Program Information
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Grade 1 | 2021Publisher: Vista Higher Learning
Series includes:The quality review is the result of extensive evidence gathering and analysis by Texas educators of how well instructional materials satisfy the criteria for quality in the subject-specific rubric. Follow the links below to view the scores and read the evidence used to determine quality.
Section 1. Spanish Language Arts and Reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Alignment
Grade |
TEKS Student % |
TEKS Teacher % |
ELPS Student % |
ELPS Teacher % |
Kindergarten |
Pending |
Pending |
N/A |
N/A |
Grade 1 |
54.90% |
50.00% |
N/A |
N/A |
Grade 2 |
61.29% |
69.35% |
N/A |
N/A |
Section 2. Texts
Section 3. Literary Practices and Text Interactions
Section 4. Developing and Sustaining Foundational Literacy Skills
Section 5. Progress Monitoring
Section 6. Supports for All Learners
Section 7. Implementation
Section 8. Bilingual Program Model Considerations
Section 9. Additional Information
Grade | TEKS Student % | TEKS Teacher % | ELPS Student % | ELPS Teacher % |
Grade 1 | 54.9% | 50% | N/A | N/A |
The material includes some high-quality texts for SLAR instruction covering a range of student interests. Some texts represent a variety of genres, from contemporary to multiculturally diverse, and are well-crafted quality in content, language, and writing that is represented in cross-disciplinary standards that engage all learners’ interests. Some of the materials include increasingly complex, diverse texts in traditional, contemporary, classical and multicultural.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
“Antología” includes a collection of poems, tongue twisters, stories, songs, biographies, and informative text. Students read about a variety of animals, cultures, customs, and locations. Antología scaffolds its stories according to the levels necessary to achieve student comprehension by dividing the readings into three levels: “Nivel Principiante, Nivel Intermedio y Nivel Avanzado.” For example, in “Nivel Principiante,” the story “Un baile de Nicaragua” is a simple text that provides rich illustrations to support student learning. It also encourages student engagement while still providing background information of the country it represents: Nicaragua. Students learn about a culturally popular dance called “El Baile del Zopilote” through the characters who participate in it.
In Antología, “Nivel Intermedio,” the fable, “Fábula del Canario y La Gallina,” introduces students to two characters with different motivations, actions, questions, and reflections. Students learn about character development and motivations with text that is age and grade-appropriate. After the reading, teachers extend the learning with a cross-disciplinary connection. Students conduct a survey and ask 10 people what their favorite fable is, then record the results on a graph. “Fábula del canario y la gallina” includes activities focusing on accent syllables, alphabetical order of dictionary entries, and verbs.
In Antología, “Nivel Avanzado,” Unit 8, the informative text “Parranda de Remedios” teaches students about Cuba. Students engage with the text, which goes through the streets of Cuba during one of their biggest celebrations of the year. The celebration takes place on the 24th of December, and all the events and procedures that take place during the festivities are outlined for students in text and supported with pictures. Students learn how in the country of Nicaragua, you can learn about native animals through different dances. The dances are elaborated on, and several photos accompany the text as visual supports for comprehension. The teachers prompt students’ grasp of the main idea and details. They ask “¿Por qué llevan máscaras los actores? ¿Qué animal simboliza el trabajo?” and the students respond orally.
“¡Listos!,” however, includes mostly informational texts or texts where students practice Spanish dialogue that is minimally complex and not high-quality texts for SLAR instruction. For example, in Unit 3, “La escuela,” the text is a dialogue that teaches students how to greet each other in the classroom. The text is short and is not content-rich for quality SLAR instruction to occur. Similarly, in Unit 5, “La muñeca de cerámica” is a short dialogue where the characters describe the dolls' different body parts. The text is limited because there is not enough content to apply most TEKS, make inferences, refer to events, or apply other higher-order-thinking skills appropriate for the first grade.
The materials include some variety in text types and genres across content that meet SLAR TEKS requirements for each grade level. Students have opportunities to recognize the characteristics and structures of literary and informational texts. Informational texts are connected to science and social studies topics; however, persuasive texts are not included. Students analyze the use of print, graphic features and recognize characteristics of multimodal and digital texts. Audio texts are included in the thematic library section.
Literary texts include but are not limited to:
“Nivel Principiante” in “Antología” includes a short poem in “Los días de la semana.” The materials explain “that a poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound, and are carefully arranged, often in short lines that rhyme.” The poem includes illustrations of the actions that children do on a particular day of the week. The resource includes additional poems with opportunities to teach their specific poetic characteristics.
In Antología, the fable, “La fábula del guacamayo y la ranita,” the teacher tells students that a fable is a short story that teaches a lesson. Students listen to the fable and orally answer the questions “¿Por qué el guacamayo y la ranita discuten? ¿Esta fábula es realidad o fantasía? ¿Cómo cambian los sentimientos de la lechuza desde el principio hasta el final de la fábula?” Additional activities include the practice of skills for syllables, verbs, punctuation and capitalization.
In the literary text, “El estadio,” the features allow students to click on the audio icon to listen to the phrases “hola, adiós, mucho gusto.” Students repeat the words at their own pace.
Informational texts connected to Science and Social Studies include but are not limited to:
In Antología, “Nivel Intermedio,” the biography, “Andrés Bello,” is about a teacher from Venezuela. Before reading, the teacher asks students, “¿Sabes dónde se estudia para ser maestro? ¿Te gustaría ser maestro?” As a cultivating project, students interview a member of the family that has a job they found interesting. Students then present to the class.
Also in Antología, the text “Celebra el Día de los Muertos,” an informational text, exposes students to how people in Mexico celebrate dead relatives. It includes real pictures of “altares” with captions naming the location of each “altar” and highlighted text. Teachers “introduce highlighted vocabulary” and ask the students to look at the photographs in the text and make predictions about the story. The teachers remind students that “highlighted words are defined in the glossary.”
Other titles include:
In “¡Listos!,” in the teacher guide, the Unit Walkthrough includes information for the teacher to include the contents of the online components. Students follow along with “engaging narration” to better their literacy and listening skills. Quizzes and assessments include online instruction.
The materials include opportunities for students to recognize characteristics of multimodal and digital texts. In ¡Listos!, in the teacher edition, the Additional Components section, teachers find the online extensions that provide “Smartbook presentations and audio support, Animated Video Virtual Chats for communication activities, and Cultural Videos to explore products and practices.” Antologia also includes opportunities for students to listen to text at the various levels. However, the materials do not include any persuasive texts or indication of teachers directing students to explicitly learn to identify characteristics of persuasive texts.
The materials include some appropriately challenging text at an appropriate level of complexity to support students at the first-grade level. Interactive texts and shared-reading texts are at the level of what first-grade students can read independently, and texts are appropriately challenging for students as the year progresses. Thematic units are based on the Fountas and Pinnell readability level system. However, a text complexity analysis is not included for educators to consider about texts. Teacher instructions do not include directions for students to read the text independently.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!,” the materials include an online resource section for teacher support. In the online resource, a reading leveled chart titled “Biblioteca temática Reading level chart” is included. This guide follows the “approximate equivalent of the Listos Thematic Library readers to the Fountas and Pinnell leveling system; however, there is no attached chart referencing the text titles for each level. Although letters are assigned to each level, there is no indicator within the resource stating what each letter means or the corresponding text. Materials do not include Lexile levels within the lesson planner or referencing the corresponding texts to each reading level. Teacher instructions do not explicitly give directions for students to read the text independently.
“Antología’s” Unit Walkthrough section provides a sample story outlining the different components teachers can find alongside the text referencing the three different levels: Principiante, Intermedio, and Avanzado. While one of the labels points to teacher instructions and states the purpose of that section is to provide “reading strategies (to) support instruction,” there is no reference listed to these research strategies. Neither material provides a direct text complexity analysis for the stories used in the lesson. The titles of the texts are listed in the table of contents in the scope sequence teacher guide broken down by thematic eight units.
In ¡Listos!, the materials include texts that challenge the students to perform more complex tasks as the year progresses. For example, in Unit 1, the teacher asks the students to create a map that shows the student’s route from their home to the school. The students describe the sequence by using words like “primero, después, and por último.” By Unit 8, the tasks become more complex, and students create a collage of food and drinks they serve at a birthday party.
In Antología, “Nivel Intermedio,” the informative text “Fiesta de los Bandos de Majagua,” includes challenging vocabulary as the nouns and adjectives refer to Cuban words such as “criollos.” In “Nivel Avanzado,” “El partido de fútbol” is a poem that includes several unfamiliar words, such as arquero, sagaz, and contratado, which belong to the football argon.
In the Reading Performance Assessment, ¡Listos! includes passages using three different colors to differentiate grade level when assessing the reading level of the students. It lists ranges for each level with descriptions of each, including listening, reading, speaking, and writing in each level. A conversion chart is included, as well as teacher directions and answer keys for each assessment.
