities for students who have not yet mastered the content. These materials contain a research-based sequence of grade-level foundation skills instruction and opportunities for student practice of grade-level material. Materials systematically develop grade-level skills and allow students to apply grade-level spelling, phonetic knowledge, and comprehension to connected texts and tasks. Additionally, the materials provide resources for targeted instruction and activities for students who have mastered the content and additional enrichment activities for all levels of learners to practice developing skills in a variety of ways and in different settings.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials include guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that maximize student learning potential by providing recommended targeted instruction and activities for students who have not yet mastered the content. Unit 1 contains two books centered on phonetic instruction. One of the books is called Sopa y Sepo. The teacher works with students by practicing words with the consonant /s/ and /n/ in a read-aloud format. However, the material does not contain teacher or student instructions or scaffolded support. The resource provides a book, “Actividades de ampliación,” that includes generic pages for each unit of study. In each of these activities, students show evidence of learning, discussing, writing about sources, generating questions, and reflecting on their learning. However, this book does not provide teacher instructions or ideas for implementation.
Lesson 2, “Taller de Lectura,” supports students who have not mastered the content. These recommendations direct the teacher to additional lessons designed to scaffold student understanding toward mastery of spelling words and phonological awareness. For example, in the “Tarjeta de Imagenes,” students read the word and point to each letter as the teacher says the sound. Students identify and say the letter as well. In the “Edición de la maestra,” Unit 4, the evaluation and differentiation section also presents ideas for teachers to provide intervention for students who have not yet mastered the content. The materials direct the teacher to the “Guía de intervención,” providing lessons with multiple practices for consonants (rr, k, w, y) that include the following routine: teach the letter sound, model correspondence, practice, extended practice, and independent practice. Additionally, the materials provide a progress monitoring tool presented in the format of “If... Then…, if a student can’t do…, then try ….”
Materials provide recommended targeted instruction and activities for students who have mastered the content. For example, in the “Taller de Lectura,” the student reads realistic fiction. The teacher creates anchor charts for students to understand the elements of realistic fiction. Students answer questions such as: “What are characters? What is the setting? What are the events that happen in the story?” The resource directs the teacher to tell students to identify characters and other parts of a realistic fiction story; this allows students to connect with the story. Teachers assess in small groups using the “Evaluation and Differentiation” overviews. Students participate in playing games on “MiVisión” and taking turns with a partner to read vocabulary words. These materials do not provide examples of mastery or student work and do not define each level’s complexity. The materials’ learning activities provide an extension where students use a word activity to build words with letter tiles. Overall, materials include guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that maximize student learning potential.
The learning activities in the materials follow logical sequences that allow for depth and focus where students spend sustained time exploring or applying a new skill for all learners. For example, the “Book Club” presents the opportunity for the students to interact with peers at the same reading level and apply the concepts learned in the student interactive book. The materials provide general instructions and routines, goals, and everyday objectives. Additional activities for all learners include unit videos where students take note of the sound and pictures as they watch. Students discuss what they learn from the video about special places and answer questions. Students communicate by using words in their daily speaking and writing activities. For example, the students look at the essential question of “Que hace que un lugar sea especial?” Then, students follow along as the teacher reads aloud a poem. The resource provides specific lessons with specific books and targeted goals for each week. For example, in week one, the resource focuses on retelling the story. In week two, the books focus on images, and in week three, they focus on design. The materials also present extensions for students for all learners that have mastered the content in phonics. The directions tell the teacher what word the student needs to identify. Students participate by identifying words with the consonant presented in the extension activity. However, the materials do not state any recommendation or scaffolding to the content. Materials include guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that maximize student learning potential.
The materials provide a variety of instructional methods that appeal to a variety of learning interests and needs. Materials include a variety of instructional approaches to engage students in the mastery of the content. Materials support developmentally appropriate multimodal instructional strategies, flexible grouping, multiple types of practices, and guidance and structures to achieve effective implementation.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials follow a yearlong format to provide the students with various instructional approaches to engage students in the mastery of content. The materials allow students to engage in indirect learning through discovery, with teachers observing, guiding, and conferring with students. In “Introducción Al Taller De Escritura,” teachers have the opportunity to work with students in one-on-one or in small groups to address areas of strength and areas of growth. The conferences focus on providing students with transferable writing skills and not solely on improving the current piece of writing. Through mini-lessons, questions, conferences, and observations, the materials provide opportunities for students to engage in the lesson’s topic and skills. During whole groups, small groups, partner collaboration, or independent work, the students have the opportunity to practice skills through the use of interactive games and digital platforms. Later in the materials, the teacher reads aloud the goals for the unit. Students follow along in their student interactive book. The teacher reads each goal, and the students color in the shapes next to the goal. The teacher then engages students in building the routine for academic vocabulary through an auditory instructional approach. The teacher section of the “Libro interactivo del estudiante” states, “Lee en voz alta las palabras de vocabulario académico y las oraciones a los estudiantes.” At the end of the lesson, the students discuss their responses with a partner.
Materials support developmentally appropriate multimodal instructional strategies (e.g., visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, etc.) In Unit 1, the resource guides the teacher to explain that a multimodal text contains pictures and sounds. The teacher then displays a multimodal instructional strategy in the form of a video that ties into their learning about living things. Afterward, the students discuss what they learned in the video with a partner. The teacher guides the students with the following questions, “¿Que escucharán en el video? ¿Que vieron en el video?” Using the leveled books, the teacher can select the text that matches the instructional focus and the group’s instructional range. Teachers can provide guided reading for small groups to target individual needs. The material provides guided reading instructional prompts. In Unit 2, Week 1, “Diferenciación y evaluación,” the students are prompted to use strategies to identify main ideas and details with two options. The teacher has the opportunity to do a quick check and decide based on the student's behaviors. The resource provides opportunities for the teacher to extend instruction about the main idea using “Opciones guiadas para el maestro.”
