Program Information
- Copyright Type
- Proprietary
Grade 6 | 2025Publisher: McGraw Hill School Division
Series includes:The quality review is the result of extensive evidence gathering and analysis by Texas educators of how well instructional materials satisfy the criteria for quality in the subject-specific rubric. Follow the links below to view the scores and read the evidence used to determine quality.
Section 1. Science-Related Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Alignment
Grade |
TEKS Student % |
TEKS Teacher % |
ELPS Student % |
ELPS Teacher % |
Grade K |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Grade 1 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Grade 2 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Section 2. Instructional Anchor
Section 3. Knowledge Coherence
Section 4. Productive Struggle
Section 5. Evidence-Based Reasoning and Communicating
Section 6. Progress Monitoring
Section 7. Supports for All Learners
Section 8. Implementation Supports
Section 9. Design Features
Section 10. Additional Information
Section 1. Science-Related Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Alignment
Grade |
TEKS Student % |
TEKS Teacher % |
ELPS Student % |
ELPS Teacher % |
Grade 3 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Grade 4 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Grade 5 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Section 2. Instructional Anchor
Section 3. Knowledge Coherence
Section 4. Productive Struggle
Section 5. Evidence-Based Reasoning and Communicating
Section 6. Progress Monitoring
Section 7. Supports for All Learners
Section 8. Implementation Supports
Section 9. Design Features
Section 10. Additional Information
Section 1. Science-Related Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Alignment
Grade |
TEKS Student % |
TEKS Teacher % |
ELPS Student % |
ELPS Teacher % |
Grade 6 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Grade 7 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Grade 8 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Section 2. Instructional Anchor
Section 3. Knowledge Coherence
Section 4. Productive Struggle
Section 5. Evidence-Based Reasoning and Communicating
Section 6. Progress Monitoring
Section 7. Supports for All Learners
Section 8. Implementation Supports
Section 9. Design Features
Section 10. Additional Information
Grade | TEKS Student % | TEKS Teacher % | ELPS Student % | ELPS Teacher % |
Grade 6 | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials are designed to strategically and systematically integrate scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes and concepts, and grade-level content as outlined in the TEKS.
Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to develop, practice, and demonstrate mastery of grade-level appropriate scientific and engineering practices as outlined in the TEKS. Materials provide multiple opportunities to make connections between and within overarching concepts using the recurring themes. Materials strategically and systematically develop students’ content knowledge and skills as appropriate for the concept and grade level as outlined in the TEKS. Materials include sufficient opportunities, as outlined in the TEKS, for students to ask questions and plan and conduct classroom, laboratory, and field investigations and to engage in problem-solving to make connections across disciplines and develop an understanding of science concepts.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to develop, practice, and demonstrate mastery of grade-level appropriate scientific and engineering practices as outlined in the TEKS.
Materials provide multiple opportunities to make connections between and within overarching concepts using the recurring themes.
Materials strategically and systematically develop students’ content knowledge and skills as appropriate for the concept and grade level as outlined in the TEKS.
Materials include sufficient opportunities, as outlined in the TEKS, for students to ask questions and plan and conduct classroom, laboratory, and field investigations and to engage in problem-solving to make connections across disciplines and develop an understanding of science concepts.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials anchor the learning in phenomena and problems as the key lever for driving learning and student mastery of disciplinary knowledge and skills.
Materials embed phenomena and problems across lessons to support students in constructing, building, and developing knowledge through authentic application and performance of scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes and concepts, and grade-level content as outlined in the TEKS. Materials intentionally leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to phenomena and engineering problems. Materials clearly outline for the teacher the scientific concepts and goals behind each phenomenon and engineering problem.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials embed phenomena and problems across lessons to support students in constructing, building, and developing knowledge through authentic application and performance of scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes and concepts, and grade-level content as outlined in the TEKS.
Materials intentionally leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to phenomena and engineering problems.
Materials clearly outline for the teacher the scientific concepts and goals behind each phenomenon and engineering problem.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials are designed to build knowledge systematically, coherently, and accurately.