Some of the materials contain questions and tasks that support students in synthesizing knowledge and ideas to deepen understanding and identify and explain topics and themes. Assignments and activities focus on texts that students are reading/listening to and require close attention to the meaning as students demonstrate comprehension. Some opportunities are provided to grow student’s understanding of topics and literacy skills over the course of the unit and to evaluate and discuss information from multiple places within a text. Materials provide instructions for students to make connections to personal experiences, ideas from other texts, and society.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 2, materials include tasks and questioning that grow students' understanding of the topic as the lesson progresses. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher points to the illustrations in the book and asks the students to discuss the colors, styles of the houses, and if the streets are shorter or longer where they live. Towards the end of the lesson, the students are creating stories and adding illustrations about the characteristics of their home.
In ¡Listos! Unit 3, students act out a dialogue by asking each other questions about the day of the week and time, such as “¿Qué día es hoy?” and “¿Qué estudias por la mañana?” During the lesson, students play a game of hopscotch, naming the day of the week written on the squares they land on. When students hop on a square, they say the name of the week and time using a complete sentence such as “Hoy es lunes. Son las nueve.”
In Unit 4, in the story “Las mascotas de Daniel,” students answer the question “¿Tienes una mascota?” to make connections to the text. The teacher plays a video about pets and displays pictures or ads of a pet store. Students focus on identifying the main ideas of the text and answer questions about animals, such as “¿Qué animal vive en una clasista de perro?” “¿Donde vive el perro de Daniel?” “¿Donde vive el pájaro de Daniel?” The lesson expansion includes activities for students to write a list of pets that live in cages. They share their lists with the class using complete sentences.
In ¡Listos! Unit 6, students pay close attention to what they are reading by viewing the text and making predictions. The teacher asks students to explain what they think the characters might be talking about. The teacher provides a sentence stem that students use to respond: “Yo creo que ellos hablan sobre…” Students then pair up and answer questions about traveling: “¿En que viajas en tu comunidad?” At the end of the lesson, students create an illustration depicting how people travel in their community.
In ¡Listos! Unit 8, in the teaching suggestions: reading skill section, teachers ask questions that are text-dependent; for example, “¿Cuántos años tiene Andrés? ¿Cómo lo sabes? and “¿Qué hace Andrés con su regalo?” The teacher also refers to a different page in the story, asks the students to listen attentively, and answer inference questions such as “¿De quién es la fiesta de cumpleaños?” At the end of the lesson, students create an illustrated story about a birthday party that they would like to have.
“Antología” includes opportunities for students to answer comprehension questions but has limited opportunities for students to engage in tasks that support students in synthesizing knowledge and ideas to deepen understanding and identify and explain topics and themes.
For example, in “Nivel Principiante” Unit 4, students answer pre-reading questions about their favorite toys and how they use their imagination. Questions include “¿Cómo juegas con tus juguetes? ¿Cuando juegas? ¿por la mañana, por la tarde o después de la escuela?” Also, in “Nivel Avanzado” Unit 5, students read the poem, “Los frutos de la tierra.” The teacher asks students “¿Qué quiere decir el verso: … o los ricos zumos que la tierra da?” Students then re-read and think about the meaning of the verse. Next, the teacher asks “¿Cuáles son los frutos importantes del país?” Students reread the poem and list the important fruits of the country Paraguay. The materials ultimately ask literal questions and do not include questions and tasks that build conceptual knowledge, are text-dependent, and prompt students to synthesize new information.
The materials contain some questions and tasks that require students to evaluate the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts. Some of the questions and tasks support students’ analysis of the literary/textual elements of texts by asking students to analyze, make inferences, draw conclusions, identify the author’s purpose, confirm predictions. Materials do not provide opportunities for students to study the language within texts to support their understanding or compare and contrast the stated or implied purposes of different authors’ writing on the same topic.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “Antología” “Nivel Avanzado,” Unit 1, the materials use the informational text “Celebra el Día de los Muertos” to deepen student understanding of the text by asking about the author's purpose. The materials guide the teacher to support students by having them identify the author’s purpose through questions, such as “¿Por qué las autoras escribieron este texto?” “¿Te ayudan las fotografías a entender mejor el texto?” and “¿Por qué sí o por qué no?” This lesson supports students’ understanding of the author's purpose and how students can use visual supports to bring meaning.
In “Nivel Intermedio” of Antología, Unit 3, students read the poem “La música es un sueño” to practice phonics skills. The teacher explains that the poem is a piece of writing in which words are chosen for their beauty and sound. After reading the poem, the teacher reviews the sounds of the letters j, v, and c. At the end of the lesson, the teacher guides the students to search for words with the letters j, v, and c throughout the poem, such as “ventana, violin, musica, oveja, ovejero, y encantada.”
In “Nivel Principiante” of Antología, Unit 7, the materials include questions that can be answered only by referring back to the text. In the biography of “Simón Bolívar,” students re-read the biographical poem and answer the question: “¿Qué quiere decir la palabra sueños en el poema?” Students answer the question by recalling that the word has multiple meanings. Students also make predictions to understand what the specific meaning of the word “sueños” is in the poem. At the end of the lesson, the students answer text-dependent comprehension questions, such as “¿Quién es Simón Bolívar?” “¿Donde nace Simón Bolívar?” “¿Donde estudió Simon Bolivar?” and “¿Cuando muero Simon Bolivar?”
“¡Listos!,” however, includes minimal opportunities for students to evaluate the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts. In Unit 1, informational text, “Saludos y Despedidas,” the materials include tasks that are text-dependent. The teacher explains to the students that they will be reading some dialogues. The students think about what the characters might be talking about. The teacher draws a word web and writes the phrase “yo creo que hablan sobre…” Students are then instructed to read the phrase and share what they think characters are saying by using the sentence stem. At the end of the lesson, the students role-play the dialogue provided in the text. The questions included in ¡Listos! foster the development of the Spanish language and not Spanish Language Arts and Reading.
The materials do not include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact with and build vocabulary in and across texts. The materials include some scaffolds and supports for teachers to differentiate vocabulary development for all learners, but the vocabulary development is for basic Spanish words, not text-based academic vocabulary.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In the Teacher Edition of “¡Listos!,” the materials include a Language Scope and Sequence to support teachers. The materials display how vocabulary is incorporated in every unit, though it is not labeled as a year-long plan. Each lesson includes a language development component such as “becoming familiar with grade-appropriate vocabulary, identifying the use of words that name sequences, or identifying the use of words that name actions.” ¡Listos! does not use text-based academic vocabulary, but rather vocabulary used to develop Spanish as a second language skill.
Every lesson in ¡Listos! includes a vocabulary list of basic Spanish words that correlate with the lesson being taught, along with teacher guidance under the “Preview Vocabulary,” “Vocabulary Development,” and “Reinforce Vocabulary” sections. In Unit 1 of ¡Listos!, the materials include a vocabulary preview section to support teacher differentiated instruction for vocabulary development. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher introduces the vocabulary words, “Hola, Adiós, amigo/amiga, estadio, fútbol, despídete.” The teacher writes the word “amigo” on the board, says the word aloud, and students repeat it. The teacher then repeats the activity with the word “amiga.”
Students role-play using the newly acquired vocabulary by tossing a bean bag to each other. As they toss the bean bag, they say, “Saluda a un amigo o una amiga.” Their partner says, “Hola amigo/amiga,” as they catch the bean bag. Though there is explicit vocabulary instruction, the nature of the vocabulary being taught is not academic in nature.
In Unit 2 of ¡Listos!, students build vocabulary by applying words they learn, such as “apartamento” and “casa,” using the character cutouts of Héctor and Tony. The teacher places the cutouts in front of the posters displaying a house and an apartment. The teacher reads the speech bubbles “Yo vivo en una casa” and “Yo vivo en un apartamento” before asking students to repeat the sentences. The Differentiated Instruction section instructs the teacher to assist students who exhibit difficulty learning the pronunciation of most words by having students listen to the audio to practice the vocabulary pronunciation.
In Unit 3 of ¡Listos!, the story, “La escuela” includes highlighted words that are used throughout the story. For example, “el salon de clase” and “los días de la semana.” The teacher activates prior knowledge through the use of tarjetas foneticas and poster cutouts. The teacher displays the card, points to the image, and has the students repeat their newly acquired vocabulary. Students point to the image, point to the matching item in the class, and repeat “nosotros estamos en un salón de clase.” However, as previously mentioned, vocabulary is not of academic nature.
In Unit 4 of ¡Listos!, the materials provide guidance for teaching word meanings with examples related to the text. In the informational text “Las mascotas y otros animales,” the teacher draws a large word web on the board and writes the word “animales” in the center. The teacher adds “animales” to the “palabras similares” chart to review cognates. The teacher introduces the vocabulary by showing poster cutouts for vaca, caballo, pollito, oveja, gallina, pato, perro, gato, pájaro, and pez. Students classify vocabulary cutouts by differentiating between farm animals and pets. Students add new vocabulary words to the webs to expand their vocabulary throughout the unit.