Materials support flexible grouping (e.g., whole, small, individual). The materials provide a guidebook, “Guia de grupos pequeños,” that supports teachers on the implementation of effective small group reading instruction. This guidebook contains five chapters of information to guide the teacher. The resource states, “Comencemos con la pregunta importante: ¿Cómo puede esta guía ayudarlo a planificar, formar y organizar mejor los grupos pequeños y, al mismo tiempo, asegurarse de que todos los estudiantes participen en tareas que tienen sentido?” The materials offer lessons for students who need extra support in word work, Spanish language development, phonics, fluency, comprehension, independent reading, and literacy activities.
Materials support multiple types of practices (e.g., guided, independent, collaborative) and provide guidance and structures to achieve effective implementation. The materials support the teacher to establish practices and routines by providing a general overview of the week's instruction, materials needed, and steps to guide students to master the weekly skills. The materials use a gradual release of responsibility. In Unit 3, Week 1, Writers Workshop, the teacher introduces the topic of fictional stories, explains and models the term plot, and identifies the elements of a fictional story in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” Students have the opportunity to practice independently, while the teacher confers with students using the guide provided in “Evaluación formativa — Instrucciones para la conferencia.” In “Club de escritores,” the students have the opportunity to share their ideas for their stories by giving and receiving feedback from their peers to improve their stories. In Unit 2, Week 4, the lesson “Fonética: Leer y escribir palabras con el dígrafo Ch-ch” supports the teacher in establishing a routine that progresses from teacher-led to student independence. It offers a focus, teacher modeling, guided and independent practice. For example, the teacher points to the digraph Ch ch on the board and says “Escuchen con atención las siguientes palabras: chapa, capa. Una palabra tiene el sonido /ch/.” The students have the choice to complete an independent practice activity in their student interactive books.
Materials do not include support for English Learners (ELs) to meet grade-level learning expectations. Materials do not include accommodations for linguistics (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with various English language proficiency levels. Materials do not encourage strategic use of students’ primary language as a means to develop linguistic, affective, cognitive, and academic skills in the target language (e.g., to enhance vocabulary development).
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials do not include supports for English Learners (ELs) to meet grade-level learning expectations. Materials do not include accommodations for linguistics (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with various English language proficiency levels. Materials have limited strategic use of students’ first language as a means to develop English academic skills in the “Dual Language Implementation Guide. “The materials include professional development videos. The section Videos for Differentiation presents two videos: “Best Ways of Differentiating Instruction for ELLs” by Jim Cummins, Ph.D. and “Leveled Texts for ELLs” by Elfreida Heibert, Ph. D. The videos encourage teachers to make personal connections with students to know their identity, scaffold instruction, work in small groups, reinforce academic language, and to chunk texts in Leveled Readers books. Although the materials present some strategies for ELs in Phonemic Awareness, Evaluation and Differentiation, and Writer’s Workshop, the purpose is to encourage Spanish language acquisition. There is no evidence that the materials provide accommodations for ELs with various levels of English proficiency. Materials do not include resources that encourage the strategic use of students’ first language to develop linguistic, affective, cognitive, and academic skills in English. Throughout the five units, the materials provide various support for students in developing Spanish language skills, not English language skills. For example, Unit 1, “Evaluación y diferenciación,” offers support in developing vocabulary through sentence stems in Spanish, not in English.
The materials include year-long plans with practice and review opportunities that support instruction. The materials include a cohesive, year-long plan to build students’ concept development and consider how to vertically align instruction that builds year to year.
The materials provide spiraled review and practice of knowledge and skills in all domains throughout the span of the curriculum.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials’ plan supports efficient planning for teachers by identifying directly-taught learning goals of focus within each unit. For example, “Vistazo a la unidad” and “Planes de la semana” outline each week of instruction and include six Shared Reading lessons with their focus. The focus includes realistic fiction, informational text, poetry, and other genres. The “Destrezas fundamentales” include Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and High- Frequency words. The “Banco de mini lecciones” includes character analysis and the use of text evidence. The “Puente entre taller de lectura y escritura” includes a focus on Academic Vocabulary and calligraphy. The “Taller de escritura” includes a Weekly focus and a mini-lesson bank. The “Puente entre taller de lectura y escritura” provides sections Read like a writer, Write like a reader, spelling norms, language norms, and the TEKS for each lesson. Additionally, in the Teacher Guide, the teacher can find the tab “Presentar la unidad,” which introduces the Essential Question, followed by Unit Goals and Academic Vocabulary.
The materials include a plan for instruction in literacy skills development that covers the entire school year. The “Teacher’s Guide” explains the curriculum components through “modelos pedagógicos para el taller de lectura: Kindergarten a Grado 2.” The Units found in the book are organized by their components, such as “Pregunta Esencial, tema y multiples generos.” This breakdown specifies that the unit focuses three weeks on “spotlight on genre,” two weeks on “thematically connected text,” and one week on “Project-based inquiry/leveled research activities.” This section specifies the weekly/daily objectives, as well as foundational skills instruction, mini-lessons, and read-aloud-think aloud. The materials include guidance to support teacher understanding in concept development. In this daily plan, lessons are broken down by Lesson 1 Focus (weekly question, theme, and genre), Lesson 2 (Shared Reading), Lesson 3 and 4 (Close Reading), and Lesson 5 (Compare Texts). Teachers are also provided with timing for each lesson mode, starting with a whole group allotment of 5–15 minutes where mini-lessons are provided, a small group instruction allotment of 25–30 minutes while other students are working independently, and a whole group (shareback) five-minute allotment. The materials include year-long plans with practice and review opportunities that support instruction.
