Program Information
- 9781643831640
- Copyright Type
- Proprietary
The quality review is the result of extensive evidence gathering and analysis by Texas educators of how well instructional materials satisfy the criteria for quality in the subject-specific rubric. Follow the links below to view the scores and read the evidence used to determine quality.
Grade |
TEKS Student % |
TEKS Teacher % |
ELPS Student % |
ELPS Teacher % |
Grade 6 |
90.48% |
90.48% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
Grade 7 |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
Grade 8 |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
Grade | TEKS Student % | TEKS Teacher % | ELPS Student % | ELPS Teacher % |
Grade 7 | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
The materials include well-crafted texts that are of publishable quality, representing the content, language, and writing produced by experts in various disciplines. The texts cover a wide range of student interests about childhood, school, heroes, and heroic adventures. The materials include well-known authors, such as Ji-li Jiang, Charles Dickens, Lorraine Hansberry, Langston Hughes, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, D. H. Lawrence, and Frida Kahlo, providing a range of traditional, contemporary, and diverse texts for students.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Unit 7A, Red Scarf Girl & Narrative, includes both traditional and diverse texts, such as the Red Scarf Girl by Ji-li Jiang, a memoir from the life of a twelve-year-old Chinese girl. This culturally relevant memoir teaches about the impact of propaganda images used to persuade individuals.
Unit 7B, Character & Conflict, focuses on “Sucker” by Carson McCullers, a short story used to teach characterization. The unit also includes traditional, contemporary, and diverse texts, such as A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry and the poem “Dreams Deferred” by Langston Hughes.
Unit 7C, Brain Science, includes scientific texts and contemporary nonfiction, such as case studies from The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, excerpts from The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, and Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science by John Fleischman.
Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, includes “The Raven,” a narrative poem which serves as an example of tone, alliteration, rhythm, and rhyme, by Edgar Allen Poe. The unit also includes the “Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe.
Unit 7E, The Frida & Diego Collection, includes an autobiography by Frida Kahlo. The thematic unit also includes a collection of relevant pictures, articles, searchable online links, letters, and paintings.
Unit 7F, The Gold Rush, includes pictures, articles, letters, and other information from the time of the gold rush. A letter from Gold Mountain and a diary entry by Ramon Gil Navarro from 1849 are also included within the unit.
The materials include a variety of genres including literary texts, such as poetry, drama, and short stories, and informational texts, such as newspaper articles and excerpts from historical texts. Within the units, the platform contains excerpts from novels and historical texts, photos and letters, poetry and drama, as well as student-authored and published essays. Throughout the materials, a variety of graphics and pictures in a multi-modal format support the texts, as well as audio and video clips.
Examples of literary texts include but are not limited to:
Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution by Ji-li Jiang (memoir) “Sucker” by Carson McCullers (realistic fiction/short story)
“The Raven,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe (fiction/mystery)
Call of the Wild by Jack London (adventure fiction) A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry (drama) “Harlem” by Langston Hughes (poetry)
“The White Horse” by D.H. Lawrence (poetry) “The Silence” by Federico Garcia Lorca (poetry)
“A narrow fellow in the grass” by Emily Dickinson (poetry) Examples of informational texts include but are not limited to:
My Art, My Life by Diego Rivera (autobiography)
“Demystifying the Adolescent Brain” by Dr. Sarah McKay (scientific informational text) Excerpts from the majority and dissenting opinions in Roper v. Simmons (legal document) M’Naghten Rule (legal statute)
“Letter from the Tenth” and “From Digger: The Tragic Fate of the California Indians from the Missions to the Gold Rush” (letters and excerpts related to the California Gold Rush)
Examples of print and graphical features include but are not limited to:
Unit 7A, Red Scarf Girl & Narrative, contains pictures and videos of Mao Zedong to accompany the text
Red Scarf Girl.
Unit 7B, Character & Conflict, includes pictures of newspaper articles, artwork, and photographs to give background information for the play A Raisin in the Sun. Pictures include African American students sitting at a lunch counter in the 1960s, and graphics include a news release with an image of a theater marquee reflecting the success of A Raisin in the Sun.
Unit 7C, Brain Science, contains a documentary video titled “Visual Neglect” about a woman who has brain deficits as a result of a stroke.
Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, includes a video depicting several stanzas of “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe. Unit 7E, The Frida & Diego Collection, includes Diego Rivera’s painting Man, Controller of the Universe
as well as photographs and images.
The materials include some texts appropriately complex for seventh-grade students; however, the materials include several texts with quantitative and qualitative features well above the seventh-grade level. The publisher describes the “Path of text complexity” which includes quantitative measures (Lexile levels), qualitative measures, and reader/task measures. The materials use a “complexity index,” an aggregate of the three measures, to support placement of texts within appropriate grade bands. In addition, each unit has an overview which contains a Unit Background and Context section that provides the titles for each core text used for the unit. Contained within the document is an introduction to the texts, background and context of the authors, and cited sources. Within the resources of the Teacher Resources menu there is a list of all the books in the Amplify Library along with their Lexile levels and genres.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Unit 7A, Red Scarf Girl & Narrative, includes both traditional and diverse texts, such as the Red Scarf Girl
by Ji-li Jiang. The materials provide a complexity index of 5 for this unit.
Unit 7B, Character & Conflict, includes primary texts such as “Sucker” by Carson McCuller and A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. The materials provide a complexity index of 6.5 for this unit; however, the Lexile for “Sucker” is 1330 and A Raisin in the Sun includes mature subject material, such as: “What should I do with the life insurance money that we have because of our father’s death?” and “What should I do with this unplanned pregnancy?”
Unit 7C, Brain Science, includes excerpts from texts such as Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore. The materials provide a complexity index of 7.5 for this unit.
Unit 7D, Poetry & Poe, includes “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Raven.” The materials provide a complexity index of 7.5 for this unit; however, these texts are usually included in upper-grade anthologies.
The Program At a Glance complexity discussion lists Unit 7E as Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but this unit no longer resides in seventh-grade materials and is now the Frida & Diego Collection. No complexity information is provided for the seventh-grade Frida & Diego Collection. The eighth-grade version of the unit lists the complexity of this unit as 9, well above seventh grade.
Unit 7F, The Gold Rush, includes pictures, articles, letters, and other information from the time of the gold rush. The materials provide a complexity index of 9 for this unit, well above seventh grade.