“Antología” offers different forms of tasks and assessments to demonstrate students' vocabulary comprehension. However, the materials do not offer a cohesive year-long plan to address vocabulary development. The materials support teachers by instructing the students to read the story slowly and tap their desks every time they read a word. Students write responses to questions, such as “¿Cuál es tu animal favorito?” “¿Cómo es?” by using newly acquired vocabulary bailarines, madera, ambas, alcanzar, artesanías, orgullo. At the end of the lesson, the students review story vocabulary words and complete a sentence frame “Yo vivo en...” and draw a corresponding picture.
The materials do not include a clearly defined plan to support and hold students accountable as they engage in self-sustained reading. Materials provide limited opportunities for students to self-select texts; however, the materials do not provide opportunities for students to read independently for a sustained period of time, including planning and accountability for achieving independent reading goals.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
Neither “Antología” nor “¡Listos!” incorporates guidance to foster independent reading, and neither explicitly includes independent reading time in the daily teacher schedule. The materials do not contain procedures and/or protocols to foster independent reading, and there is no planning or accountability for achieving independent reading goals. While Antología provides several reading strategies, students do not specifically use them while reading independently since there is no mention of independent reading in Antología.
The materials provide support for students to compose text types by writing personal narratives or informational text that convey their thoughts about an experience or information they have learned. However, the materials have limited opportunities for students to dictate or write using poetry elements, procedural texts, or practice correspondence. Materials allow teachers to guide students to create illustrations and trace and copy or cut out words that relate to their drawing. Materials lack support for students to compose for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 2, materials provide opportunities for students to write personal narratives about their homes. The teacher supports student writing by saying, “Vas a escribir sobre tu casa.” During lesson 1, the students use questions as a guide when writing, such as “¿En qué tipo de casa vives? ¿Con quién vives?” Students draw a picture of their home, including their family members. In lesson 3, students elaborate their writing by using sentence stems, “Yo vivo en una casa/un apartamento,” and add adjectives for colors, such as “Mi casa es azul, mi cocina es blanca.” At the end of the unit, in lesson 4, the students present their drawings and read their sentences to the class. The materials lack the opportunity for students to dictate or write information text.
In Unit 3 of ¡Listos!, students write an informational text about their classroom. The theme for writing is “mi salón de clase.” The teacher supports the writing by saying “usar las ideas de tu plan, describe tu salón de clase y describe algunas cosas del salón.” Students draw pictures of things they find in their classroom, such as books, pencils, desks, and the clock. Students write describing the things in their classroom while the teacher provides sentence stems for students to use for their writing. In lesson 4, students present their final writing to the class and explain their illustrations.
In Unit 4 of ¡Listos!, materials include opportunities for students to write an informational text about their favorite animals or pets. Students write describing where their animal or pet lives, what the animal does, and draw a picture of their animal or include a photo. At the end of the unit, students present their pictures to the class and read their stories.
In ¡Listos! Unit 6, the materials include a writing theme, “Mi viaje.” The students write a personal narrative about a trip they want. The teacher supports the writing by saying, “Vas a escribir sobre un viaje que quieres hacer” for the first step of the writing process. During lesson 2, students are instructed to plan their ideas by using the following questions: ¿A dónde viajas? ¿En qué medio de transporte viajas? ¿Con quién viajas? and ¿Qué actividades quieres hacer? Students write about their trip, describing where they want to travel and what they plan to do. They also include who is traveling with them. In lesson 4, the final step for the writing process, students describe the weather during the month of their trip and present it to the class.
In ¡Listos! Unit 7, the materials provide an opportunity to write an informational text about what they want to be when they grow up. As students begin to write, the teacher supports their writing by saying, “usa las ideas de tu plan, describe el trabajo que vas a hacer, describe dónde vas a trabajar y Incluye dibujos y fotos.” Students present their final work to the class by sharing what they want to be when they grow up and displaying their illustrations or photos.
In ¡Listos! Unit 8, students write a personal narrative about what kind of birthday party they want. The students create a list about their birthday party that include, “las personas que vas a invitar, la comida que vas a preparar, las decoraciones que vas a comprar, y los juegos que van a jugar.” In step 2 of the writing process, students write describing the people and things they included in their list and drawing pictures. In lesson 3, step 3, students revise their writing by following the instructions, “corrige los errores, añade ideas nuevas, revisa y corrige tu trabajo.” Students present their writing and illustrations to the class during step 4.
In ¡Listos!, the resources provide opportunities for students to write personal narratives or informational texts, but they lack opportunities to write thank-you notes or any form of letters present. The materials did not include opportunities for students to dictate or write poetry using poetry elements.
While “Antología” includes some opportunities for students to write using sentence stems, it lacks multiple opportunities for students to compose their own writing to convey meaning. In Unit 7, for example, “Nivel Avanzado,” in the “A escribir” section, the materials guide the teacher to review the last paragraph of the story (title) and then have students complete the sentence stems. The materials lack the opportunity for students to dictate or write their own poetry, narrative, informational texts.
The materials provide limited opportunities for students to engage in the writing process to develop text in oral, pictorial, or written form. The materials provide some opportunities for teachers to facilitate students’ use of drawing and brainstorming to generate drafts. Materials provide students an opportunity to plan and organize their drafts by speaking, drawing, or writing. Though evidence of the writing process is found in the “¡Listos!” curriculum, there is lacking evidence in “Antología.”
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In ¡Listos! Unit 1, the materials include support for the students and teachers to follow the writing process. The writing process is distributed throughout four lessons in the unit. In lesson 1, “Planifica stage,” the materials provide students the opportunity to brainstorm to generate drafts. The teacher helps students to discuss and write about their friends and what they do together. In step 2, escribe stage, the materials provide students the opportunity to plan and organize their drafts by writing. The students write sentences about their friends and describe activities they do together. In step 3, the revising stage, students check their punctuation, capitalization, proofread each other’s work, and make necessary edits on their drafts. Students share their work in step 4 by presenting their finalized writing and illustrations to the class.
In ¡Listos! Unit 3, the materials provide instructions for teachers to guide students through the writing process. During this unit, students write about their classroom. In step 1, the materials provide students the opportunity to brainstorm to generate drafts. The teacher guides students to start thinking about their classroom, such as how many books, pencils, or desks there are. Students draw a picture of themselves, other peers, and the teacher in a classroom setting. In step 2, the students describe their classroom and the things they have in the class during the “escribir” stage. In step 3, the revising stage, students add new ideas and revise their work by implementing suggestions from their peers. At the end of the lesson, students share their illustrations and read their writing to the class.
In ¡Listos! Unit 4, students follow the writing process for the theme, “Mi mascota.” The materials provide step-by-step guidance for teachers during the instruction of the writing process. In the “Planifica” stage, the materials provide students the opportunity to brainstorm to generate drafts. Students use the following questions as they plan their writing, “¿Qué animal es? ¿Cómo es? ¿Dónde vive? ¿Qué hace?” In lesson 2, students begin writing by describing their animal, where it lives, what the animal does. Students create a drawing or provide a photo of the animal. During step 3, the Revisa stage, students make corrections, confer with partners to check for mistakes, and add details. Students present their work in step 4 by reading their writing and displaying their drawings/photos.
In ¡Listos! Unit 7, students follow the writing process to write about what they want to be when they grow up. The teacher explains that they will write about what they want to be in the future. The materials provide students the opportunity to brainstorm to generate drafts. Students think about the profession they want, what they would wear and where they would work. During step 2 of the writing process, students write by describing the work they will be doing, the place of their employment, and include drawings or pictures. In step 3, “Corrige los errores, añade ideas nuevas, comparte tu trabajo con otro estudiante y revisa su trabajo” as the students revise their writing. In step 4, students add new ideas to their writing and present their final work to the class.
While Antología includes some opportunities for students to write and publish their writing by sharing with classmates, it does not facilitate students’ coherent use of the elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and sharing/publishing) to compose text. In Unit 8, for example, the “A escribir” section guides the teacher to do a quick review of the reading with students and then “ask them to identify similar celebrations in their community and the activities people enjoy doing at carnivals. Then, have them complete the sentences.” There is no additional guidance for students or teachers on how to use elements of the writing process to complete this task.
The materials provide opportunities for students to apply grade-level standard Spanish conventions in their writings. Students practice and apply the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing, including punctuation and grammar. Grammar, punctuation, and usage are taught systematically, both in and out of context over the course of the year.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 2, the materials provide opportunities for students to practice Spanish language usage. For example, during the lesson, students practice identifying the vowels used in words. The teacher writes familiar words on the board, leaving out the vowels, such as “pl_ya, coc_na, merc_do.” The students identify the missing vowel and take turns writing in the letter to complete the word.
In ¡Listos! Unit 4, the materials provide opportunities for students to practice academic language in writing and speaking activities by conjugating verbs. For example, in the Language conventions section, students practice using the word “tener.” The students look at the animals on the activity page. The teacher asks, “¿Qué animal tiene ocho patas?” and students answer using complete sentences, “La araña tiene ocho patas.” The teacher repeats questions with the other animals using the verb form of “tiene,” and the students continue to practice conjugating the verb “tener” to include in their sentences. The students practice using pronouns as they learn Spanish language conventions. The teacher reviews the pronouns yo, tu, ella, ellos/ellas, nosotros/nosotras, and ustedes by saying each one and pointing to different students or themselves. The students repeat the pronouns and actions after the teacher. The teacher explains that nosotras means the same as nosotros but is used only when a female refers to herself and another female. The students continue practicing “el y ella” when repeating sentences.