The materials include a vertical alignment chart that shows how activities align, both directly and indirectly, to skills, knowledge, and behaviors outlined for students across grade levels. The resource titled “Contenido y secuencia” shows the scope and sequence of the TEKS based on the different components of the program, such as the “Taller de lectura.” The “Taller de lectura” includes Foundational Skills, Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, High-Frequency Words, Word Structure, Fluency, and Reading comprehension. The materials focus on Genre Characteristics, Key ideas, details, Response to Sources, Comparisons Across Texts, Independent reading, self-selected reading, and Oral Language. The “Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura” includes High-Frequency words, Word study, Word learning strategies, Academic language, Analyze author's craft, Develop writer’s craft, Conventions of language, Grammar and language, and Capitalization and punctuation. The “Taller de escritura” includes a focus on Foundational skills for writing and Composition. The “Lenguaje oral” includes a focus on Speaking and Listening. The “Proyecto de indagación” includes a focus on Collaboration, Research skills, projects, and an “Evaluación” (STAAR Preparation) with a focus on Editing and Extended writing prompts.
The materials include a clear content plan for instruction. The activities are clearly connected within each unit, and new concepts build upon prior knowledge. For example, each “Unidad de estudio” provides a concept map that includes the Title of the Unit and the Essential Question. The Title of each Shared Reading and Guided Question encompasses a different aspect of the Essential Question and the Project. In the “Plan de la destrezas,” the materials include guidance to support teacher understanding in concept development. The “Vistazo a la semana plan para los talleres” provides opportunities for teachers to access the scope and sequence of “Talleres de lectura y escritura” and Small Group instruction. The mini-lesson resources include “Lectura en voz alta,” “Centro de recursos para descargar,” and “Infografía.”
The materials include activities that support repeated opportunities to learn and practice using knowledge and skills in all domains. The materials include recommendations for review and practice of specific literacy skills, in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Connections are noted within and across units. These connections show when the skill was previously taught or practiced. In “Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura,” has outlined lessons for Language Convention. The spiral review is indicated with an icon (tornado) and the title: “repaso en espiral.” In Unit 2, Week 1, Language and conventions are indicated as a spiral review for adjectives and articles. Activities included in the materials have embedded various methods of review and practice such as highlight, oral practice, sentence stems. In Unit 1, Week 5, in Language and conventions, students review verbs in past tense by finding partners and taking turns forming sentences with a past tense verb. Although the materials indicate and provide spiral review and activities that promote reviewing, the materials do not have an indicator that shows what skill will be taught in the future, nor do they spiral review in Reading Comprehension.
The materials include guidance to support teacher understanding in concept development. For example, every unit of every grade level begins with a “Vistazo a la unidad.” The teachers are given an outline of what each week will look like for the unit. The outline is broken down into sections by “Taller De Lectura, Destrezas Fundamentales, Puente Entre Los Talleres De Lectura Y Escritura, Club del Libro, Taller De Escritura.” The unit also includes “Planes de la semana.” In the “Planes de la semana,” the teachers are provided with lessons for each week. In Unit 1, Week 1, the students study “ficcion realista.” The teachers are provided with lessons for each section previously mentioned for the whole week and the weeks after that.
The materials include implementation support for teachers and administrators and are accompanied by a SLAR TEKS-aligned scope and sequence outlining the essential knowledge and skills taught in the program, the order in which they are presented, and how knowledge and skills build and connect across grade levels. The materials include support to help teachers implement the materials as intended and include resources and guidance to help administrators support teachers in implementing the materials as intended. The materials also include a school year’s worth of instruction, including realistic pacing guidance and routines.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include a scope and sequence for instruction that clearly aligns with the appropriate grade-level SLAR TEKS and outlines the instruction sequence. For example, the Teacher's Guide and online resources include an organized chart that lists all TEKS. For each TEKS, there is an indication of where in the resources the teacher can find the instruction, unit, week, and page. The materials include “Correlación con los TEKS,” where the teacher can find the Knowledge and skill statement, the Student expectation, the Breakout, Item type, Citation Type, Page and Specific location, Hyperlink to location, or Electronic programs. Although the materials provide a Scope and Sequence and TEKS correlation with specificity on where to find the objectives in the resources, the materials do not provide guidance that supports the teacher in understanding the progression of literacy skills across a specific grade level. Additionally, the materials do not offer a visual overview of skills as they are taught, supporting the teacher in planning for differentiated instruction for students who require support with a certain literacy skill.
The materials include supports to help teachers implement the materials as intended. The materials include an overview of how they provide support to teachers, describing the materials’ resources. For example, the materials have a guide to support teachers in the first steps of using the product, including a visually appealing page (graphs, pictures, and icons) of the included materials in the first pages of the resource called “Componentes del programa for Grade Workshop Resources.” Next, the resource includes “Modelo Pedagógico para los grados Kindergarten a Grado 2.” The resource has explicit instruction in reading and writing workshops to address the SLAR TEKS. The resource includes a detailed model for the Reading Workshop approach in each unit. The materials include this instruction for small group through the “Modelo pedagógico para el taller de lectura para grupos pequeños for grades K–2.” The resource includes writing supports in “Modelo pedagógico para el taller de escritura de K–2.” The resource has graphics for “Puente entre lectura y escritura” and a graph for Week 6: “Proyecto de indagación.”
The materials support teachers in understanding how to use the materials as intended with explanations on how to implement the different models. The beginning of the Teacher Edition includes a section, “Introducción al taller de escritura,” that provides instruction on the writer’s workshop and includes the following subheadings: the instructional resources, conferences, and assessment. The materials include an overview at the beginning of each week or unit of instruction that emphasizes the purpose of the lessons and activities to come, supporting teachers in purposeful planning and making connections within and between the weeks of instruction. Each week includes a “Plan de destrezas” outlining the topic of each lesson for the components of the day. Included are materials and lesson lists for preparation, as well as additional books and resources to support instruction. The materials include tools to support teachers with navigating the resources, such as a table of contents, color-coded and tabbed pages, and icons to easily identify the content on that page. The materials include classroom resources that can be directly used in learning centers. There are posters that guide students to collaborate properly in the library center. The materials include “Tarjetas de letras, de imágenes y de sonidos y grafías” that students use as a game in the ABC center or manipulatives to support students in developing foundational literacy skills.