The materials require students to use text evidence to support answers, claims, and inferences. Students analyze characters’ responses to conflict and understand the author’s development of ideas as they make connections with the texts. Students also discuss important details and ideas as they synthesize information from multiple texts. In addition, the materials integrate standards throughout each lesson and support applications of learning in contexts outside the classroom.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Unit 7A, Red Scarf Girl & Narrative, provides opportunities for students to make connections to personal experiences. Examples of questions and statements are: “Describe a moment when you ate a disgusting food. Use specific details to help your reader imagine how the food looked, tasted, and smelled—and what your face looked like when you ate it”; “Describe in detail one brief moment when you were finally able to do something you’d never been able to do before”; and, “Describe your most boring moment.”
Unit 7B, Character & Conflict, contains a question about the text “Sucker” by Carson McCullers designed to build understanding of the narrator and key characters: “Highlight one place where you get an idea about who the narrator is. Highlight one place where you get an idea who Sucker is. What is your impression of each character? What do you think each character wants the most?” Students then make connections between the play A Raisin in the Sun and the short story “Sucker.” Students highlight evidence to support their understanding about characters’ dynamic relationships.
In Unit 7C, Brain Science, students develop their conceptual understandings about the workings of the brain. Students read several narrative/informational nonfiction texts and compare and contrast the texts as they gather descriptions of the brain that support scientific observations. Students compare and contrast Phineas Gage and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat with Emily Dickinson’s poem “The Brain.” Using these texts, students respond to the prompt “Do you think Emily Dickinson’s description of the brain supports scientific observations read in Phineas Gage and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat? Use evidence from the texts and poem to support answer.”
In Unit 7E, Frida & Diego Collection, the platform uses a variety of multimedia connection texts to support students in analyzing texts and developing their understandings of big ideas within and across texts through viewing videos, paintings, letters, autobiographical entries, and nonfiction/informational texts. Students analyze these text connections with a variety of close-reading questions requiring students to connect with specific details and evidence from the text and visuals in order to better understand the topic as a whole and its relevance as a part of the unit’s big picture.
The materials contain questions and tasks designed to support analysis of the literary and textual elements of a text. They contain a variety of tasks and questions where students can analyze the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts. Students make inferences about the author's purpose and craft and analyze literary choices to understand the text. In addition, students examine identical themes across different texts to compare and contrast the author’s choices. Students also study the author’s word choice to describe characters and determine the motivations for their actions.
Examples include but are not limited to:
In Unit 7A, Red Scarf Girl & Narrative, students analyze the author’s implied purpose in the propaganda poster and compare it to the text Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution. By making this connection, students understand the background and the social climate surrounding Ji-Li’s narrative.
The lesson objective states: “Students will analyze a series of propaganda images, describing concrete details to support inferences about the intent of the images and to build an understanding of the setting and context for Red Scarf Girl.” The questions support student understanding through connections such as: “‘The classrooms buzzed with revolutionary fervor.’ Highlight two examples that describe how the classrooms ‘buzzed.’ In your own words, describe how the atmosphere at Ji-Li’s school has changed.” In addition, students study the words the author uses in the text to describe a boy who is being inspected by the authorities because his pants are not in compliance. With this close reading, the student answers the following questions along with highlighting and providing text evidence: “1. What is Ji-Li’s first impression of the man’s clothes? 2. How does the man feel? Highlight evidence that shows how he is feeling.” The questions within this task are scaffolded so that students first notice how the young man is dressed before making more complex inferences about the boy’s reaction to the situation.
In Unit 7D, Poetry and Poe, students identify any descriptive language that helps a reader imagine how something looks, sounds, smells, feels, tastes, and/or conveys a certain emotion: “Look at the imagery
used by Dickinson and Sandburg. Compare the way each poet uses imagery to communicate complex emotions. Use evidence from both texts to support your interpretations.”
In Unit 7E, The Frida & Diego Collection, students analyze the author’s word choice and understand the author’s purpose for choosing various expressions. Students read an excerpt from Frida Kahlo’s autobiography and analyze the text for language that she uses to describe Diego Rivera. The questions posed to the students read as follows: “Read the text and pay close attention to the language Frida Kahlo uses to describe Diego Rivera. How do you think Kahlo felt about Rivera? What makes you think so? When describing Rivera, what animal did Kahlo compare his eyes to? Do you think she was trying to insult him? Why or why not?”
The materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for academic vocabulary instruction. The platform uses a variety of tools and techniques to make the building of vocabulary and vocabulary instruction engaging, individualized, and relevant via the Reveal words, the Vocabulary App, and the videos and GIFs incorporated in and out of the context of primary reading lessons. Each unit contains a vocabulary activity as a part of daily lessons and instruction. Students practice their understanding of academic vocabulary and build key academic vocabulary both within and across texts.
Examples include but are not limited to:
In Amplify ELA, students practice vocabulary skills in three main ways: Reveal words, a Vocab App, and videos/GIFs. The materials contain resources that educators can use to teach vocabulary terms during small- and whole-group instruction. The resources target speaking, listening, reading, and writing to help students learn vocabulary terms. In addition, teachers can access Vocabulary Word Walls organized by grade and unit and vocabulary and idiom videos organized by grade and unit.
The materials feature an eReader component that includes a Reveal tool. Students build Tier 2 vocabulary by using the Reveal tool to see a contextual definition of a word highlighted within a text. When students click on a word, a contextual definition is provided, allowing students to understand how the word is used in that specific passage to quickly continue reading. The number of dots over each Reveal word indicates the difficulty of the word, which is determined by considering the following questions: “Are there contextual clues to help a student understand the word? Has the student seen the word elsewhere in the passage or another text? Is this a word that students may encounter in texts across content areas? Has research shown that the majority of students at this grade level are unfamiliar with this word?” The eReader keeps track of which words students have “revealed,” and students can easily access their specific list of words in a personal glossary within the Amplify Library.
The Vocab App (located on the left sidebar) is a self-guided and adaptive means of learning new vocabulary. It introduces students to words that are integral to understanding the texts and key concepts in each unit. Students receive a new set of approximately six words each time they open the Vocab App in a new lesson (two text-sourced words common across all levels, two academic words common across all levels, and two words unique to the student’s level to be set by the teacher).
Students also view videos and GIFs in order to learn vocabulary words. Students answer questions to
further their understanding of vocabulary words that appear in videos and in GIFs. In general, students spend the first five minutes of class working with vocabulary.