In “Nivel Intermedio” of “Antología,” Unit 4, the materials provide opportunities for students to learn and practice grammatical rules for irregular words ending in -z. In the “Así se escribe” section, the teacher reads aloud the rule to form the word with -z ending words. The teacher tells the students: “Para formar el plural de las palabras que terminan en -z, se cambia la z por la ces.” Students practice writing words, such as pez, ápiz, feliz, and nariz.
In “Nivel Avanzado” of Antología, Unit 2, the materials include opportunities for students to learn the usage of accents in the Spanish language. In the practice section, “Así se escribe,” the teacher reviews the definition of a sílaba tónica and adjetivo. The teacher verifies if the students understand the concept and examples provided. Students complete the activities by separating words into syllables, match words with definitions, write the accent mark on the tonic syllable, and complete sentences using adjectives. The students apply their learning by writing “acentos gráficos” for the words “pajaro, tambien, y dia.”
In Unit 4, the materials include grammar lessons for students to identify verbs. In the story, “Fábula del Canario y la Gallina,” the teacher reviews with students the definition of “verbo” and “diccionario.” The students read “Recuerda que las palabras que se usan para expresar acciones se llaman verbos.” Students practice identifying verbs included in the text: vivo, canario, gallina, canta, picotea, pollito, corre, come. In Unit 7, students have opportunities to apply learning to their writing. The teacher reviews the use of the letter “h” and also reads the grammar rules that appear on the page. Students choose one of the words beginning with “h” to complete the sentences, such as “¿A qué hora vendrás mañana?” or “Lola es la hermana de José” or “Deyna está haciendo muchos goles.”
The materials do not include practice for students to write legibly in print. The materials do not include instruction for students to write in print, nor do they include a plan for procedures for teachers to assess students’ handwriting development.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!,” the materials lack opportunities for students to receive instruction for writing legibly in print. The materials provide students with practice for tracing dotted letters on paper, and these activities are not supported by instructions that instruct teachers to explicitly teach handwriting. The materials do not offer guidance for assessing, measuring, and supporting students’ handwriting. Materials do not include procedures for tracking handwriting development.
In “Antología,” the materials lack opportunities for students to receive instruction for writing legibly in print. The materials provide students with practice for tracing dotted letters on paper, and these activities are not supported by instructions that instruct teachers to explicitly teach handwriting. The materials do not offer guidance for assessing, measuring, and supporting students’ handwriting. Materials do not include procedures for tracking handwriting development.
The materials support students’ listening and speaking about texts. Students are provided opportunities to listen actively and ask questions to understand information. Materials provide opportunities for students to engage in discussions that require them to share information and ideas about the topics they are discussing.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 2, the materials provide opportunities for students to engage in discussions about a concept. The materials support the teacher by asking students to refer to the text “El Mercado” to describe the “mercado.” The teacher explains that in some areas in Spanish-speaking countries, it is common to buy fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other items from local farmers. The teacher asks the questions “¿Hay un mercado similar en tu comunidad? [and] ¿Qué venden?” Students discuss markets or grocery stores in their community and the things that are sold.
In ¡Listos! Unit 6, the materials provide opportunities to engage in discussions and share information about the text. The materials support teachers by explaining to students that they will read some statements made by the characters. Students refer to the text, “Los Viajes,” to predict what the characters might be saying. The teacher draws a word web with the phrase “Yo creo que son sobre…” and writes students’ responses. After reading, students refer back to the word web and discuss whether their predictions were accurate.
In ¡Listos! Unit 7, the materials include opportunities for students to discuss and express personal goals. Students draw pictures of what they want to be when they grow up. Students discuss with their partners what they want to be and why by using the sentence stem “Yo voy hacer...porque…” The materials provide support for the teacher to direct students to act out what they want to be and asks the other students, “¿Que va hacer el o ella?” The other students guess the profession by saying, “El o ella va hacer….”
In ¡Listos! Unit 8, the materials include opportunities for students to engage in tasks to share with the class. The materials include a procedural portion for the students to make a musical instrument by using recycled materials. Students fill their containers with dry beans, corn kernels, or rice to make “maracas.” Students describe their instrument and what it is like playing the instrument. For example, “Mi instrumento es azul” and “Tocar el instrumento es divertido.”
In “Nivel Intermedio” of “Antología,” Unit 2, the materials include tasks to engage students to listen actively. In the informational text, “La bandera de Nicaragua,” students read the text together in a choral reading. The teacher models fluency by rereading the text and instructing students to pay attention to the changes when the tone of the voice changes. Before reading, the student answers, “¿Conoces otras banderas? ¿Sabes lo que significa una bandera?” The teacher discusses the American flag with students, including its history, what the symbols represent, and the proper way to display it. The materials support teachers by asking students to identify the main idea while reading the text, such as “¿Cuál es la idea más importante? ¿Qué detalles son importantes? ¿Por qué?”
In “Nivel Avanzado” of Antología, Unit 6, the materials provide students in first grade opportunities to talk about the text through active listening activities. For example, in the poem “Primavera,” students are given opportunities to think about the verses they are reading. The teacher’s instructions state, “Prompt students to make inferences by asking, ¿Por qué la brisa está contenta?” At the end of the lesson, the teacher and students reread the poems aloud. Then students read in a choral reading. The teacher helps students to read the comprehension questions, “¿Qué animales se mencionan en el poema ‘Primavera’?” Students choose “rana, culebrilla, liebre, escarabajo.”
The materials engage the students in collaborative discussions in grade-appropriate speaking skills using standard conventions of the Spanish language. The materials provide opportunities for students to develop social communication skills that are developmentally appropriate at their grade level.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 4, the materials provide consistent opportunities for students to engage in discussions. The teacher asks individual students, “¿Qué tipo de animal es tu mascota?” and “¿De qué color es tu mascota?” Students answer using the sentence stems, “Mi mascota es un… y El color de mi mascota es….”
The materials engage the students in collaborative discussions in grade-appropriate speaking skills using standard conventions of the Spanish language. The materials support teachers by dividing students into pairs and “giv[ing] each pair two cards of different animals.” Each student pretends to be one of the animals and acts out the dialogue in the text, such as “Yo soy más pequeño(a) or Yo soy mas grande.”
In ¡Listos! Unit 4, the materials provide opportunities for students to practice grade-appropriate speaking skills using the standard conventions of the Spanish language. The teacher divides the class into four groups and gives each group a set of cards. The cards contain three words, such as “los saltan gatos,” “corren los perros,” “peces nadan dos,” and “vuelan pájaros los.” The students work in groups to arrange the note cards in order to make complete sentences. Students read the sentences and apply correct punctuation. At the end of the activity, the teacher writes the names of the different animals mentioned in the unit. The materials instruct the teacher to call volunteers to act like one of the animals. The students guess the name of the animal and describe how the animal moves. For example, “Es un pez. El pez nada. Es rapido.”
In ¡Listos! Unit 6, the materials include activities for students to engage in collaborative discussions. The materials support teachers by having them “distribute sentence strips with the names of the months in Spanish to 12 students. Students stand in front of the class in the correct order, from “enero to diciembre.” The students recite the months using “Los meses del año son….” The teacher and students discuss the types of things they may do in each month by creating a list of activities for each. The students collaborate in pairs using the sentence stems, “ mi mes favorito; Yo visito la playa en...; Es verano; or Me gusta jugar con la arena.” Students share their sentences with the class.
In ¡Listos! Unit 8, the material provides opportunities for students to practice social communication skills. Students share their own experiences with having a pinata at their own party or at a friend’s party. The materials support teachers by “having students form pairs and take turns asking and answering each question, “¿Cómo es el pastel?” “¿Cómo son los globos?” and “¿Como es la piñata?” The students work in pairs to practice conversations while creating a collage with pictures representing the food and drinks they like to eat during celebrations. The students take turns asking each other, “¿Qué vas a comer/beber en tu fiesta?” and respond using “En mi fiesta, voy a comer/beber....” At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks students to describe the steps they would follow to decorate a birthday party, utilizing questions like “¿Qué decoraciones pones primero? ¿Como son?” The teacher then models responses such as “Primero pongo los letreros. Los letreros son grandes.”
In “Antología,” in “Nivel Principiante,” Unit 4, the students are given the opportunity to discuss in pairs about the rainforest. Before beginning the story, “La Fábula del Guacamayo y la Ranita,” the materials instruct teachers by “ask students if they know what selva tropical is and have them work in pairs to come up with descriptive words and animals they associate with a rain forest.” The pairs then share their ideas with the class.