The materials provide guidance that supports the teacher in understanding the progression of literacy skills. The Examen inicial (Baseline Test) in the Evaluaciones (Assessments) for Kindergarten helps “determine each student’s starting profile to help guide and inform instruction,” and the consequential testing throughout the year monitors progress and skills taught in increments particular to their timing. Kindergarteners are initially assessed in print concepts, letter recognition, listening comprehension, and phonological awareness. After the beginning-of-year assessment, a writing component is added to these tests. In the Kindergarten “Assessment Guide,” the materials provide general guidance to teachers about using the assessment to inform instruction: “Assessment is designed to encourage action. This guide will teach you about each assessment type and how to use data-driven decision making in your instruction. Here is an example of how the four stages of data-based decision making might look in practice: Collect Data: You have just concluded a series of whole class lessons that help students learn to compare information given in two simple informational texts. You observe students during the lesson and in reading group time. You provide practice, both oral and paper/pencil, and you check student responses. When you observe that most students are comfortable with this concept, students take a weekly miVisión Progress Check-Up to give you data about their progress with this skill.”
The materials include a scope and sequence aligned to the Kindergarten, first, or second-grade SLAR TEKS. At the end of each teacher manual, there is a section “Contenido y secuencia.” This scope and sequence is vertically aligned to show what skills should be taught in every grade level. The materials outline which essential knowledge and skills are being taught in the section “Correlaciones con los TEKS de Lectura y Artes de lenguaje.” This section informs teachers of where to find specific TEKS within the materials.
The materials support the teacher and administrator in understanding how to use the materials as intended. Through “Realize,” administrators can customize and differentiate their dashboard, focusing on teacher support. Among other things, these options allow educators to view standards mastery and usage across the classroom, create teacher PD and training plans, and streamline school data analysis. All teacher guides are set up the same in grades Kindergarten through second. Each unit begins with “Unidad de estudio,” which provides a visual map that supports the teacher with an outline of what will be taught each week in the Unit. This resource provides the essential question and each week correlates with that essential question. The materials include an overview at the beginning of each week or unit of instruction that emphasizes the purpose of the lessons and activities to come. In “Vistazo a la unidad,” the material provides an outline of each week and the story that accompanies the week. It provides a week where students make a final project that correlates with the lessons throughout the unit. The “Planes de la semana” goes more into detail by week. Every week is sectioned into parts labeled “Taller de Lectura,” “Taller de Escritura,” and “Puente entre Talleres de Lectura y Escritura.” The materials provide the TEKS being taught with each lesson. The materials provide a table of contents and color-coded pages so the teacher can identify the content of the page. “Taller de Lectura” is green, “Taller de Escritura” is purple, “Puente de Talleres Entre la Lectura y Escritura” is usually in blue, and “Proyecto De Indagación” is orange. The materials include a leveled library, “Biblioteca de libros por nivel.” Teachers can see the books for the unit, and books are already leveled. Materials include letter/sound cards labeled “Tarjetas del alfabeto” and “Tarjetas de imágenes,” which are used throughout the year in various lessons.
The materials provide implementation guidance to meet variability in programmatic design and scheduling considerations. The materials provide guidance for strategic implementation without disrupting the sequence of content that must be taught in a specific order following a developmental progression. The materials are also designed to allow LEAs the ability to incorporate the curriculum into district, campus, and teacher programmatic design and scheduling considerations.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials are explicit about the order in which foundational literacy skills must be taught in alignment with the progression of learning in the content. For example, Phonics instruction begins with the basic and more appropriate foundation skills for the grade level, such as vowel and consonant knowledge. As the year progresses, the complexity increases to include manipulating or adding syllables. The materials support teachers in identifying the developmental progression of content skills to ensure that students are supported and instruction is scaffolded to meet their individual needs. For example, in the Writers Workshop in the section “Conferencias,” the teacher can interact with students and assess their understanding and identify areas of need. The materials provide a graph with conference prompts to indicate the option the teacher could take with the format, “If the student …, then ….” The materials include a list of books for the teacher to use to support the student in generating ideas. If students need additional support, the teacher asks, ”What do you like to do? Where is your favorite place to go?” If students show understanding, students share details they can include in their list books.
The materials support editing and student writing according to grade-level expectations and the continuum for learning spelling rules for all grade levels. All grade levels are divided into Units. Each grade level has six units divided into weeks. Each week has a “Puente entre lectura y escritura.” For example, in Unit 1, Week 1, the teacher teaches students a basic skill by making a vertical line on the board and tells students that they should always start at the top when they write a letter. Students practice drawing vertical lines in the air, starting at the top and moving their fingers straight down. In Unit 5, Week 5, the teacher writes the sentence on the board “Corri a casa.” The teacher reads aloud to students and tells students that a sentence begins with a capital letter, ends with a period, and has spaces between words. The teacher tells students that they will practice writing sentences. The teacher models for students by writing another sentence, describing the strokes, and pointing out each space. The teacher points out the period at the end of the sentence.
The materials include simpler tasks at the beginning of the year compared to the end of the year. The tasks are carefully spaced and developed appropriately for the expected outcome of learning at the end of the academic school year. For example, both students and the teacher can find specific page numbers for an activity that aligns with the TEKS sequence in the student text and teacher editions. For example, under the phonological awareness TEK for recognizing alliteration or groups of words that begin with the same simple syllable or sound, one of the activities provided is “ver y decir” in Unit 1, Week 2. In addition, in the Teacher's Guide, TEKS are clearly stated at the beginning of the lesson and follow a sequence throughout the text.
The materials provide opportunities for teachers to differentiate their questions by evaluation, analysis, or synthesis and increase in complexity by the end of the academic year. Using the Teacher’s Guide, the teacher provides repeated lessons that allow students to practice all domains and meet the standards progression of the vertical alignment matrix for this grade level. For example, in Unit 2, Week 1, the Phonological awareness TEK of rhyming activities begins with an activity that introduces identification and production of rhyming words by “clasificando rimas.” In Unit 5, Week 3, “Demostrar/practicar,” repeats these skills in the “analizar la rima y el ritmo.” Unit 2, Week 1 provides another opportunity for scaffolding strategies in the activity for rhyming where students will “demostrar y practicar y aplicar.” The materials provide implementation guidance to meet variability in programmatic design and scheduling considerations.