Teachers can access “Vocabulary Word Lists by Unit” which contains word lists that are differentiated by “At and Across Grade Level,” “Above Grade Level,” and “Below Grade Level.” The platform includes a layout of vocabulary words for each unit that can be filtered by difficulty. For instance, educators can access a document that lists vocabulary words that are above grade level. Each list contains the source (a text or story) where the words are used, a Reveal word, the word’s part of speech, and a contextual sentence that includes each vocabulary word. The lists can be used to support vocabulary development in learners.
In Unit 7B, Character & Conflict, students click on the Vocabulary App to engage with “Roots Exist”—an activity that focuses on Greek and Latin roots. Within this text app, students click on a word part, such as “terra,” and the meaning is given to the student. The student then studies a set of words and determines what makes them similar. After this, students work on an activity where they join word parts to make meaning. Students compare a poem and drama and engage in activities to help understand the meaning of similes. The materials provide ideas for scaffolding, such as “If students are struggling to understand similes, remind them that a simile is a comparison of two unlike things using the word ‘like’ or ‘as.’” Educators may then utilize verbal forms of communication to promote vocabulary development within their students. Students also examine the vocabulary word “doggedly” and are asked via a multiple-choice question: “Which sentence uses the word ‘doggedly’ correctly?” Students respond and are then given a rationale for the correct response. Students are given a sentence that uses the word and asked the following: “If a person were ‘doggedly’ sticking to a plan, what might she do?” The activity supports vocabulary development through reading.
In Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, students read a poem aloud and the Reveal word “sinuous” appears within the text. Students can see a student-friendly version of what the vocabulary word means, to increase their understanding of the word. The material also utilizes the app within the unit as students use analogies to find the meaning of the word “console” using the activity “Two of a Kind.” Students must match the analogy that fits the example “console is to parents” as …is to… The next activity within the app is called “The Zombie’s Handbook.” With this activity, students use context clues to find the definition of the word “asylum.”
In Unit 7E, The Frida & Diego Collection, students learn about direct quotes, plagiarism, and paraphrasing. The materials use examples to explain the vocabulary terms. The materials pair the learning of direct quotation and plagiarism to further students’ understanding of the terms; for example, an original quote is flanked by two examples of paraphrasing to support students’ understanding of the vocabulary terms.
The materials include a clear plan for students to engage in independent reading. The Teacher’s Guide embeds suggested reading within units of study, and sidebar applications support students with self-selected independent reading goals. The materials also provide teachers with support for students in selecting texts by offering book recommendations for diverse learners at varied levels with differing interests, available as part of the Amplify Library of reading materials or in most school or public libraries. Through gamification and self-assessment logs, students are held accountable for their reading progress and success.
Examples include but are not limited to:
The materials support teachers in creating independent readers by offering tips to connect students with independent reading suggestions and motivations. The materials suggest teachers encourage students to plan for their reading by interest, Lexile, or genre, all searchable in the library of materials provided by the publisher. Each lesson brief also provides suggested reading, available either as part of the publisher’s library of reading materials, or as the materials state, available in most schools or public libraries.
The Grade 7 materials provide an Independent Reader’s Guide by unit which suggests related books to those found in the curriculum. The library link also connects students to a library of reading materials, from which students can self-select and save items they are interested in reading. Within the teacher materials, the teacher can look up texts the students might want to read. Students can also access this library.
Students are provided with a reading tracker with which to track three books, one of which they self- selected. Students set and track a reading goal. Students are given prompts which allow for opportunities to rate how challenging their selection is as well as assess their understanding of what they are reading. A second document, “Tracking My Reading Path,” is also provided which allows students the opportunity to track their genre-choice selection.
In Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, a number of selections related to the life and writings of Emily Dickinson are suggested as related texts: Emily Dickinson: A Biography by Milton Meltzer, Emily Dickinson: Selected Letters edited by Thomas H. Johnson, and Emily’s Dress and Other Missing Things by Kathryn Burak.
Unit 7F, The Gold Rush, provides a list of website links for further study so students can dive deeper into topics of interest related to the California Gold Rush essays and related texts.
The materials provide support for students to develop composition skills across text types, purposes, and audiences. Students write a variety of literary, informational, and argumentative texts. The materials provide example texts to read within each genre as well as opportunities to compose narratives to express personal feelings, beliefs, and ideas. The materials provide limited opportunities to compose correspondence.
Examples include but are not limited to:
In Unit 7C, Brain Science, students read Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science and Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain. After reading these selections, students write an informational text addressing the prompt: “Compare and contrast Phineas' behavior and brain to those of an adolescent.” Students must also write a correspondence of a friendly structure: “Choose the job reported in the book that you think Phineas is most likely to have done. Pretend that you are Phineas and tell the story of that time in your life. You can write your story as one of the following: A diary entry, a letter home, and a response to the author's writing.”
In Unit 7E, Poe & Poetry, students compose poetry after viewing a variety of photographs of interesting animals: “Write a poem with at least eight lines describing the animal you chose. 1. Decide whether to write using Kahlo’s style (comparing the animal to unusual things) or Shakespeare’s style (saying the animal is not like beautiful things).” Students compose an informative essay: “Why did Frida Kahlo begin painting? How did this circumstance affect the type of paintings that she did? What did that mean for her long-term career? Write an informative essay about the beginning and development of Frida’s artistic work. As you conduct your research in both the Collection and on the Internet, be sure to look for relevant facts, concrete details, and clear evidence to support your claim.” In addition, students write an argumentative essay: “Who has the right to decide what public art should be: the artist or the public? There was controversy surrounding Diego Rivera's mural, Detroit Industry. Why did many people object to this work of art? What role does the public play when a work of art is being commissioned for a public space? What role does the artist play? Should Rivera have followed the
demands of the public or was he right to follow his artistic instincts? You will write an argumentative essay stating your claim that either Rivera was right to follow his artistic vision, or the public was right to demand that he paint the mural they envisioned. Be sure to identify at least 2 sources you can use in your work. As you conduct your research in both the Collection and on the Internet, be sure to look for relevant facts, concrete details, and clear evidence to support your claim.”
Unit 7G focuses on story writing. Students create a character and develop a story emphasizing rising actions and problems. They also create a second character and dialogue, paying attention to developing each character’s point of view. Students focus on character development and how the character changes over the course of the story. Finally, students write the story and practice revision.
The written tasks throughout the materials require students to use clear and concise information and well-defended text-supported claims to demonstrate the knowledge gained through analysis and synthesis of texts. The materials provide opportunities for students to respond to questions and to justify their responses with evidence from the text(s).