Materials are vertically aligned and designed for students to build and connect their knowledge and skills within and across units and grade levels. Materials are intentionally sequenced to scaffold learning in a way that allows for increasingly deeper conceptual understanding. Materials clearly and accurately present grade-level-specific core concepts, recurring themes and concepts, and science and engineering practices. Mastery requirements of the materials are within the boundaries of the main concepts of the grade level.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials are vertically aligned and designed for students to build and connect their knowledge and skills within and across units and grade levels.
Materials are intentionally sequenced to scaffold learning in a way that allows for increasingly deeper conceptual understanding.
Materials clearly and accurately present grade-level-specific core concepts, recurring themes and concepts, and science and engineering practices.
Mastery requirements of the materials are within the boundaries of the main concepts of the grade level.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials provide educative components to support teachers’ content and knowledge coherence.
Materials provide support for teachers in understanding the horizontal and vertical alignment guiding the development of grade-level content, recurring themes and concepts, and scientific and engineering practices. Materials contain explanations and examples of science concepts, including grade-level misconceptions to support the teacher's subject knowledge and recognition of barriers to student conceptual development as outlined in the TEKS. Materials explain the intent and purpose of the instructional design of the program.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials support teachers in understanding the horizontal and vertical alignment guiding the development of grade-level content, recurring themes and concepts, and scientific and engineering practices.
Materials contain explanations and examples of science concepts, including grade-level misconceptions to support the teacher's subject knowledge and recognition of barriers to student conceptual development as outlined in the TEKS.
Materials explain the intent and purpose of the instructional design of the program.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials provide opportunities for students to engage in productive struggle through sensemaking that involves reading, writing, thinking, and acting as scientists and engineers.
Materials consistently support students’ meaningful sensemaking through reading, writing, thinking, and acting as scientists and engineers. Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to engage with grade-level appropriate scientific texts to gather evidence and develop understanding of concepts. Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in various written and graphic modes of communication to support students in developing and displaying understanding of scientific concepts. Materials support students to act as scientists and engineers who can learn from engaging in phenomena and engineering design processes, make sense of concepts, and productively struggle.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials consistently support students’ meaningful sensemaking through reading, writing, thinking, and acting as scientists and engineers.
Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to engage with grade-level appropriate scientific texts to gather evidence and develop an understanding of concepts.
Materials provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in various written and graphic modes of communication to support students in developing and displaying an understanding of scientific concepts.
Materials support students to act as scientists and engineers who can learn from engaging in phenomena and engineering design processes, make sense of concepts, and productively struggle.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials promote students' use of evidence to develop, communicate, and evaluate explanations and solutions.
Materials prompt students to use evidence to support their hypotheses and claims. Materials include embedded opportunities to develop and utilize scientific vocabulary in context. Materials integrate argumentation and discourse throughout to support students’ development of content knowledge and skills as appropriate for the concept and grade level. Materials provide opportunities for students to construct and present developmentally appropriate written and/or verbal arguments that justify explanations to phenomena and solutions to problems using evidence acquired from learning experiences.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials prompt students to use evidence to support their hypotheses and claims.
Materials include embedded opportunities to develop and utilize scientific vocabulary in context.
Materials integrate argumentation and discourse throughout to support students’ development of content knowledge and skills as appropriate for the concept and grade level.
Materials provide opportunities for students to construct and present developmentally appropriate written and verbal arguments that justify explanations to phenomena and/or solutions to problems using evidence acquired from learning experiences.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials provide teacher guidance to support student reasoning and communication skills.
Materials provide teacher guidance on anticipating student responses and the use of questioning to deepen student thinking. Materials include teacher guidance on how to scaffold and support students’ development and use of scientific vocabulary in context. Materials provide teacher guidance on preparing for student discourse and supporting students in using evidence to construct written and verbal claims. Materials support and guide teachers in facilitating the sharing of students’ thinking and finding solutions.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials provide teacher guidance on anticipating student responses and the use of questioning to deepen student thinking.
Materials include teacher guidance on how to scaffold and support students’ development and use of scientific vocabulary in context.
Materials provide teacher guidance on preparing for student discourse and supporting students in using evidence to construct written and verbal claims.
Materials support and guide teachers in facilitating the sharing of students’ thinking and finding solutions.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials include a variety of TEKS-aligned and developmentally appropriate assessment tools.