The materials provide some guidance on fostering connections between home and school. The materials provide minimal support for the development of strong relationships between teachers and families. Other than a few conversation starters, the materials do not provide specific activities for use at home to support students’ learning and development.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials provide some opportunities to foster the development of strong relationships between teachers and families. Located in the Guia de Evaluacion, teachers have access to tools that are specific to home and school support. For example, teachers provide parents with a “Student Progress Chart” that tracks student growth toward mastery of grade-level skill development.
The materials provide few opportunities for activities to support students’ learning and development at home. The “miVision Lectura Conexión entre la escuela y el hogar” letters provide an overview directly to parents and guardians, including the unit topic, reading goals, writing goals, and how to help their student through conversation starters. However, the materials do not provide additional guidance or opportunities of activities for parents to apply at home to support student learning and development.
The visual design of student and teacher materials (whether in print or digital) is neither distracting nor chaotic. The materials include appropriate use of white space and design that supports and does not distract from student learning. The pictures and graphics are supportive of student learning and engagement without being visually distracting.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The teacher guides are designed in a way that teachers can locate important information for lesson planning and implementation. For example, at the beginning of the unit, the materials lay out the instruction for six weeks. The “Vistazo a la unidad” is color-coded to indicate the different sections, goals (TEKS), and instructions in both languages. The materials lay out the plan “para los talleres,” with question frames to guide observations in literacy and to identify the teaching points in each of the sections: “Taller de lectura,” “Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura,” “Taller de escritura,” “Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura,” and “Proyecto de indagación” for each instruction week in both languages. Finally, the materials present the Unit Essential Question, Unit goal, Academic Vocabulary, and the layout for each week in “Plan sugerido de la semana.” The “Plan sugerido de la semana” is color-coded and divided by lessons with a suggested time frame for each section. For example, “Taller de lectura (10–20 min), Puente entre los talleres de lectur ay escritura (5–10 min) Grupos Pequeños/independientes (20–30 min) and Taller de escritura (5–10 min) Independiente (30–40 min) and Puente entre los talleres de lectura y escritura (5–10 min),” plus it has a visual for the Shared Reading book.
The student materials are appropriately designed to clearly state the intent. The tabs and section of the “Student Interactive Book” mimic the “Teacher Guide,” facilitating instruction. The materials present the unit, providing students with the opportunity to access the Unit Title, Essential Question, and Shared Readings in one place. The resource is also equipped with photographs and characters for each section. Also, on the first pages of each unit, the materials provide an Independent Reading graphic organizer, the Unit Goals, and Academic Vocabulary. Each page has one activity and instructions for the teacher at the bottom with question frames, sentence stems, or examples. The title of the activity is followed by an icon that represents what the student needs to do; for example, a little pencil icon with the header “Mi turno” means the student turns to work independently, or two faces and the header “Intercambiar ideas” means they need to collaborate with a partner. In addition, the Shared Reading pages include the Close Read activities directly connected to the teacher instruction, for example, “subraya el nombre de la niña en el cuento.”
Pictures and graphics are supportive of student learning and engagement without being visually distracting. The materials provide quality picture support in lesson resources, as evident in the Student Interactive Book in the sections “Conciencia fonologica, fonética y palabras de uso frecuente,” which present quality photographs representing words and syllables and making letter/sound connection. For example, there is a section for “Las vocales Aa, Ee , los estudiantes necesitan senãlar la vocal Aa ó Ee en cada sílaba de las palabras.” The page has six small pictures representing the words on a white background: “ancla, casa, espejo, enfermo.” Another example of quality picture support is found in the “Tarjetas de sonidos y grafías,” which presents the letter, the quality picture representing the sound, the complete word, and syllable combinations. For example, the G card has a Gg, a gorilla picture, the word gorilla, and syllables “ga, go, gu, gue, gui,” which are found on the back of the card. Elements of materials can be easily seen by students in a whole group setting. For example, the ”Super Libro de canciones y poemas” allows whole group instruction with poems and songs accessible to all students.
In Unit 5, Week 1, “Taller De Lectura,” students learn about informational text. The teacher checks for students’ understanding of the main idea and details in an informational text. In the “Libro interactivo del estudiante,” the students are provided with a “Cartel de referencia: Texto informativo.” This anchor chart provides visualization for students to better understand the main ideas and details. In Week 2, “Taller De Lectura,” students learn about informational text. The teacher checks for students’ understanding of sequencing. The teacher reminds students that informational text provides real facts and information. This information may include steps in a sequence. Students read the text and review the anchor chart on a page in the “Libro interactivo del estudiante.” The teacher models an example of a sequence using the words “primero, después, por último.” The anchor chart is simple with the title “Cartel de referencia, Texto informativo” and includes a picture of steps labeled “primero, despues, por ultimo.” The visual design of student and teacher materials (whether in print or digital) is neither distracting nor chaotic.
This item is not scored.
The materials provide clear guidance specific to the bilingual program model. The materials include guidance or recommendations on how they could be applied within a particular bilingual program model. The materials also cite current, relevant research on Spanish literacy development and second language development and acquisition.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include an introduction with an overview and recommendations for implementation within a DLI bilingual program model. The materials provide teachers with DLI model implementation. For example, the materials presented in the online resource Dual Language Educators’ Implementation Guide Overview states, “The dual-language program planning guides are planning and pacing tools for dual language practitioners who use miVisión Lectura and myView Literacy to impart their Spanish and English language arts and reading instruction and assure complete standards coverage of literacy standards in both languages.” The guides are designed for the following type of dual language instructional model but may be customized to suit language allocation needs: 50/50 time-allocation models for Spanish and English language arts, with 60 minutes of daily instruction designated to each language, for a total of 120 daily minutes of language arts instruction over 30 weeks. The materials introduce the authors who worked on the curriculum as Maria G. Arreguin Anderson, Ed.D., a context expert in the design of instruction, and Richard Gomez Jr., Ph.D., an expert in Dual language curriculum. These authors solidify the expertise taken when constructing the curriculum.