Examples include but are not limited to:
In Unit 7C, Brain Science, students formulate an opinion about the statement and use text evidence to support it: “Some behaviors are more typical during adolescence. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? What evidence from the text supports your answer?” Students use textual evidence in their writing when they respond to: “The author writes in paragraph 29 that ‘Ten weeks after the accident, Dr. Harlow declares Phineas fully recovered from his wounds.’ What evidence from the text could be used to argue for and against the claim that Phineas is fully recovered?” Students also express what they have learned in writing by being prompted to answer the following questions: “The author says that Phineas had a "stroke of luck" (19). Do you think Phineas was lucky? Why or why not?”
In Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, students use text evidence to support their opinions: “Do you agree or disagree with the narrator’s description of what is happening? Use details from the text to explain your reason and support your claim.” Students convey the knowledge they gained about a text by answering questions within the resource, such as “In what ways do the images in the poem make snakes seem not scary? In what ways do images in the poem make snakes seem scary? Why might Dickinson have included both types of images? Use specific images from the poem to make your arguments.”
In Unit 7F, The Gold Rush, after reading a series of texts, students complete the following task: “Using information in your research chart, write at least five journal entries telling of your experiences during the gold rush. If possible, use information from all four columns of the chart. Remember to include maps and images.” The task provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge they have gained about a text by providing a response in a written format. Students also use text
evidence to “Write one or two paragraphs providing key information you discovered about your topic. Make sure to include two framed quotes from at least two sources.”
The materials include opportunities for students to write, edit, and revise texts in increasingly complex ways. Grammar, usage, and mechanics are taught throughout the units. The resources contain assignments for students to apply conventions within their writing and assignments requiring learners to identify the correct use of writing conventions. Answer keys are provided for educators to verify students’ mastery of skills. The Grammar unit follows a pacing guide providing systematic instruction that applies to increasingly rigorous texts and student writing throughout the year. Opportunities to practice grammar are abundant across the program. In addition, students’ writing can be saved within the online platform to allow students to return to their writing for study and revision. The materials include essay rubrics, sample essays, essay-planning graphic organizers, sentence starters, relevant related texts, and lessons on finding evidence, writing claims, citing and punctuating dialogue, and revision techniques.
Examples include but are not limited to:
The Amplify Resources provide the documents “Grammar” and “Grammar Instruction and Pacing” within each grade level. Both documents provide a breakdown of the pacing used to teach grammar and writing for each unit by including lesson activities, progressive language standards, and a description of each lesson. The “Grammar” document also includes a rubric that can be used to score essays. The materials also include three “Mastering Lessons” conventions resources that can be used to introduce students to grammar and writing skills. Students read texts about applying grammar skills, apply the skills they have learned, identify skills, and write sentences that include grammar and punctuation skills. The skills featured within the document start at the foundational level and increase in complexity. The document can be used to give students opportunities to edit their writing as the year continues and teach grammar and writing skills.
The Grammar unit in each grade contains 35 lessons in seven sub-units that cover key grammar topics for the middle grades. Sub-units are paired around a given grammar topic; within each pair, one sub-unit covers foundational aspects of the topic, and another provides both grade-level and stretch instruction about the topic. The activities in each lesson are largely self-guided so that students can
move independently through the lessons. For example, students learn comma placement with coordinate adjectives. The definition of coordinate adjectives is provided, and an explanation of comma placement is given to students. Also, students see an example of the use of coordinate adjectives and commas: “I rubbed my fingers across the green, fuzzy skin of the kiwi fruit.” In the last activity, students must read the following sentence: “Ms. Caruthers threw her knobby old cane at Bob again.” Additionally, they must answer the following question: “Where would you place the comma in the example sentence?” After students learn each new skill, the materials include a “Go to My Work” activity where they find a recent writing activity and apply the new skills to their writing.
Each unit contains a sub-unit called “Write an Essay,” that uses all the steps in the writing process and includes essay rubrics, sample essays, essay-planning graphic organizers, sentence starters, relevant related texts, and lessons on finding evidence, writing claims, citing and punctuating dialogue,
and revision techniques. For example, in the Materials section of Unit 7D, there are PDF files titled “Grade 7 Essay Rubric,” “Essay Graphic Organizer,” and “Essay Sentence Starters.”
In Unit 7B, Character & Conflict, students review and use the steps in the “Editing Process” to edit their essays. Suggestions are provided to help students make editing corrections, such as spelling changes, to improve their writing. Guidelines for using quotes and punctuating quotes are also provided. The guidelines support students' ability to incorporate quotes using correct capitalization and punctuation techniques.
In Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, students revise their essays to create a smooth transition between their body paragraphs and to eliminate wordiness and redundancy throughout their essays. Students are given examples of well-written transitions to use in their writing.
Throughout Unit 7F, The Gold Rush, students gather evidence from various texts to write a claim and find evidence. Students engage in activities to help them revise and edit their compositions: “Students will edit their essays for clarity, cohesion, spelling, and punctuation.” Students polish their essays and complete the following task: “Arrange what you have written in the appropriate order. Make sure to incorporate your revisions into your body paragraphs, or delete them if you don’t want to use them.“ Students share their compositions with their peers using sentence starters such as “When you used the word … it helped me understand …” and “When you used the evidence about … it convinced me that ...” Students then polish their essays, first by focusing on sentence flow, style consistency, and essay completeness, and then on proofreading issues. Suggestions and examples of how to punctuate direct quotes are provided in order to support students’ ability to punctuate sentences correctly. Additional editing suggestions, such as the need to capitalize the word “I,” are also stated within the lesson brief near the area where students write their essay.
The materials provide opportunities to listen to and talk about texts prior to and after reading. The materials include response starters to facilitate discussions and specific talking points to show students’ comprehension of texts. Most oral tasks require students to use information gathered through reading and well-defended text-supported claims to demonstrate knowledge through culminating activities. Additionally, students participate in speaking and listening to engage in meaningful discourse by summarizing, asking questions, making comments as they demonstrate comprehension, and participating in the process of synthesizing and analyzing texts. Throughout the materials, lessons provide a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge and comprehension of texts, using discussion stems throughout to guide student discourse.