Materials include a range of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments that include formal and informal opportunities to assess student learning in a variety of formats. Materials assess all student expectations and indicate which student expectations are assessed. Materials include assessments that integrate scientific concepts and science and engineering practices with recurring themes and concepts. Materials include assessments that require students to apply knowledge and skills to novel contexts.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials include a range of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments to assess student learning in a variety of formats.
Materials assess all student expectations over the breadth of the course and indicate which student expectations are being assessed in each assessment.
Materials include assessments that integrate scientific concepts and science and engineering practices with recurring themes and concepts.
Materials include assessments that require students to apply knowledge and skills to novel contexts.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials include guidance that explains how to analyze and respond to data from assessment tools.
Materials include information and/or resources that provide guidance for evaluating student responses. Materials support teachers' analysis of assessment data with guidance and direction to respond to individual students’ needs, in all areas of science, based on measures of student progress appropriate for the developmental level. Assessment tools yield relevant information for teachers to use when planning instruction, intervention, and extension. Materials provide a variety of resources and teacher guidance on how to leverage different activities to respond to student data.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials include information and/or resources that provide guidance for evaluating student responses.
Materials support teachers' analysis of assessment data with guidance and direction to respond to individual students’ needs, in all areas of science, based on measures of student progress appropriate for the developmental level.
Assessment tools yield relevant information for teachers to use when planning instruction, intervention, and extension.
Materials provide a variety of resources and teacher guidance on how to leverage different activities to respond to student data.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Assessments are clear and easy to understand.
Assessments contain items that are scientifically accurate, avoid bias, and are free from errors. Assessment tools use clear pictures and graphics that are developmentally appropriate. Materials provide guidance to ensure consistent and accurate administration of assessment tools. Materials include guidance to offer accommodations for assessment tools that allow students to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills aligned to learning goals.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Assessments contain items that are scientifically accurate, avoid bias, and are free from errors.
Assessment tools use clear pictures and graphics that are developmentally appropriate.
Materials provide guidance to ensure consistent and accurate administration of assessment tools.
Materials include guidance to offer accommodations for assessment tools that allow students to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills aligned to learning goals.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials include guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that maximize student learning potential.
Materials provide recommended targeted instruction and activities to scaffold learning for students who have not yet achieved mastery. Materials provide enrichment activities for all levels of learners. Materials provide scaffolds and guidance for just-in-time learning acceleration for all students.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials provide recommended targeted instruction and activities to scaffold learning for students who have not yet achieved grade-level mastery.
Materials provide enrichment activities for all levels of learners.
Materials provide scaffolds and guidance for just-in-time learning acceleration for all students.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials include a variety of research-based instructional methods that appeal to a variety of learning interests and needs.
Materials include a variety of developmentally appropriate instructional approaches to engage students in the mastery of the content. Materials consistently support flexible grouping (e.g., whole group, small group, partners, one-on-one). Materials consistently support multiple types of practices (e.g., modeled, guided, collaborative, independent) and provide guidance and structures to achieve effective implementation. Materials represent a diversity of communities in the images and information about people and places.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials include a variety of developmentally appropriate instructional approaches to engage students in the mastery of the content.
Materials consistently support flexible grouping (e.g., whole group, small group, partners, one-on-one).
Materials consistently support multiple types of practices (e.g., modeled, guided, collaborative, independent) and provide guidance and structures to achieve effective implementation.
Materials represent a diversity of communities in the images and information about people and places.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials include listening, speaking, reading, and writing supports to assist emergent bilingual students in meeting grade-level science content expectations.
Materials include guidance for linguistic accommodations (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with various levels of English language proficiency as defined by the ELPS. Materials encourage strategic use of students’ first language as a means to linguistic, affective, cognitive, and academic development in English.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials include guidance for linguistic accommodations (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with various levels of English language proficiency as defined by the ELPS.
Materials encourage strategic use of students’ first language as a means to linguistic, affective, cognitive, and academic development in English.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials provide guidance on fostering connections between home and school.
Materials provide information to be shared with students and caregivers about the design of the program. Materials provide information to be shared with caregivers for how they can help reinforce student learning and development. Materials include information to guide teacher communications with caregivers.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials provide information to be shared with students and caregivers about the design of the program.
Materials provide information to be shared with caregivers for how they can help reinforce student learning and development.
Materials include information to guide teacher communications with caregivers.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials include year-long plans with practice and review opportunities that support instruction.