The introduction of each unit guides teachers to pre-teach vocabulary in Spanish before the teacher introduces the new English lessons. For example, at the beginning of each unit, there is a section “Lectoescritura Bilingüe: Estrategias de desarrollo y enriquecimiento, Murales de palabras,” with suggestions of how to include a word wall as the unit progresses. In the subheading “Analisis contrastivo,” the resource suggests selecting words for the word wall to add Spanish/English anchor charts. Teachers are guided to use the charts during the language-bridging or bilingual center time to compare and contrast words and patterns in both languages.
The materials provide guidance in the Dual Language Educators’ Implementation Guide on how to effectively begin instruction in one language and continue the next day in the partner language as guided through the language of the day. For example, a Unit checklist in both languages is provided, then it provides a Program Planning: Suggested unit plans (Theme, Genre, Writing genre, days, texts in Spanish, and texts in English). This resource contains a correlation between languages and a Unit Plan in Spanish and English, which helps the teacher organize the day in instructional minutes and lessons. The materials do not provide guidance that addresses language allocation plans within the transitional early exit model. The materials are rooted in Dual language learning, as the authors (Maria G. Arreguin and Richard Gómez Jr.) are true believers and researchers of the DL program.
The materials include research-based information on Spanish early literacy development. In the Dual Language Implementation Guide Introduction, the resource presents what makes a comprehensive Spanish Language Arts program by stating, “The scope-and-sequence of skills has been designed to impart and reinforce a traditional progression of Spanish phonics, phonemic awareness, language conventions, spelling, and word-study skills during the reading and writing workshop.” Lessons reinforce phonics and phonological awareness skills at the emergent and early-alphabetic stages. Lessons also reflect a “syllabic” approach and progress from covering vowel and initial consonant sounds to focusing on identifying, blending, segmenting, and manipulating syllables; identifying sound-letter correspondences; and decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) words and sentences that contain common consonant and vowel patterns.
The materials include research that supports the integration of language and content instruction for content delivered in the partner language. The online resource, “Part 2 Routines and Activities,” from the Dual language Implementation Guide, presents the benefits of using sentence stems to facilitate academic language in the oral academic language section. It provides sentence frames to help students talk about the text before, during, and after reading. The repeated exposure to sentences helps them express their thoughts as complete sentences and promotes academic vocabulary acquisition. These sentences are also presented in the Teacher Guide in the Spanish Language Development (SLD) notes. SLD notes provide support for native speakers—often referred to as Spanish-dominant students. The materials provide support for second-language learners—often referred to as Spanish learners.
Even though the materials present a comprehensive Spanish Language Art program designed to teach and reinforce the traditional progression of Spanish, they do not present a supporting research section that includes research delineating the misconceptions, similarities, and differences between code-switching and translanguaging and how each applies to the bilingual classroom.
All grade levels include a “Biliteracy Development and Enrichment Strategies” section. This section helps teachers incorporate instruction for biliterate students. For example, in Unit 1, “Presentar la Unidad,” teachers set up a word wall at the beginning of each unit or week. As the teacher moves through reading or writing lessons, the teacher elicits responses from the students and records words that are key to content understanding or that focus on spelling patterns. Teachers encourage students to use new words and recycle learned ones in their daily speaking or writing activities. The teacher selects words from the word walls to add to Spanish/English anchor charts. The teacher uses the charts during language-bridging or bilingual-center activity time to compare and contrast Spanish and English words and language patterns. Teachers are provided additional strategies to support biliterate learners in the online Dual Language Educators’ Implementation Guide. This section suggests that teachers pair students of differing academic proficiency and language-dominance levels at the start of the unit. Teachers reinforce the value of paired learning during Small Group instructional time. Teachers may pair bilingual pairs or groups to complete the suggested Literacy Activities.
The materials include research-based information on Spanish early literacy development. All grade levels are provided with an “Expert’s View,” where the writers of the material provide advice for teachers to help biliterate students. For example, Maria G. Arreguin-Anderson, Ed.D., University of Texas at San Antonio, says, “In linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms, students’ use of Spanish-language variations provides crucial opportunities to extend and enrich learning. Initially, a positive approach implies valuing student contributions and focusing on the essence of their communication. Rather than correcting, it is important to build a bridge or provide cross-language connections by paraphrasing and extending student' contributions through modeling of standard academic language.” The materials provide an online resource for more professional development on research-based practices. Each grade level is provided with a section called Contrastive Analysis. Teachers are provided with an activity to use during language-building or bilingual-center activity time to compare and contrast cognates, for example, “ficcion/fiction, realista/realistic, real/real.”
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The materials support teachers in understanding the connection between content presented in each language and provide guidance on how to help students understand this connection.
The materials highlight opportunities for students to make cross-linguistic connections and allow equitable instruction in both languages in terms of quality and quantity of materials. The materials also support teacher and student understanding and application of the connection between the languages (i.e., skills that transfer).
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials highlight opportunities for students to make cross-linguistic connections. Some activities encourage and provide opportunities for translanguaging in the materials. For example, in the “Dual Language Educators’ Implementation Guide,” Part 3 Resources, there are cross-language connections lessons for the teacher to help biliterate students build lasting metalinguistic awareness and metacognitive abilities. The lessons provided equips students to make explicit, consistent connections between English and Spanish and foster two-way transfer between English and Spanish. Students are prompted to continually go back and forth between both languages rather than transfer knowledge and skills in a single direction. The lessons can be conducted in both languages; the teacher can choose to stay in one language during the whole lesson or start in one and move to the other language. The book proposes flexible pacing, with 20 contrastive lessons for grade level grouped by units with an instructional routine. For example, in Unit 4, the language skill focus is punctuation, questions, compare, and contrast. The lessons state the objective, engagement (30 min), connect languages (25 min), compare and contrast languages (20 min), and practice (15 min).