Examples include but are not limited to:
In Unit 7A, Red Scarf Girl & Narrative, students read an excerpt from Chapter 13 in Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution by Ji-li Jiang. Students determine the feelings Ji-li is trying to evoke in the reader with her description of the setting and determine how Ji-li's feelings for Officer Ma (and her family) develop as the scene unfolds. Students discuss: “Would you want to walk into this room? Why or why not?” Students then share their writing with a peer, using provided discussion stems to speak with a focus on key ideas and comprehension of the primary text. The teacher also facilitates a whole-class activity where students take a stand on the conflict line after reading the text. Students should be sure to understand that when students select a place on the line, they are standing where Ji-li would stand. Students try to decide if Ji-li feels closer to Chairman Mao or to her family. Students are called on to explain why they chose to stand where they did.
In Unit 7C, Brain Science, the teacher projects an image of the tamping rod and skull of Phineas Gage. After looking at the image, students discuss the following questions: “Could a person survive without part of their brain? What kinds of things can happen when someone injures their brain? Does injuring different parts of the brain cause different problems?” Later in the unit “Students develop their thinking about whether age should be a factor in deciding punishment under the law.” After reading “The Ever-Plastic Brain” and the Supreme Court opinion in Roper vs. Simmons, students decide
whether the legal system should treat adolescents differently than adults. Students answer various questions and use sentence frames provided in the materials for this lesson.
In Unit 7F, The Gold Rush, students discuss the credibility of various texts. In the next couple of activities, students work collaboratively to implement criteria for determining credibility. After students read and evaluate text from a government source, an academic source, a news source, and a commercial source, students must answer questions to determine the credibility of the information. Later in the unit, students are organized into groups, read the same text, discuss what they learned from reading the text, and explain what connections they can make to images they chose. They discuss the facts they uncovered about the topic, a surprising connection they found between the text and at least one of the images, and what the images communicated that they might not have been able to learn by reading the text. Students also read an assigned text and engage in a Socratic seminar using evidence from their reading to support their assertions.
The materials engage students in productive teamwork and student-led discussions in both formal and informal settings. The materials include Socratic seminars, debates, partner discussion, and dramatic readings. The materials provide guidance and opportunities to practice with grade-level protocols for discussion to express their own thinking. Additionally, the materials provide opportunities for students to give organized presentations/performances and speak in a clear and concise manner using the conventions of language. The materials provide sentence and discussion stems and guiding questions throughout the lesson activities. These protocols encourage students to give feedback and express their thoughts, opinions, and ideas with their peers during classroom learning and discussion.
Examples include but are not limited to:
In Unit 7B, Character & Conflict, students share one part from their essay that they are especially proud of writing. After sharing, students have the opportunity to respond to a peer’s writing. They are given response starters to facilitate the conversation. Some examples of these response starters are “I could picture … (person, process, idea, action, place) when you wrote …” and “When you used the word … it helped me understand …” Students also choose a character from A Raisin in the Sun and decide which lines best represent the character’s feelings. Students take turns performing their memorized passages for the class. While students perform their reading, the audience listens and takes notes.
In Unit 7C, Brain Science, students construct and deliver arguments and evidence about the role of the brain in creating a personality and respond to their peers' arguments with their own counterclaims and evidence. Teachers place students into an even number of groups. An equal number of groups are asked to take one of two stances. Each group prepares evidence for a debate and is paired to debate a team that has an opposing stance. The roles in each group are clear, members are aware of the expectations needed for their role, and students are aware of how to support their claims to defend their argument. The protocols are well-defined and required for students to complete the debate.
In Unit 7E, The Frida & Diego Collection, students review source credibility with a partner activity. Partner discussions are supported with focused discussion stems. For example, students are asked to
state the author of a source, describe if the author is knowledgeable about the topic he or she wrote about, and explain if the source is from a well-known website. Students participate in the Socratic seminar by asking questions based on what they have read about Frida and Diego’s art. Before students engage in a Socratic seminar, the teacher establishes routines and procedures including reminders to ask questions and take notes. This instructional practice may be used as a method for focusing student research and as an opportunity to consider the issues surrounding Frida and Diego’s art from various perspectives.
The materials provide multiple opportunities for both formal and informal research tasks throughout the platform. Research skills are built into the context of the themed instructional units within the natural flow of inquiry and summary. The materials teach research skills such as avoiding plagiarism through paraphrasing and quoting sources, forming accurate citations, evaluating a variety of source materials for validity, and synthesizing new ideas for the purpose of presenting findings. Students must read primary sources and develop counter arguments based on the information provided in those sources. Students use a chart to organize data and explain what makes it credible. The materials also support the identification of primary versus secondary sources. While instruction is recursive, it duplicates across grade levels and does not increase in rigor. Students are taught the organization of ideas, presentation of information in an organized manner, informational literacy, and creating source citations and works cited pages in the same manner as they are in the instruction from sixth grade.
Examples include but are not limited to:
In Unit 7E, The Frida & Diego Collection, students learn how to assess the credibility of a variety of provided sources by distinguishing reliable sources from unreliable sources. Students explore Internet sources and must determine the credibility of sources through guided activities. After the teacher assigns Internet websites, students must determine the reliability of a text by answering the following questions: “Explain the author's point of view. What evidence do you find convincing? What evidence do you find questionable? Explain why.” Later in the unit students generate a research question about Frida and Diego, identify credible Internet sources, conduct Internet research, and then use their evidence and framed quotes to describe key information about their topic.
In Unit 7F, The Gold Rush, students learn how to frame direct quotes, provide basic bibliographic information as references, and paraphrase source information in order to avoid plagiarism. The unit provides explicit research-related skills, such as “how to tell the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources…determine if a source is reliable…[and] understand ethical uses of information.” In these lessons, students work through a “Source Credibility Checklist” to determine if sources are credible and reliable according to established criteria for evaluating online sources for research. Students proceed through this unit by practicing their research skills independently and as a part of a group in the collections provided in the platform materials and on the Internet. Students are
asked to find information to share and use as a part of their writing—a final purpose built into the context of this complex and cumulative embedded research unit.
