Texas Resource Review

Istation Reading - Grade 1

ELAR Grade 1 | 2021

Publisher: Istation

Series includes:

Quality Review

The quality review is the result of extensive evidence gathering and analysis by Texas educators of how well instructional materials satisfy the criteria for quality in the subject-specific rubric. Follow the links below to view the scores and read the evidence used to determine quality.

Standards Alignment

Rubric Section 1
TEKS and ELPS Alignment (percent of standards met in materials)
Percent of standards met in materials
Grade TEKS Student % TEKS Teacher % ELPS Student % ELPS Teacher %
Grade 1 96.67% 96.67% N/A 100%

Criteria for Quality

Rubric Section 2 Texts What students read, see, and hear Total TOTAL50% (6 out of 12 points) 50%
Section 2 Texts What students read, see, and hear Total 50% (6 out of 12 points)
Materials include high-quality texts for ELAR instruction and cover a range of student interests.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include a variety of text types and genres across content that meet the requirements of the TEKS for each grade level.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Texts, including read-aloud texts in K-2 and shared reading in Grade 2, are appropriately challenging, and are at an appropriate level of complexity to support students at their grade level.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 3 Literacy Practices and Text Interactions: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Thinking, Inquiry and Research What students are asked to write, speak and demonstrate. Total TOTAL65% (30 out of 46 points) 65%
Section 3 Literacy Practices and Text Interactions: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Thinking, Inquiry and Research What students are asked to write, speak and demonstrate. Total 65% (30 out of 46 points)

3.a Reading: Questions and Tasks

Materials contain questions and tasks that support students in synthesizing knowledge and ideas to deepen understanding and identify and explain themes.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials contain questions and tasks that require students to evaluate the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts.
0 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact with and build key academic vocabulary in and across texts.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include a clearly defined plan to support and hold students accountable as they engage in self-sustained reading.
1 out of 1 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.b Writing

Materials provide support for students to compose across text types for a variety of purposes and audiences.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials engage students in the writing process to develop text in oral, pictorial, or written form.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Over the course of the year, students are provided opportunities to apply grade-level standard English conventions to their writing.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include practice for students to write legibly in print (K-1) and cursive (Grade 2).
1 out of 1 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.c Speaking and Listening

Materials support students’ listening and speaking about texts.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials engage students in collaborative discussions.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.d Inquiry and Research

Materials engage students in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for different purposes.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

3.e Integration of ELAR Skills

Materials contain interconnected tasks that build student knowledge.
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide spiraling and scaffolded practice.
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 4 Developing and Sustaining Foundational Literacy Skills Total TOTAL50% (12 out of 24 points) 50%
Section 4 Developing and Sustaining Foundational Literacy Skills Total 50% (12 out of 24 points)
Materials provide explicit instruction in print concepts and opportunities for student practice (K-1 only).
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide explicit instruction in phonological skills and opportunities for student daily practice (e.g., rhyming, syllabication, blending, segmenting, manipulation) (K-1 only).
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide explicit systematic instruction in phonetic knowledge and opportunities for students to practice both in and out of context (K-2).
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials provide frequent opportunities for students to practice and develop fluency while reading a wide variety of grade-level texts at the appropriate rate with accuracy and prosody. (Grades 1-2 only)
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include placement (diagnostic) assessments and provide information to assist in foundational skills instruction (K-2).
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials regularly and systematically offer assessment opportunities that genuinely measure student progress as indicated by the program scope and sequence (K-2).
2 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 5 Supports for All Learners How well do the materials support teachers in meeting the needs of students with diverse learning needs? Total TOTAL67% (4 out of 6 points) 67%
Section 5 Supports for All Learners How well do the materials support teachers in meeting the needs of students with diverse learning needs? Total 67% (4 out of 6 points)
Materials include supports for students who demonstrate proficiency above grade level.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include supports for students who perform below grade level to ensure they are meeting the grade-level literacy standards.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include supports for English Learners (EL) to meet grade-level learning expectations.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 6 Implementation How user-friendly are the materials and how do they support students, teachers and administrators in assuring strong implementation? Total TOTAL75% (6 out of 8 points) 75%
Section 6 Implementation How user-friendly are the materials and how do they support students, teachers and administrators in assuring strong implementation? Total 75% (6 out of 8 points)
Materials include assessment and guidance for teachers and administrators to monitor progress including how to interpret and act on data yielded.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include year-long plans and supports for teachers to identify needs of students and provide differentiated instruction to meet the needs of a range of learners to ensure grade-level success.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include implementation support for teachers and administrators.
1 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

The visual design of the student edition (whether in print or digital) is neither distracting nor chaotic.
2 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

If present, technology components included are appropriate for grade level students and provide support for learning.
Not scored

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Rubric Section 7 Additional Information Additional information including technology components; cost worksheet; professional learning opportunities; and additional language supports. Information available.
Section 7 Additional Information Additional information including technology components; cost worksheet; professional learning opportunities; and additional language supports. Information available.
Technology components.

Read the Full Report for Technology
(pdf, 387.08 KB)

Cost worksheet.

Read the Full Report for Pricing
(pdf, 174.54 KB)

Professional learning opportunities.

Read the Full Report for Professional Learning Opportunities
(pdf, 378.13 KB)

Additional language supports.

Read the Full Report for Additional Language Supports
(pdf, 160.76 KB)

Program Information

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Print Version
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Digital Version
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