A cross-linguistic connection can be found in the box titled, “Desarrollo del lenguaje en español,” which has Spanish lessons related to conventions, oral skills, high-frequency words, and vocabulary to help teachers to guide Spanish language learners to be aware of the language conventions. In Unit 2, Week 1, after the phonological awareness lesson, the instruction in “Desarrollo del lenguaje en español” is about seeking clarification. It provides opportunities for students to ask questions about their learning. The teacher models reading aloud the sentence “Mira la rana” and makes sure that everyone can pronounce the sound Rr.
The materials provide quality materials in both languages of instruction. For example, multiple texts and other print resources included in the materials are relevant to children's linguistic and cultural backgrounds, including stories and information about cultures, race, religion, and traditions. Children with special needs are represented responsively in the provided texts. Read-alouds are designed to incorporate cultural and ethnic activities and materials. For example, the Read-Aloud books in Spanish include authentic texts such as poems by Ernesto Galarza: “Llueve,” “La lluvia,” and ”Viento.” The materials allow for equitable instruction in terms of quantity in a variety of ways. The Read-Aloud texts provided in each unit relate to the topic and are not a direct translation from English. There are the same amount of texts per unit. In Unit 2, one example for texts in the unit is the book Abre la boca! by Ana Galán and in English, “Open wide!”
Materials support teacher and student understanding and application of the connection between the languages. The resources include various scaffolds that facilitate the participation and understanding of students across all levels of language proficiency. For example, in some sections of “Evaluación y diferenciación” in the Teacher Edition, “Desarrollo Del lenguaje en español” provides support for second language learners in acquiring Spanish proficiency. In unit 2, Week 2, students practice the consonant /Bb/. The teacher models how to say and pronounce words that start with /b/. Then, students brainstorm words, write them on the board, circle the letter /b/, and illustrate some of the words. The lesson also includes a bridging idea to compare and contrast the Spanish and English consonant /Bb/.
The materials include embedded daily activities to address Spanish language development either in the Reading Workshop or Writing Workshop. For example, the Writing Workshop has a box titled, “Desarrollo del lenguaje en español: Apoyo para la mini lección,” providing targeted language-development activities to help students improve structure and level of detail in their writing. It suggests pairing students with mixed abilities to support each other. The instructions provide two possible lessons to be included in different mini-lessons. For example, in Unit 3, Week 2, one lesson covers the five senses. The teacher explains that adding how things look, feel, sound, and smell is an important part of writing. Students pick a poem and, in pairs, analyze both poems to identify the word or phrases that describe how something looks, tastes, and smells. Students draw a T-chart, and each writes or draws an object with describing words to it. Finally, students underline words they use in their poems.
The materials explain the similarities and differences in punctuation in Spanish and English. In Unit 2, week 5, “Taller De Escritura” addresses that students may need support in identifying which words to capitalize. The teacher has students browse texts from the stack or books from the classroom library to identify capitalized words. Teachers have students share their words and tell whether each word is capitalized because it is a person’s name or the first word in a sentence or title. Students write simple sentences capitalizing the first letter of the first word in every sentence and using the proper punctuation. The teacher reminds students that all the words in titles are capitalized in English, but in Spanish, only the first word of a title is capitalized. Teachers are provided a resource online, the “Dual Language Educators’ Implementation Guide,” for additional writing support.
The materials provide connections to both languages during vocabulary instruction addressing words that are cognates. Students learn the letter Xx and its sound. Students write the letter Xx to complete words. The teacher draws planets and some stars on the board and writes “gala_xia.” The teacher asks students to say a word with a syllable that begins with the sound /ks/ that could go with the pictures. The teacher asks for volunteers to write the letter Xx to complete the word. The teacher reads aloud the word and has students repeat it. The teacher repeats the process with the words “taxi,” “texto,” and “examen.” The teacher uses the Word Wall during language-bridging or bilingual-center activity time to compare and contrast the cognates “galaxy/galaxia” and “exam/examen.”
The materials include activities that address cross-linguistic connections for the teacher to demonstrate for students. In Unit 3, week 2, the “Grupo para la estrategia: Estructura para las palabras” lesson “El dígrafo Gu, gu” provides support for teaching this digraph with the use of a vocabulary of “guitarra.” After going over the lesson, the teacher is provided with an opportunity to develop more vocabulary in “Desarrollo del lenguaje en espanol,” where students go over the digraph /gu/ in written form. The teacher then provides students with “Análisis Contrastivo,” and students focus on the word wall to compare and contrast the cognates “guitarra” in Spanish and guitar in English.
The materials include quality materials for both English and Spanish language learners. The materials provide units for planning biliteracy instruction to offer embedded texts with equitable storylines and content. An example of the unit plan can be found in the Dual Language Planning Guide: Grade K. It provides several story titles with their accompanying counterpart; for instance, in Unit 1, the genre of realistic fiction is the focus for that week. Stories such as “Mision Cumplida” have a similar story in English, ”At the library,” to support the genre focus for that week. The materials provide quality reading materials found in Leveled Readers. The materials provide a variety of texts in the Leveled Readers section. The texts are classified by their Lexile level in both English and Spanish.
The materials support teachers in understanding the connection between content presented in each language and provide guidance on how to help students understand this connection. The material provides guidance in regards to skills that can be cross-linguistically taught. The Dual Language Planning Guide includes a suggested planning guide for the next ten days. This section includes a legend listed in the column marked with an asterisk atop, indicating that the lessons with a checkmark are transferable in both languages. In contrast, X-marks in the same column indicate lessons that are not transferable to teach in both languages, solely the language for which the lesson is intended. The materials include opportunities for students to apply “Desarrollo del lenguaje en espanol” when the teacher is providing small group instruction. For example, when talking about cognates, the teacher can use the opportunity to give “Analisis Contrastivo” to compare words like “galaxy/galaxia” as found in Unit 3, Week 5, under “Desarrollo del lenguaje en espanol.”