Throughout the materials, high-quality, text-dependent questions and tasks help students build knowledge and skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language. The Grammar unit includes opportunities for students to build and apply knowledge in writing, thinking, language, listening, and speaking. Text-dependent questions are integrated within a text and across multiple texts. Throughout the materials, students are presented with tasks that are interconnected and allow students the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills consistently throughout the materials. Furthermore, the tasks and questions within these units include components of vocabulary, syntax, and fluency, as needed and provide opportunities for increased independence. Students are introduced to a concept at the beginning of each unit; subsequent lessons are spiraled. Students engage in all tenets of the ELA curriculum: reading, analyzing the core text, speaking, and writing.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, is designed for students to build and apply their knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and language. Students discuss their understanding of a text, explain their understanding of its setting, compare and contrast ideas, and read additional texts related to the primary text. Students read a text and deepen their reading by designing sets, selecting actors, and defining characters based on particular details of the text. Students view videos related to a text and explore how directing movies is aligned with good reading practices. Students are asked to verbally discuss the following questions with their peers: “What happens at the end of the story?” “How does Fortunato feel at the end of the story?” “How does Montresor feel?” “When do you think Montresor will let Fortunato go (or will he)?” and “How do you feel about the end of the story?” Students are then asked to write written responses to the following questions: “What does Montresor do to Fortunato?” “What do you think happens to Fortunato?” and “What happens to Montresor?”
In Unit 7E, The Frida & Diego Collection, students discuss their understanding of texts with their peers, listen to peers’ responses, write annotations about a text, compare descriptive language across texts, read and answer questions independently, and analyze the texts. The descriptive writing lessons begin
with students reading and discussing Frida’s “Statement from Frida Kahlo.” They also read Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 130” and compare and contrast the two texts. After completing their writing, students continue to explore texts and images from The Frida & Diego Collection to further sharpen their close-reading skills. Students participate in class discussions to help students see how both texts utilize figurative language. In Activity 3, students are asked to provide a written response when they are asked, “Which of Kahlo’s comparisons in this paragraph did you find the most unusual? Explain your thinking.”
The materials support distributed practice over the course of the year. The materials include scaffolds and practice at increasing levels of complexity. Students demonstrate integration of literacy skills, as information and activities spiral across the school year.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Within the Program Overview, the Path of Skill Development section states: “As students move from earlier units to later units within a single grade, they learn, practice, and gradually master reading and writing skills that grow increasingly sophisticated, and learn how to apply these skills on texts that grow increasingly complex.” The Complexity Index includes a quantitative measure that indicates a text’s Lexile level, a qualitative measure regarding the background knowledge needed to comprehend a text, and a reader and task measure which indicates the rigor of reading-based activities. As the curriculum introduces more challenging tasks, like working independently to pull together an analysis of a whole novel, the units sometimes focus on texts with lower Lexiles. When the units challenge students to master sentences of great complexity and new vocabulary, the lesson activities pose carefully calibrated and scaffolded tasks.” In addition, the Scope and Sequence from the Program Overview notes: “Instruction first focuses on developing several key habits and skills that support the rigorous work with complex text. Reading habits and skills are taught and practiced in order to simultaneously build and strengthen writing habits and skills.” Students move from “Practice reading and writing” to “Experiment using different words.”
The design of a daily lesson is as follows: “Build Vocabulary (building vocabulary or teacher-student check-ins), Collaborate and Interpret (working with text out loud, working visually, working with text as theater, choosing the best evidence, or using the text as reference), Produce (writing for an authentic audience, revising, or debating), Prepare for Independent Work (share, discuss, and introduce solo), Independent Work (complete solo, read independently, play in the world of Lexica, create a video for Project Ed, or build more vocabulary with Vocab App).” This design allows for integration and spiraling of literacy skills throughout the year in a familiar pattern.
In Unit 7A, Red Scarf Girl & Narrative, students read excerpts from the memoir and analyze propaganda posters from the period to gain an understanding about the author’s life during China’s
Cultural Revolution. As students explore the memoir and the details of how it is written, students are tasked with writing their own narratives and responding to the writings of their peers.
In Unit 7C, Brain Science, students build upon ideas about the brain with multiple texts. Students practice close reading, discuss ideas presented in a text, read complex texts, and practice their fluency skills. Students also view a map of the brain and use the map to understand Phineas’ injuries. Students spiral writing skills by writing details to support a claim about Phineas’ injuries. In addition, students are able to practice grammar skills, write to answer a question about a text they have read, and revise their writing samples.
In Unit 7F, The Frida & Diego Collection, students build knowledge which is scaffolded throughout activities that increase in complexity. Students delve into understanding materials in the collection through close reading and a Socratic seminar where they analyze the text with their responses. In addition, students make connections between a text and an image.
Unit 7G is the story-writing unit. Writing is scaffolded throughout the grade. In each unit, students are writing shorter pieces and then a larger essay. In Unit 7G, they use the full writing process to work through intermediate story writing.
The materials provide some supports for students demonstrating above-grade-level proficiency. The learning opportunities (extensions and differentiation) for students who perform above the grade level appear sporadically across activities. The materials signal an available differentiation strategy or activity to challenge students performing above grade level with an orange pentagon. These differentiation activities can be found in the printed Teacher’s Guide, in the Differentiation notes for the lesson, and in the Differentiation tab for each activity for each grade level. Some of these activities provide opportunities to explore a topic in a more complex way; however, some extensions are merely extra work for students without additional cognitive challenge. The materials provide more resources for differentiation in writing than in reading; the materials provide little guidance in integrating supplemental texts for students demonstrating literacy skills above that expected at the grade level.
Examples include but are not limited to:
In a core activity of Unit 7C, Brain Science, students are asked to respond to a claim about behaviors adolescents may exhibit. In the above-level activity, students are asked to justify and support the author's opinion by explaining why adolescent behaviors can be scientifically proven. On a lesson about brain science, students use multiple-choice responses to record their answers to a question about the main character’s sense of humor after an accident occurred. General core text questions increase in complexity and rigor, but there is no evidence of differentiated materials for students who demonstrate literacy skills above that expected at the grade level.
In Unit 7D, Poe & Poetry, the core activity requires students to use text evidence to compare the narrator’s perspective about events to their own perspective. In the above-level activity, students can present a perspective that differs from their own.
In the core activity of Unit 7E, The Gold Rush, students use the information they researched to write a journal entry using the perspective of the individual they researched. In the above-level activity, students are challenged to compare the experiences the person they researched had during the gold rush to the experiences of another individual.
In Unit 7F, The Frida & Diego Collection, students discuss the credibility of sources by answering questions about information presented within websites. To provide differentiation, the materials advise teachers to ask students demonstrating proficiency above level to discuss the credibility of a
website and why readers may be convinced by the information included within a website. In order to challenge students, teachers can facilitate a student discussion surrounding the evidence that makes a website more credible.