In Antología, in “Nivel Intermedio,” Unit 1, the materials offer specific collaborative activities that allow for students to engage in discussion. The teacher asks students to think about their favorite food: “¿Cuál es tu plato preferido? ¿Has probado platos de otros países? ¿De dónde era? ¿Te gustó? ¿Has probado la comida de México?” Students are given time to think about the questions and discuss them with their classmates. In Unit 3, the materials include opportunities for integrating talk while using realia. The teachers and students discuss different musical instruments and interact with real percussion instruments such as bells, drums, maracas, or triangles. Teacher asks “¿Qué sientes cuando escuchas música? ¿Te gusta la música? ¿Qué instrumento musical es tu preferido?” After this pre-reading activity, students look at the illustrations to predict what they think the poem “La música es un sueño” is about. The teacher writes their predictions on the board, and students affirm or correct them after reading.
The materials engage students in using different sources to research topics with adult assistance; however, materials lack opportunities that support engagement in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for different purposes. Materials lack the opportunity to support instruction for students to generate and follow a research plan or to generate questions for inquiry. The materials provide opportunities for students to practice finding information about the topics learned in books or the internet to share information with the class. However, the materials lack student support to understand, organize, and communicate ideas and information in accordance with the purpose of the research.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “Antología,” in “Nivel Principiante,” Unit 2, using the text, “Un Baile de Nicaragua,” the materials provide students the opportunity to conduct research about topics learned. While reading the story, the students answer questions such as “¿Quienes son los personajes?” “¿Como se llama el baile?” and “¿Donde bailan?” to use for retelling the story in their own words. At the end of the story, the material supports the teacher by instructing students to research other folk dances in the United States and Nicaragua. The students use the information to find the similarities and differences between the dances and present their findings to the class. Though this provides the students with an opportunity to engage in a short-term research opportunity, the materials do not provide teachers with instructions for students to generate general questions for inquiry and do not follow a specific research plan.
In Antología, in Nivel Principiante, Unit 8, the materials support instruction for students to gather information from a variety of sources by using the text “Los Carnavales de Santiago.” At the end of the lesson, the teacher is guided to “have students research the Carnaval de Santiago and locate photographs to find what other important elements make this a special celebration, such as street performances by many types of musical groups.” The students compare and contrast the carnivals in their communities or carnivals they have heard about with the carnivals in Santiago de Cuba. The materials do not support instruction for students to generate and follow a research plan or to generate questions for inquiry with adult assistance.
In Antología, in “Nivel Intermedio,” Unit 1, the materials provide support for students to practice communicating information in accordance with the purpose of the research about a topic using the story “El mejor taco del mundo.” At the end of the read-aloud, the teacher explains the popularity of tacos in Mexico and instructs students to use the Internet to find other popular dishes from the country. The materials support the teacher to have students “use the internet to find pictures of the dishes and write the name of the dish under the picture.” Students list the dishes' main ingredients and present the information to the class. The materials provide a list of popular dishes, such as “cochinita pibil, chilaquiles, huevos motulenos.” The materials do not support students in the identification of relevant sources based on their questions with adult assistance or follow a research plan.
In Antología, in Nivel Intermedio, Unit 2, the materials provide support for students to research a topic learned in the story “La bandera de Nicaragua.” The teacher displays a map of Central America and points to Nicaragua. The materials support the teacher to “explain to students that there are many lakes, rivers, mountains, and volcanoes.” Students research Nicaragua’s volcanoes. They then draw one of the volcanoes and write on their drawing the volcano’s name, its height, and whether or not it is active. The class engages in a discussion about the information researched and how many of Nicaragua’s volcanoes are represented. The materials do not support instruction for students to generate and follow a research plan or to generate questions for inquiry with adult assistance. The materials do not support explicit teacher instruction on research skills or processes.
In Antología, in “Nivel Avanzado,” Unit 1, the materials support students to understand, organize and communicate information with the purpose of the research through the story “Celebra el Día de los Muertos.” The materials support the teacher to instruct students to “research other celebrations around the world such as carnavales, La Tomatina, and Halloween in the United States.” The students use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the celebrations. After students compare and contrast, they write a summary about their findings. When finished, the students present the information to the class, using drawings or images to support their writing. The materials do not support instruction for students to generate questions for inquiry or to follow a research plan.
¡Listos! provides minimal opportunities for students to engage in short-term or sustained recursive inquiry processes for different purposes. Though the materials include an “Investiga la cultura” section where students learn more about a Spanish-speaking country, the information is directly provided to students in the text. Additionally, the materials do not include support for students to generate or follow a research plan with adult assistance. For example, in Unit 4, the “Investigate” section guides the teacher to divide the class into groups to prepare a report about another type of animal. The materials include that “they [students] should choose the kind of animal they want to talk about” and then “do a simple search to provide information similar to the class reading.” No additional guidance is provided to help students engage in the research process or how to present to the class.
Some of the materials contain interconnected tasks that build knowledge. Questions and tasks are designed so that students build and apply knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and language. Some tasks integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking, but include limited opportunities to address the components of vocabulary, comprehension, and syntax, and for increased independence.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In Unit 2 of “¡Listos!,” Lesson 3, the material includes interconnected tasks that provide opportunities for students to build knowledge in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The students are divided into small groups and use cutouts of different articles of clothing. The students pretend they are shopping at a clothing store. One student plays the cashier; the others play customers. The cashier asks, “¿Que compras tu?” and the customers answer, “Yo compro….” Then students listen to several sentences and point to the picture that corresponds to the article of clothing mentioned, such as “La falda es verde; Lisa compra los zapatos rojos; or Los zapatos son amarillos.” At the end of the lesson, students draw themselves at the clothing store. Students add a speech bubble with a sentence about the type and color of clothing they purchased.
In Unit 3 of ¡Listos!, in the text “La hora,” the students apply their knowledge in listening and speaking through interconnected tasks. The students think and make a prediction about what the characters are saying before reading the text. The students use the sentence stem, “Yo creo que ellos hablan sobre….” The materials instruct the teacher to “Read the title [have students] repeat it after you. Then read the poem...and have students chorally repeat after you.” The teacher reads, “Ya son las tres,” and shows 3:00 on a digital clock on the board. The students complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate hour. The students practice writing out the times on the clocks in the spaces provided. In the text “Las Clases,” the materials provide integrated tasks for listening, speaking, reading, writing, and vocabulary development. The teacher previews the vocabulary by writing the school subjects on the board, such as “ciencias, mathematics, musica, arte, ingles and español.” The students read each word with the teacher. The students place items that are used in each subject on a desk and answer the question, “¿Que necesitas para la clase de...?” Students use the sentence stem, “Yo necesito esto para la clase de....” At the end of the lesson, students learn to write pronouns with the present-tense forms of the verb “tener.” For example, “Yo tengo un lápiz,” “Tu tienes un libro,” “Ana tiene unas tijeras,” or “Los niños tiene cinco crayones.” Students form groups to engage in dialogues about what they have. They ask each other questions like, “¿Que tienes tu?” “Yo tengo… o Ella tiene....”
In Unit 7 of ¡Listos!, the materials include tasks to integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking; include components of vocabulary, comprehension, and syntax; and provide opportunities for increased independence. For example, in the text “A trabajar,” students use correct verb forms for “trabajar.” The teacher reads sentences that include the different forms of the verb “trabajar”: “trabajo, trabajas, trabajamos….” Students repeat in choral reading. The teacher asks comprehension questions related to the present verb forms of “trabajar,” such as “¿Dónde trabaja el cocinero?” Students answer “Él trabaja en un restaurante.” Students choose the correct present verb form of “trabajar” in complete sentences that include more than one form: “Nosotros trabajamos/trabaja en un hospital.” The teacher places tools in different stations around the class. The teacher asks students in different stations: “¿Dónde trabaja ...?” Students answer the questions using the correct form of the verb, singular or plural, according to the subject.
In Unit 8 of ¡Listos!, the materials provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in the skills of listening, thinking, speaking, writing, and vocabulary components. For example, in the text “Las tradiciones,” the students make predictions about the text. The materials support the teacher by “explaining to students that they will read a letter from Andrés to his grandfather… and ask what they think the letter might be about.” The teacher draws a word web on the board with the sentence stem “Yo creo que es sobre…” to use at the end of the story to confirm predictions. In the language conventions activity, the teacher reviews adjectives: fácil, difícil, divertido, aburrido, pequeño, rojo, verde. Students read each sentence and choose the appropriate word, such as “Tocar los bongos es facil” and “El carnaval es divertido.” At the end of the activity, students read the sentences aloud.
“Antología” includes limited opportunities for students to engage in questions and tasks designed so that students build and apply knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and languages; there are limited opportunities to build increased independence. For example, in “Nivel Avanzado” of Antología, Unit 3, in the text, “El partido de fútbol,” for the pre-reading activity, the teacher asks “¿Has jugado al fútbol? and ¿Has visto un partido de fútbol?” The teacher and students discuss a soccer game. The teacher reads the poem while students listen. The students reread the poem in choral reading. The teacher hands out picture cards with both land and sea animals. Students work in pairs to decide if the animal is a sea animal or a land animal. At the end of the unit, students write completing the stem sentences, “Mi juego favorito es… y Me gusta porque….” Though this activity includes some listening, speaking, and reading, the activity of categorizing the animals does not foster building or applying knowledge of the poem read. Additionally, the activity does not foster increased independence.