Materials are accompanied by a TEKS-aligned scope and sequence outlining the order in which knowledge and skills are taught and built in the course materials. Materials provide clear teacher guidance for facilitating student-made connections across core concepts, scientific and engineering practices, and recurring themes and concepts. Materials provide review and practice of knowledge and skills spiraled throughout the year to support mastery and retention.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials are accompanied by a TEKS-aligned scope and sequence outlining the order in which knowledge and skills are taught and built in the course materials.
Materials provide clear teacher guidance for facilitating student-made connections across core concepts, scientific and engineering practices, and recurring themes and concepts.
Materials provide review and practice of knowledge and skills spiraled throughout the year to support mastery and retention.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials include classroom implementation support for teachers and administrators.
Materials provide teacher guidance and recommendations for use of all materials, including text, embedded technology, enrichment activities, research-based instructional strategies, and scaffolds to support and enhance student learning. Materials include standards correlations, including cross-content standards, that explain the standards within the context of the grade level. Materials include a comprehensive list of all equipment and supplies needed to support instructional activities. Materials include guidance for safety practices, including the grade-appropriate use of safety equipment during investigations.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials provide teacher guidance and recommendations for use of all materials, including text, embedded technology, enrichment activities, research-based instructional strategies, and scaffolds to support and enhance student learning.
Materials include standards correlations, including cross-content standards, that explain the standards within the context of the grade level.
Materials include a comprehensive list of all equipment and supplies needed to support instructional activities.
Materials include guidance for safety practices, including the grade-appropriate use of safety equipment during investigations.
The materials partially meet the criteria for this indicator. Materials provide some implementation guidance to meet variability in program design and scheduling.
Materials support scheduling considerations and include guidance and recommendations on required time for lessons and activities. Materials guide strategic implementation without disrupting the sequence of content that must be taught in a specific order following a developmental progression. Materials designated for the course are inflexible and cannot be completed in one school year.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials support scheduling considerations and include guidance and recommendations on required time for lessons and activities.
Materials guide strategic implementation without disrupting the sequence of content that must be taught in a specific order following a developmental progression.
Materials designated for the course are flexible and can be completed in one school year.
This item is not scored.
The materials meet the criteria for this indicator. The visual design of materials is clear and easy to understand.
Materials include an appropriate amount of white space and a design that supports and does not distract from student learning. Materials embed age-appropriate pictures and graphics that support student learning and engagement without being visually distracting. Materials include digital components that are free of technical errors.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials include an appropriate amount of white space and a design that supports and does not distract from student learning.
Materials embed age-appropriate pictures and graphics that support student learning and engagement without being visually distracting.
Materials include digital components that are free of technical errors.
This item is not scored.
Materials are intentionally designed to engage and support student learning with the integration of digital technology.
Materials integrate digital technology and tools that support student learning and engagement. Materials integrate digital technology in ways that support student engagement with the science and engineering practices, recurring themes and concepts, and grade-level content. Materials integrate digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate. Materials integrate digital technology that is compatible with a variety of learning management systems.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Materials integrate digital technology and tools that support student learning and engagement.
Materials integrate digital technology in ways that support student engagement with the science and engineering practices, recurring themes and concepts, and grade-level content.
Materials integrate digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers and/or students to collaborate.
Materials integrate digital technology that is compatible with a variety of learning management systems.
This item is not scored.
Digital technology and online components are developmentally and grade-level appropriate and provide support for learning.
Digital technology and online components are developmentally appropriate for the grade level and align with the scope and approach to science knowledge and skills progression. Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning. Materials are available to parents and caregivers to support student engagement with digital technology and online components.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Digital technology and online components are developmentally appropriate for the grade level and align with the scope and approach to science knowledge and skills progression.
Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and enhance student learning.
Materials are available to parents and caregivers to support student engagement with digital technology and online components.
Read the Full Report for Technology
(pdf, 2.28 MB)
Read the Full Report for Professional Learning Opportunities
(pdf, 2.28 MB)
Read the Full Report for Additional Language Supports
(pdf, 156.15 KB)
Read the Full Report for Technology
(pdf, 2.28 MB)
Read the Full Report for Professional Learning Opportunities
(pdf, 2.28 MB)