The materials provide supports for students demonstrating below-grade-level proficiency such as sentence starters, differentiated writing prompts, and other scaffolding techniques. When the materials have a differentiation strategy or activity to differentiate for students performing below grade level, it is noted with a blue trapezoid (substantial), a teal square (moderate), or a green triangle (light). These differentiation activities can be found in the printed Teacher’s Guide, in the Differentiation notes for the lesson, and in the Differentiation tab for each activity.
Examples include but are not limited to:
The materials include a Quick Reference Guide for Differentiation Levels. According to the guide, students who perform below grade level need significant scaffolding to read complex texts. Students may be provided with shorter texts to read, questions that require short responses, guiding questions, sentence starters, and a simple writing prompt. A Differentiation section is located within the Amplify Resources tab. Teachers are encouraged to use audio and video when providing instruction to students who perform below grade level. The text further instructs teachers to assign short texts for students to practice reading and presenting on the “Flex Days.”
Unit 7A, in the core activity, students use text evidence to understand a character’s feelings. To differentiate the activity, small chunks are read, and sentence starters are provided to students. For example, students may begin their constructed written response by using the following sentence starter: “After the Red Guards searched her home, Ji-li started feeling…because….”
In Unit 7B, students read the drama A Raisin in the Sun and create a chart that details “a character’s want, obstacle, and response” after reading a section of the drama. The platform embeds differentiation into the flow of the lesson. A drop-down menu next to the subheading “Write” populates the activity with a differentiated writing prompt. The same prompt is either worded in a simple manner or in a complex manner to meet the needs of different students. For example, students are asked to think about a character and “Explain what your character wants and how he or she reacts to the obstacle.”
In Unit 7C, the materials offer tips for teachers relating to scientific vocabulary and suggest a group discussion to foster understanding of the challenging scientific texts. Further suggestions include use of a graphic organizer for planning an essay.
In Unit 7F, the platform differentiates for students who are below grade level. In Lesson 3, the materials provide an example of the Flex Day built into the unit to incorporate authentic student support in regard to a variety of literacy skills. The teacher platform provides an Instructional Support guide to help teachers to prep for this differentiation.
The materials provide some support for English Learners (EL), such as vocabulary and idiom videos, Vocabulary Word Walls, and an English Language Development Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer. The materials also include sentence frames, graphic aids, and Spanish translations but do not include study of cognates, bilingual dictionaries, or thesauri. Some EL-recommended supports within the materials are identical to the supports provided to students performing below grade level. The materials do not include supports commensurate with the various levels of English language proficiency as defined by the ELPs (beginning, intermediate, advanced, and advanced high); rather the materials identify students’ language proficiency as “emerging,” “expanding,” and “bridging.”
Examples include, but are not limited to:
The materials provide an English Language Development Conversation and Collaboration Outline. The outline contains language objectives for each of the sub-units and lessons within the materials. The materials do not include cognates lessons or games in the Vocabulary App; however, the app is adaptive and contains three streams (emerging, expanding, bridging) for EL students. The materials include Spanish-language versions for some of the required text selections within the units. In the Amplify Library, the teacher can find a glossary under the Reference section containing multi-language translations of important unit vocabulary. Scaffolds for English Learners are denoted by three different symbols: yellow circle for emerging, light blue square for expanding, and green triangle for bridging.
In Unit 7A, a summary of an excerpt from Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution is provided in both English and Spanish. Within the unit, Reveal words are located throughout the text. These words are highlighted in blue, and students can click on the word to see the definition and an audio reading of the word.
In Unit 7B, teachers are asked to play a video with subtitles if they have EL students. Educators may have EL students view the video more than once to build their language skills.
In Unit 7C, the teacher can toggle the audio to be on or off for EL students. Students can hear the computer read the questions and answer choices if needed.
In Unit 7D, students work with a partner to highlight details about specific characters. The same type of support is recommended for EL students and students performing below grade level.
Unit 7E, teachers discuss the meaning of the word “credible” with EL students to support their understanding of the word before they are asked to evaluate the credibility of a website. Sentence starters are provided to support EL students as they discuss the credibility of a website with their peers.
In Unit 7F, the materials suggest grouping EL students with EL students who are at a higher linguistic level or with non-EL peers. Teachers are asked to explain the similarities between commands and rules to emerging EL students.
The materials contain formative and summative assessments that are aligned with content; however, they do not contain any explicit references to the TEKS. These assessments and the functionality of the gradebook connect content and purposefully align to intended student learning and performance objectives. The gradebook and formative and summative assessments provide many options for connected, year-long ELA development of students across the middle school grades.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Amplify Resources contain a webinar recording titled “Assessments: The where, when, and how of assessment in Amplify ELA” that gives more information about assessments. The Unit Reading Assessments Guide in the Amplify Resources gives information about administering the assessment and reviewing and using the assessment data. In addition, the pacing guides demonstrate a plan and purpose for formative/summative assessments related to the literacy objectives and foundational skills throughout the units.
The materials include a variety of formative and summative assessments; some are scored by the interactive online features of the platform, affording students the opportunity for timely feedback on formative skills and tasks for both reading and writing. The solo activities at the summation of each lesson provide examples of this, providing platform-scored reading response that can inform students of progress and also provide assessment data that teachers can use in preparing for Flex Day instruction and for what the platform calls OTSCs (over-the-shoulder conferences).
The materials contain interim assessments designed to give teachers baseline data on students’ proficiency with reading and writing standards and to measure students’ progress with these standards over the course of the year. There are two reading and two writing interim assessments that teachers are encouraged to administer at the beginning of the year, and prior to state assessments.
The summative assessments at the end of each unit of study provide students with a variety of question types and passages designed to collect data on growth and understanding of key skills and literacy concepts at the end of the unit’s instruction. Students do not get that data immediately. The interactive gradebook features collect that data for documenting growth and responding to the
individual skills of the student. Units and tests are genre-focused and centered on essential elements and skills of various genres.
In addition, within the Amplify Resources, teachers can find a rubric for writing that includes three categories: “Focus,” “Use of evidence,” and “Conventions.” To clarify these sections, teachers have access to definitions for the writing categories. Based on student performance on the assessment tools, students are placed in the following brackets: 4 Exceeds Expectations, 3 Proficient, 2 Developing Proficiency, 1 No Progress Toward Proficiency. Each of these brackets includes a short description of the characteristics of students that fall within these areas. In addition, within the Amplify Resources, teachers can find the “Student Works Collection and Rubric for Teacher” that contains exemplar essays demonstrating mastery, along with rubrics and a color-coded breakdown depicting the components of an effective composition.