The materials provide spiraling and scaffolded practice over the course of the year. The practice is distributed, and the material design includes scaffolds for students to demonstrate the integration of literacy skills that spiral over the school year.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!,” the materials include standards to apply literacy sequencing skills repeatedly within and across units to ensure students master the full intent of the standard over the course of the academic year. In Unit 1, in the text, “¿Qué recuerdas?,” the teacher writes the sequencing words “primero, después, por último” on the board. The students draw pictures to show the sequence of events in the dialogues in the text. Students write phrases or sentences to explain their drawings using sequencing words. In Unit 5, in the story “La muñeca de cerámica,” the teacher asks students to look at the illustrations and listen to the audio. The students point to the pictures in the correct order and use the words, “primero, después, por último.” Students extend the sentences by describing what is happening in the pictures. For example, “Primero, Tony y Lisa entran al taller de cerámica.” At the end of the year, in Unit 8, in the text “Las fiestas,” the teacher writes the words “primero, después y por último” on notecards for each student. While the teacher reads the text, the students hold up the matching word for each sentence in the correct order. For example, the teacher reads, “El pastel es bonito,” and the student holds up the notecard with the word “después.”
In ¡Listos!, the materials include standards to apply literacy repeatedly within and across units to ensure students master identifying key ideas and details. In Unit 1, in the text, “La Familia de Maria,” the teacher points and names each person or object in the illustration. The materials support the teacher by saying “señala al papá de Maria.” The students point to Maria’s dad. The teacher repeats the word “señala” with the other words such as “playa, mama, abuela, hermano, hermana, pelota de playa, toalla, y juguetes.” After students point to several images, the teacher asks, “¿qué es esto?” while pointing to the towel. The students answer, “Es una toalla.” In Unit 3, in the text, “Una pagina Web,” the students identify key information using a chart. The students answer questions, “Es la una, ¿que estudian los niños?” and “Son las once. ¿Que estudian los niños?” The students refer to the chart to answer the questions. In Unit 5, in the text, “Una Tira Comica,” students identify key details by answering questions: “¿Qué comen los niños?” “¿Con qué come el pollo la señora Martinez?” and “¿Con qué come Lisa el arroz?” Students fill in the blanks with the appropriate words, for example, “Ellos comen arroz, pollo y helado en el restaurante.” At the end of the year in Unit 7, in the text, “Los Trabajos,” material includes reading skills to identify key ideas and details. The teacher asks the following questions, “¿Quien pinta un cuadro?” “¿Quién cocina una sopa?” “¿Quién cuida a los enfermos?” and “¿Quien ayuda a los niños?” Students and the teacher use gestures to imitate the actions while answering the questions.
In ¡Listos!, the materials provide scaffolds for students to demonstrate literacy skills throughout the year. In Unit 1, in the text, “Las Vocales,” the teacher introduces the vowel “a, e, i, o, u” by writing them on the board, and the students repeat. The teacher shows students words that are missing the initial vowel: “elefante/_lefante, oso/_so, amiga/_miga, imán/_mán, uvas/_vas” and reads the words. The students echo read, then fill in the missing vowel for each of the words. In Unit 5, in the text, “La B y la D,” the teacher reviews the five vowel sounds, and the students repeat. The materials support the teacher by repeating the vowels forming additional syllables such as “ba, be, bi, bo, bu.” Students use puppets on their left hand to represent the b and d. Students use puppets on the right hand to represent the vows. The students put together the hand puppet on the left with the “b” and the right hand with a vowel to form syllables. At the end of the year, in Unit 8, in the text, “El Sonido ll,” the teacher states the difference in the sound of a single L and the double LL in Spanish. The teacher writes the vowel a after the double LL on the board and blends them to say the syllable lla. The process is repeated with the remaining vowels, and the students echo read with the teacher, clapping out each syllable as it is read. The teacher writes incomplete sentences with missing vowels, “La piñata es amari...” and students fill in the missing syllables.
In “Antología,” the materials allow for distributed practice throughout the duration of the school year. For example, in “Nivel Avanzado,” the students work with making predictions throughout the units. In Unit 2, in the story “Danza, animales, y máscaras,” under the "Reading Strategies Section: Preview and Predict," the teacher instructions state “Read the title and the author's name, and ask students to look at the photos and predict what they think the text is about. Write their answers on the board to confirm or correct their predictions after the reading.” In Unit 5, in the story Los frutos de la tierra, the “Preview and Predict” section guides the teacher to ask students to “look at the illustrations and predict what they think Los frutos de la tierra is about.” Similar guidance is seen in Unit 8. Students “look at the illustrations and predict what they think Parranda de Remedios is about.” Teachers write the answers students provide on the board “to confirm or correct their predictions after the reading.”
The materials provide some lessons with limited instruction in print concepts and print awareness. The materials provide some opportunities for students to practice and connect print awareness knowledge to texts. However, explicit instruction to support teachers in teaching print concepts is not provided.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In Unit 1 of “¡Listos!,” in the text “Los amigos,” the materials provide an opportunity to provide some instruction in print awareness. The teacher reads the lesson title and explains that the words on the page represent lyrics to a song. The students follow along with the lyrics as they listen to the song and identify familiar words or phrases in the lyrics. In the text “Las vocales,” the materials include opportunities for students to practice print awareness. The teacher writes five vowels on the board and points to “a.” The students repeat the sound of the vowel several times. The teacher follows the same procedure for all vowels and vowel sounds, such as “a, e, i, o, u.” The teacher distributes alphabet picture cards to five students and asks them to place them on the board in alphabetical order. After the students read the vowels and repeat each one, the teacher randomly places several alphabet picture cards on the board. The students identify the vowel that the teacher pronounces by going to the board and selecting the card.
In Unit 2 of ¡Listos!, in the text “La Casa, in lesson 1, the materials provide opportunities for students to practice print awareness using tarjetas fotográficas. The teacher introduces new vocabulary by displaying the cards for “casa” and “apartamento.” The teacher reads the words out loud, and the students repeat the words. The teacher creates a word web by writing the words “casa and apartamento” in the web’s stem. Students name other types of homes such as “casas flotantes” and “caravanas.” After reading, students complete sentences using their new vocabulary learned. In lesson 3, in the text “Mi ropa favorita,” the materials instruct the teacher to write the following sentences on the board: “¿Que es la piña? La piña es una fruta. ¡Me gustan mucho las piñas!” The teacher circles the punctuation marks for each sentence. The students identify the difference in punctuation marks and say what the kind of sentence is. At the end of the lesson, the students write their own sentences using three types of punctuation marks.
In Unit 3 of ¡Listos!, in the text “¿Qué Recuerdas?,” the materials provide explicit instruction in print concepts. The materials support the teacher by showing a classroom calendar and saying, “este es un calendario.” The students repeat, “este es un calendario.” They then add the word “calendario” to their similar words chart. The students name the day of the week by pointing to each day, and after this lesson, the teacher writes the days of the week on separate notecards and distributes them to seven students. The students stand at the front of the room in order, starting with “domingo.” The class recites the days of the week in proper order by reading the words.
In Unit 4 of ¡Listos!, in the lesson “La j y la r,” the materials provide instructions for students to connect print awareness in text. The teacher writes the letter “j” and “r” on the board and points to each letter. The materials support the teacher by “saying the names: jota and erre” for the letters j and r. The teacher writes the vowel “a” after the consonant j to make the syllable “ja.” The teacher reminds students “that syllables are groups of letters to make sounds and are put together like pieces of a puzzle to form words.” After the lesson, the students point to images of animals such as “toro, canguro, arana, pajaro, and conejo.” The students read each name of the animal and clap out the syllables that contain the sounds of j and r. In another activity for the same lesson, the teacher writes or builds the word “jirafa” by using magnetic boards and omits the letter “j.” The teacher reads words by emphasizing the /j/ sound that is missing. Students write the missing letter for the word “jirafa.”
In Unit 5 of ¡Listos!, in the text “Tony se siente mal,” the materials provide opportunities for students to connect print awareness knowledge to texts. The students draw a picture of themselves visiting the doctor. The students label the drawing by using sentences such as “Cuando me duele..., yo visito al doctor/a.” After the students complete the assignment, the students present their illustrations and captions to the class.
In “Nivel Principiante” of “Antología,” Unit 3, in the “asi se escribe” section, the materials provide some opportunities for students to connect print awareness knowledge to texts. The materials support the teacher to introduce the concept of capital and lowercase letters by saying “Los nombres propios se escriben con letras mayúsculas.” The students find more examples of names in the reading. The students complete an activity by rewriting the sentences provided with the corresponding capital letters. In Nivel Principiante, Unit 4, in the text “La fábula del guacamayo y la ranita” the materials provide some instructions to teach print concepts. The teacher introduces the highlighted vocabulary such as discute, nectar, dormir, and salir. After reading, the teacher reviews the uses of capital letters and action words. Students complete the activity by writing correct capital letters in the sentences provided.