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The materials in Spanish are authentic and culturally relevant. Both teacher and student materials are presented in authentic and academic Spanish or are quality transadaptations or translations, as appropriate for the activity’s purpose and context. The materials support the development of sociocultural competence. The materials also represent the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include quality transadaptations from English to Spanish. The Teacher Edition provides the teacher information in Spanish and includes the English translation on the side. The English translation refers to the Spanish part when the teacher must explain, talk or comment to students in Spanish either in read alouds or mini-lessons. For example, in Unit 4 Week 2, before reading Descubrir el pasado by Jennifer Torres, the teacher previews the vocabulary and the English instruction says, “Introduce the words: palas, pasado, brochas and científicos of the Libro interactivo del estudiante. Have students share what they already know about the words. Ask questions such as (See Spanish) ¿Qué significa que algo haya sucedido en el pasado? ¿Qué saben sobre lo que hacen los científicos? ¿Cómo usarían las palas o las brochas?.” The materials include a wide variety of authentic Spanish texts written by Hispanic authors who intentionally develop storylines that reflect Hispanic cultures, traditions, customs, values, and beliefs with which students can identify and connect to aid comprehension and provide self-validation. For example, the Leveled Readers provide a variety of texts written by Hispanic authors that include culturally responsive narratives.
Materials address the importance of intercultural understanding and respect. The materials provide opportunities to know, understand, and respect other cultures in some books of the Leveled Book collection. During small groups, the Teacher Guide provides instruction on how to talk to students about other traditions and customs from other cultures. For example, Unit 4 uses the book Rosh Hashanah by Larry Swartz, which talks about the Jewish News Year’s celebration called Rosh Hashanah. The teacher makes connections with how students celebrate New Year’s, shows pictures, and asks what there is in common. Students look at illustrations to help them understand the parts of the celebration, for example, lighting candles or eating honey for a sweet year. Finally students write about “¿Qué tradición de Rosh Hashanah te gustaría poder probar? ¿Por qué?” Although the materials address the importance of intercultural understanding and respect with texts that present diverse cultures, the materials do not include cultural objectives aligned to each of the unit goals that communicate and bridge cultural values that foster a bicultural identity.
Materials represent the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. Nuestros ancianos by David Bouchard is a reader that teaches students about their heritage. It teaches about the history of people, places, animals, and mother nature. While students talk about the text they are reading, the teacher builds background knowledge by asking students if they have an older person they know in their families, like a grandpa or uncle. The teacher helps students focus on the text’s ideas and images and asks, “Que aprenden de los ancianos en sus vidas?”
The materials provide the use of high-quality and age-appropriate academic Spanish in their translations. All the grade levels begin with a “Presentar La Unidad.” The units begin with an Academic Vocabulary Word Wall for display. Teachers and students add to the Word Wall as they generate new vocabulary words related to the theme throughout the unit. Teachers are given support and ideas for bilingual learners to use during whole group, small group, and literacy activities.
In Unit 2, Week 4, the “Taller de Lectura” section guides the teacher to tell students that they should ask questions if they do not understand something they hear in class. The teacher provides students with options for asking for help, such as asking the teacher to repeat something more slowly or explain the meaning of a word, or asking classmates to explain an idea or word. The teacher has students read a page aloud and then repeat, pausing frequently and encouraging students to ask questions about words they do not understand. The teacher provides English translations if Spanish learners have difficulty understanding the sentences. The teacher pairs students of differing language-dominance levels and has partners take turns reading the sentences on that page. Teachers encourage Spanish learners to ask their partners to explain a sentence or word they do not understand.
The materials include a wide variety of authentic Spanish texts that reflect traditions and cultures that allow students to identify and connect to the text. In Unit 3, Week 2, students are presented with a different version of the traditional tale “The Gingerbread Man.” In this version, the title is “El cuento del hombrecito de maíz.” This story uses traditional ingredients that Hispanic or native students would have at home, such as “maiz.” Also, the illustrations included in this story include characteristics that students could recognize from their own environments. The materials include quality transadaptations of traditional stories that would be found in the English language, and examples are found in the student textbook for the Unit Week with the story “El Hombrecito de jengibre.” The translation includes appropriate age-level vocabulary such as “atrapar” and “engullo.” The materials also include traditional rhymes found in the Hispanic cultures such as Unit 3, Week 3 “Debajo de un botón,” “Había una vez un perro,” and “Cinco pollitos.”
The materials include culturally responsive texts; for example, the Teacher's Guide in Unit 2, Week 5, provides the teacher with a lesson that allows students to connect to and reflect on the provided text. In this lesson, “Escribir basándose en las fuentes,” the teacher gives a whole group lesson “Enfoque en las estrategias.” The teacher explains to students that there are many ways to make connections to texts and that the reader can respond to. Teachers are provided with examples that they can share with students, such as “Los lectores pueden hacer conexiones entre un texto y experiencias pasadas.” The teacher can also give students an opportunity to “Demostrar y practicar.” The teacher reminds the students about the persuasive text they read about joining a soccer team. The teacher is provided with question prompts for students.
The materials in Spanish are authentic and culturally relevant and include opportunities for embracing cultural values and traditions of one's heritage. For example, the student’s textbook in Unit 4, Week 5, uses the story “Tempura, tempera,” in which two different cultures are embraced and exposed. In the story, the main character's grandfather states that he is from Portugal, and the friend visiting the home is from Japan. Also, in the teacher’s guide in Unit 4, Week 5, the teacher is provided with questions to ask in the whole group setting regarding this story. For example, the teacher may ask, “Por qué es importante de donde es el abuelo? Porque es importante de donde es Haruko? Me pregunto si las tradiciones familiares están relacionadas con el lugar de origen de las familias.”