In the Preparation section of Assessment Lesson briefs, teachers are walked through how to prepare students for the assessment, key terms and ideas that students will need to remember, as well as item types they will need to look for. It is suggested for educators to allot thirty minutes for students to answer multiple-choice questions and ten minutes for students to write constructed responses.
The materials contain a “Teacher Tip: Summative Reading Assessment” video that explains how to unlock and prepare for the reading assessment. A summative reading assessment that covers A Raisin in the Sun and “Sucker” also covers the skills taught throughout the unit. Students engage with the text as they read an excerpt and answer questions to complete a summative assessment.
The materials include year-long plans and supports for teachers to identify the needs of students and provide differentiated instruction to meet the needs of a range of learners to ensure grade-level success. There are annotations within units, ancillary materials and resources, online and print resources, as well as a Help icon where teachers have access to the Amplify support team.
Examples include but are not limited to:
According to “Rigorous instruction for all students; Universal Design in Amplify ELA,” the materials support teachers as they establish routines and procedures that allow for lessons to serve the needs of all learners. The curriculum is structured to support students who are at different levels, enables educators to gain assessment data, and provides opportunities for educators to adjust instruction to meet the needs of their students. The materials offer students multiple ways of learning skills, demonstrating their understanding, and engaging with the content included within lessons.
The ancillary materials in the Teacher Resources provide a variety of support for teachers and students, in their guidance and overall approach to students’ learning and success. Two examples of this are the suggestions in the “Homeschool Connection” document as well as the interdisciplinary study connections (“Content Knowledge and Interdisciplinary Skills”) for vocabulary and concept extension and connection between ELA and other disciplines.
Amplify’s interim assessments are designed to give teachers baseline data on students’ proficiency with reading and writing standards and to measure students’ progress with these standards over the course of the year. Two reading and two writing assessments are provided for each grade level. A suggested timeline for administering the assessments is provided within the materials.
The materials provide some implementation support for teachers. The materials do not include a TEKS-aligned scope and sequence, nor do they include administrator supports to help teachers implement the materials. The materials provide an abundance of resources for teachers and support personnel, but they lack a user-friendly structure. The resource materials include numerous occurrences of repeated ideas and information as well as inaccuracies in content for each grade level.
Examples include but are not limited to:
The materials include an “ELA Navigational Tour” in the Amplify Resources, which can be used to have educators navigate through different sections of the materials to become familiar with the content.
The resources include links to webinars designed to promote best practices.
The Tutorials section of the Amplify Resources contain PDF files of topics such as “Differentiation Teacher’s Guide” and “Strategies for Struggling Writers,” as well as videos and screencasts like “Start and End Class,” “Close Reading,” and “Supporting Struggling Readers,” that lend additional support to teachers.
No clear evidence of support to assist administrators in supporting teachers was identified.
There is a lesson standard drop-down which contains the lesson and the standard that is not aligned to the TEKS.
The materials contain a Teacher’s Guide for each unit which includes an overview, and a section on planning for the unit which includes differentiation.
The “Planning Your Year” document in the Amplify Resources includes “core” lessons for 180 days of instruction and a “Pacing and Flexibility” guide to extend or support learning. Materials do not contain
a pacing guide for 220-day schedules. The lessons and units are carefully sequenced to build knowledge and skills across the year and throughout the program.
The visual design of the student edition is neither distracting nor chaotic. The visual design uses white space and graphic elements effectively and does not distract from the content. The graphics that correspond with the title of each unit aid students’ navigation through the lessons and give students a sneak peek into what the unit will be about. Information is presented in a logical order, progressing throughout each sub-unit and within each lesson. Information on each page is minimal with only the necessary questions and directions. Space is given for students to engage with text by highlighting and/or responding to a question—typically one question per page. The student edition meets the needs of students by providing a variety of graphical pictures and videos, illustrations, and graphical features, carefully organized for variety and clarity as well as interest and appeal. The primary texts included in the various units of study and throughout the library of materials allow for individual adjustments of white space to be made and provide a layout that allows students to focus on intentional elements that promote key learning concepts. The color and layout of learning units and interactive features of close reading and response boxes effectively support student learning by maximizing engagement and focus through an uncluttered, user-centered design.
Examples include but are not limited to:
The written texts included in the Amplify Library materials include the ability to adjust font size according to student preference or need in order to affect white space to maximize student focus and avoid distraction.
Across units, each graphic reflects the overall theme of each unit. Grade 7 materials contain eight units with sub-units and lessons contained within each. Consideration for space is given, as no more than three directions, which are succinct, are provided when appropriate. Space is allocated for student responses without any distractors.
Visual design and layout of the student edition’s unit overviews are sized and spaced in a way that is consistent, inviting, and promotes student learning. The pictures associated with each unit overview entice students to make predictions and anticipate the content of each unit without being a distraction. The addition of a quote from the primary text for the unit adds to the appeal and intrigue of the overview’s layout.
The design features of the “Exit Ticket” and solo comprehension activities included with each unit of the student edition achieve a stream-lined neutral aesthetic using drop-down menus and interactive features for student answer choices and responses in a way that keeps the student workspaces feeling uncluttered and focused.
The technology present in the materials supports and enhances student learning. The format and graphics are consistent across the materials. The color and layout of interactive features and close-reading responses effectively support student learning by maximizing engagement and focus through uncluttered and user-centered design. The consistency and relevancy allow the student to recognize the various components of the lesson.
Examples include but are not limited to:
Materials at this grade level, in totality, are in a digital platform with an option to print hard copies. The first unit contains assignments designed to acclimate the student to the publisher platform.
Within each lesson, a tab is provided at the top of the page that allows students to easily navigate through the various components. For example, under “Lesson Briefs,” students can navigate through tabs labeled “Vocabulary,” “Class,” and “Individual,” which are accompanied by icons such as the letter “v,” a light bulb, and a person icon.
The sidebar apps include interactive features carefully designed to be visually vibrant with bold colors and moving features that engage learners. For example, quest applications allow students to choose their own challenges. The self-selecting areas and features to unlock options make the apps engaging.
When students write essays, they use an online format. Students can also make adjustments to the texts using the following features: bold, italicize, underline, align, add bullets, undo, and redo.
When students interact with texts online, they can take notes and annotate texts by using online highlighting tools. The materials also utilize multiple-choice and short-answer questions which require highlighting of text evidence. The necessary components are given with drop-down arrows for further clarity and more information. This eliminates wordiness and clutter on the pages.
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