In “Nivel Avanzado” of Antología, Unit 2, in the text “Danza, animales y máscaras,” the materials provide some instruction for print awareness. The teacher introduces highlighted vocabulary and informs students that the word definitions are found at the end of the book. Students listen to the audio and follow the text along in their textbook. In Nivel Avanzado, Unit 4, in the text “Fábula del canario y la gallina,” the teacher introduces highlighted vocabulary words. Students are informed that the word definitions are found at the end of the book. Students listen to the audio and follow along in their textbook. The materials do not provide explicit instruction for print concepts of print awareness.
The materials provide some instruction in phonological skills and opportunities for student daily practice (e.g., rhyming, blending, and syllabication). Materials provide opportunities for students to practice written language activities. The materials support teachers to provide instruction in newly taught sounds and sound patterns and practice newly taught sound and syllable patterns. Students are provided some opportunities to practice blending phonemes to form syllables and syllables to form multisyllabic words. However, the materials do not provide opportunities for students to segment spoken words into individual syllables, manipulate syllables to form new words, and have limited opportunities to practice oral language activities.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In Unit 3 of “¡Listos!,” in the lesson “La l, la m y la p,” the materials provide opportunities for students to practice blending spoken phonemes to form syllables using print. The teacher writes the letters m, l, and p on the board. The teacher points to the letter and says their names in Spanish: ele, eme, pe. The materials instruct the teacher to “explain that syllables are groups of letters, like la, that make sounds and are put together like pieces of a puzzle to form words.” The teacher writes the vowel /a/ after the consonant /l/ and reads the syllable /la/. The students use vowel finger puppets and the consonant letter “l” finger puppet in order to form syllables. The students pronounce the /l/ and /a/ separately, then together to form a syllable until they have said all possible syllables with the /l/, such as “la, le, li, lo, lu.” Still, the materials do not provide opportunities for students to segment spoken words into individual syllables, manipulate syllables to form new words, and have limited opportunities to practice oral language activities without the use of print.
In Unit 4 of ¡Listos!, in the text “La J y la R,” the materials provide opportunities for students to practice blending phonemes to form syllables. The teacher writes the letter /a/ after the consonant /j/ and reads the syllable /ja/. The teacher repeats the process using the letter a and the letter r. The students repeat the process and form syllables such as “je, ji, jo, ju, re, ri, ro,” and “ru.” At the end of the lesson, the teacher writes the words on the board: “loro, perico, canguro, araña, jirafa, conejo, toro, jaguar, culebra, tarántula, tigre, mariposa” on separate notecards. The teacher cuts the words into pieces to make syllables. Students work in pairs to rearrange the pieces so that they can form the name of the animals on the board. They then share their answers with the class.
In Unit 5 of ¡Listos!, in the text “La b y la d,” the materials provide opportunities for students to practice each newly taught sound/phoneme and syllable pattern. The materials support the teacher to “write the five vowels on the board and have the students repeat “a, e, i, o, u. Dímelas ahora tú.” The teacher writes the letters b and d on the board, points to each letter, and says their names “be” and “de.” The teacher tells the students that syllables are groups of letters that form sounds and are put together like pieces of a puzzle. Then the instructor repeats this process with the remaining vowels to form the syllables “ba, be, bi, bo bu, da, de, di, do, du.” After this activity, the teacher writes the word “baño” on the board and omits the initial letter /b/. The students identify and write the missing letter for each word, such as “baño, burro, bigote, bebé, bote, dolor, dinero” and “dado.” At the end of the lesson, students read the completed sentences.
In Unit 7 of ¡Listos!, in the text “La c y la q,” the materials provide explicit instruction in phonological skills and opportunities for student practice. The teacher writes the five vowels on the board “a, e, i, o, u,” and pronounces them. The materials support the teacher's instruction by “asking students to listen to the different sounds of the “c,” the hard “c” “ca, co, cu” and the soft “c” “ce, ci.” The teacher repeats the pronunciation of the syllables until students can clearly identify the difference in the /k/ and the /s/ sounds. The teacher places magnetic letters to spell the word “camisa” and omit the letter /c/. Students use magnetic letters to fill in the missing letters and read all the words, “camisa, cuchillo, cocinera” and “cereal.” At the end of the lesson, students use phonics cards and games to reinforce the sounds of both letters, c, and q.
In “Nivel Principiante” of “Antología,” in the text “A la playa,” the materials provide explicit instruction to practice taught sound patterns. The teacher writes the vowels on five index cards. The class is divided into five groups and assigned a card. The teacher calls on the group with the vowel “a.” The students say five words that begin with “a.” The teacher repeats the process for all vowels. After this activity, the teacher writes the words “amigo, estrella, isla, oso, and uva.” The students volunteer to circle the beginning of each word on the board.
In the “Nivel Intermedio” portion of Antología, in the text “La música es un sueño,” the materials provide opportunities for students to practice oral language activities. The students sit in a circle, roll a beach ball, and say a rhyming word. Teachers are told to tell students that “these words can be from a poem or another word that they can rhyme.” When the student catches the ball, they say the word that rhymes with the one that another student said. The student says a different word and rolls the ball to another student, who says a word that rhymes with a new word.
The materials provide explicit, systematic instruction in phonetic knowledge and opportunities for students to practice both in and out of context. Opportunities are provided for students to apply grade-level phonetic knowledge to connected text, such as decodable readers or syllabic readers and tasks. Materials include limited building of spelling knowledge based on ATFL. However, the materials do not identify SLAR TEKS for grade-level phonics addressed, spelling knowledge and do not include a research-based sequence of grade-level foundational skill instruction for students to practice to achieve mastery.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In the Teacher Edition of “¡Listos!,” the materials include a Language Arts Scope and Sequence for the recommended phonics instruction. The materials provide scope and sequence with teacher suggestions on how to teach the skill. However, there is no reference to SLAR TEKS in ¡Listos! or in “Antología.” The students begin with decoding vowel sounds in Unit 1, and by Unit 6, students decode words in context and isolation. For example, in Unit 1, the teachers will write the five vowels on the board to review the sounds in Spanish, and students repeat. The teacher writes the word “jirafa” and omits the “j.” The students repeat the word and identify the missing letter by placing the magnetic letter in the word.
In Unit 2, the teacher reads the words “frutas, papá, casa, pelota, niña, and amigos” and asks the students to spell the words using magnetic letters. The students approach the board and identify each vowel and say its sound. The students repeat the activity with the remaining five words. In Unit 5, the students learn the letters “b” and “d” while the teacher teaches the sound for each. The students use phonic finger puppets and place the “b” and “d” in one hand and the vowels in the other. Students place two fingers together to create and pronounce the syllables, “ba, be, bi, bo, bu, de, di, do, and du.” In Unit 6, the teacher writes the word “negro” on the board and omits the letter “n.” The teacher reads the word and emphasizes the /n/ sound that is missing at the beginning. The students repeat and identify the missing letter by placing the magnetic letter of the word “negro.” In Unit 8, the students learn the sound of the letters “ch” and “ll.” The teacher explains how they sound and form the syllables on the board. Students complete words with the letters “ch” and “ll,” such as “chaqueta, leche, chico, ocho, and churros.”
In ¡Listos! in the Teacher Edition, in the Unit Overview planner, the materials include decodable texts assigned in the theme-related readings heading. In the online version, the materials include “Lecturas fonéticas” found in the activities section. The materials provide opportunities for students to practice grade-level phonetic knowledge of connected text. In Unit 4 the reader “El garaje de mi abuelo” highlights the vocabulary and provides a list of words before the reading, such as jueves, junio, Julio, garaje, mejor, juguetes. In Unit 5, the decodable book “Benito y el bate” highlights the vocabulary and provides a list of words before the reading, such as sábado, bonito, Benito, bate, base.
In ¡Listos!, additional components are referenced to support phonics instruction in the Program components section titled “Phonics Kit.” In the phonics kit, Phonics Readers Scope and Sequence includes a list of the syllabic readers and diphthongs and blends readers. In the online Resources, the Phonic Readers Scope and Sequence includes a list of Cumulative Vocabulary from Kinder to 2nd Grade. However, the materials do not indicate or give instruction on which unit to use the syllabic reader, nor is it referenced in the lesson planners. The materials do not include research-based high-frequency word lists provided or referenced with the resource, nor provide high-frequency word activities or tasks in the unit.
In Antología, the materials include a Scope and Sequence divided by unit, theme, text, and spelling. The spelling section indicates the letters students will be learning for each unit. Each unit includes a “teacher tip” in the “Asi se escribe” section for students to practice forming the letters they are learning. The materials do not include explicit instruction for spelling instruction nor provide reference to SLAR TEKS for building spelling knowledge.
The materials provide frequent opportunities for students to practice and develop fluency while reading a wide variety of grade-level texts at appropriate rates with accuracy by repeating after the teacher. Materials have limited support for the teacher to provide explicit instruction in fluency, accuracy, and prosody. The materials include assessments to evaluate fluency, rate, and comprehension. However, the materials do not include opportunities and routines for teachers to regularly monitor and provide corrective feedback on rate, accuracy, and prosody.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 2, the materials include an “echo read” section for students to practice fluency and prosody by repeating after the teacher. For example, in the text “La casa de Hector,” the teacher reads the dialogues and has the students follow along. The materials instruct the teacher to “conduct an echo read of the dialogues, having students gradually repeat words, phrases, and then sentences after you.” The teacher reads the speech bubbles again. The students chorally repeat after the teacher or play the audio to repeat and listen to the text.
In ¡Listos! Unit 4, the materials include a “read aloud” section throughout the unit for students to practice fluency and prosody by repeating after the teacher. For example, in the text “La tienda de mascotas,” the teacher reads the dialogues, and students follow along. The teacher reads the dialogues again or plays the audio, and students repeat. In Unit 6, the materials guide the teacher to “read the sentences or play the audio while students listen attentively. The teacher reads the sentences again, and students follow along. The teacher reads the sentences one more time, and students chorally repeat.” The materials, however, do not provide explicit instruction in accuracy or rate for fluency.
In “Antología,” “Nivel Principiante” Unit 3, in the text “Los días de la semana,” the materials instruct the teacher to “model fluent reading of a sentence or rhyme and students repeat or echo the segment the teacher read.” In “Nivel Principiante” Unit 4, in the text “La Fábula del Guacamayo y la ranita,” the materials provide opportunities for students to practice fluency. The teacher reads the text aloud, and students choral read. The materials support the teacher to “be sure to demonstrate proper and inflection for students to mimic.” The materials do not provide routines and opportunities to regularly monitor and provide corrective feedback on rate, accuracy, and prosody.
In Antología, “Nivel Intermedio,” Unit 1, in the story “La Bandera de Nicaragua,” the materials provide opportunities for students to practice fluency and prosody. The teacher reads the text aloud, and students read the text together in choral read. The materials support the teacher with directions such as: “Be sure to demonstrate proper fluency and inflection for students to mimic. Model fluency by reading the text again and ask students to pay attention when the tone of voice changes.” The materials do not provide routines and opportunities to regularly monitor and provide corrective feedback on rate, accuracy, and prosody.
In Antología, “Nivel Avanzado” Unit 2, in the text “Danza, Animales y Máscaras,” the materials provide opportunities for students to practice fluency and prosody. The teacher reads the text, and students choral read together. The materials support the teacher to “be sure to demonstrate proper fluency and inflection for students to mimic. Model fluency by reading the text again and asking students to pay attention when the tone of voice changes.” The materials do not provide routines and opportunities to regularly monitor and provide corrective feedback on rate, accuracy, and prosody.
In Antología, the materials support the teacher by providing a “Reading Performance Assessment in the Resources” section. The purpose of the assessment is to evaluate the decoding and comprehension skills. The materials support the teacher by providing directions on how to administer the assessment and how to calculate the words-correct-per-minute (WCPM) and accuracy. The materials provide five comprehension questions, which are divided into five levels based on the WIDA standards. The materials do not provide a suggested time to perform the evaluations and to provide feedback to students.
The materials include developmentally appropriate diagnostic tools and guidance for teachers to monitor progress. Materials provide guidance to ensure consistent and accurate administration of diagnostic tools. However, the materials do not include tools for students to track their own progress and growth, nor do the materials include guidance for administrators to monitor student progress. Materials do not include diagnostic tools to measure all content and process skills for SLAR K-2 TEKS.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” and “Antología,” the materials provide diagnostic tools, located in the resources section of the online teacher's edition, that measure content and skills acquisition, monitoring student progress and growth.
The ¡Listos! materials provide a teacher overview of the types of assessments. Summative assessments include a pre-test “Evaluación de ubicación” to be administered before Unit 1 when the student first enters the program. A post-test “Evaluación Final” is administered at the end of the year, after Unit 8. The assessments provide general information on Spanish language development, as well as specific skills for listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The assessments are composed of three sections, “A escuchar,” “A conversar,” and “A leer and escribir.” “A Escuchar” assessment requires students to demonstrate comprehension of nouns and grammatical structures and may be administered in a group setting. The “A Conversar” assessment requires students to demonstrate comprehension of language by recognizing and naming objects and is administered individually using a rubric. The “A leer y escribir” assessment requires students to demonstrate comprehension of vowels and syllables and may be administered in a group setting. The materials recommend that the summative assessments be administered in a controlled environment using a provided script. The materials support the teacher by providing a “manual del maestro” with a script to use when administering assessments. Materials include an administration section, scoring sheets, rubrics, and an interpreting results guide.
In ¡Listos!, the materials support the teacher by including a “Forms” section with documents provided to record student scores for assessments. The “Individual Separate Domains Assessment Profile” form is used to record raw scores of unit assessments, pre-tests, and post-tests. The “A Conversar Student Speech Record” form is used to record student verbal responses to the questions in the “A conversar” section of the unit assessment, pre-test, and post-test. The examiner records student’s responses word for word and later rates the proficiency level using a rubric. The “Individual Integrated Domains Assessment Rating” form is for the holistic evaluation of a child’s language comprehension and production while working in small groups. During these Integrated Domains assessments, such as “informal, culminating and cooperative activities,” the teacher makes notes on the child’s performance while observing students’ interactions and their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Teachers use rubrics to score students' abilities in comprehension (listening and reading skills) and production (speaking and writing skills). These scores are based on their observation notes.
Materials support teachers by providing a chart used to interpret the meaning of the proficiency levels (Beginning, Intermediate, and/or Advanced). The “Individual Student Record” form is used to keep track of each student’s performance on the separate domains and integrated domains. This form is also used for monitoring progress and growth throughout the school year. A “Class Record” form is included to record the performance of the entire class for each unit and is useful when forming groups based on proficiency level. The materials also include a “Portfolio” to organize the pre-tests, unit tests, post-tests and include the Individual Integrated Domains assessment rating sheet. The portfolios may be used to provide information for parents and teachers regarding students’ progress and growth. The materials do not include recommendations for assessment tools that allow for students’ own evaluations of their work or track their own progress.
In Antología, the materials include a pre-test, “Evaluación de Ubicacion,” and a post-test, “Evaluación Final,” which are administered before and after the units by using a script provided. In Antología, the “Reading Performance Assessments” measure the student’s ability to read a passage from the book. Three assessments are included for each grade level (K-5) for a total of 18 assessments. Levels are identified by their assigned color to include fiction and nonfiction passages. Materials recommend assessing students three times a year. The materials provide teacher guidance on administering the assessment, responding to student data, and forming guided reading groups based on the student performance. At the end of each unit, quizzes are integrated throughout the program to assess listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The materials include guidance for teachers to analyze and respond to data from diagnostic tools. The materials support teachers with guidance and direction to respond to individual student’s needs in all domains, based on measures of student progress appropriate to the developmental level. The diagnostic tools yield meaningful information for teachers to use when planning instruction and differentiation. However, the materials do not include a variety of resources and teacher guidance on how to leverage different activities to respond to student data and do not provide guidance for administrators to support teachers in analyzing and responding to data.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In the Teacher Edition of “¡Listos!,” the materials include an “Individual Student Record” for teachers to keep track of student performance on the separate domains and integrated domains assessed throughout the course of the school year. Teachers use a rubric when administering a holistic assessment to rate students based on their notes on group interactions and all domains for listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The rubrics are based on two components: comprehension and production. Comprehension rates students’ listening and reading skills; production rates their speaking and writing skills. However, the materials do not include recommendations on how to adjust instruction to meet student needs based on data, nor do the materials provide guidance on the specific materials necessary to reinforce or re-teach skills that are not mastered by the students after assessing data from the diagnostic tools.
The ¡Listos! materials support the teacher by providing a form “Interpreting the Results” to use as a guide to convert raw scores to numerical scores into proficiency levels. The three levels are “Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced,” which correspond closely with the descriptors of basic levels of language proficiency established by the American Council for Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The materials provide a general description of skills at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels for each of the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing; they also support the teachers to interpret the meaning of the proficiency level. The resource includes charts, such as the “Interpreting Separate Domains Assessment Level Chart” and “Interpreting Integrated Domains Assessment Level Charts,” which can be helpful for explaining a student’s abilities and progress to parents and administrators. However, the materials do not include guidance for administrators to support teachers in analyzing and responding to data. A “Class Record” form is used to record the performance of the entire unit and is useful for grouping based on proficiency level. The materials do not have additional small group activities that direct the teachers to provide varied support to each student based on their individual performances on the diagnostic tools.
In “Antología,” the Reading Performance Assessments evaluate the students’ decoding and comprehension skills. The assessment includes a set of five comprehension questions divided into five levels: “beginning, early intermediate, intermediate, early advanced, and advanced.” These levels are approximately aligned to the WIDA standards. The materials in Antología support teachers by providing criteria to use when grouping students who are reading from instructional to proficient levels. The levels consist of ranges in levels A through D. The Reading Performance Assessment is a quantitative measurement system for Spanish reading identified by colored levels: magenta, yellow, orange, red, green, and blue. The materials include a chart providing a comparative view of the different levels, their corresponding equivalent grade levels, and their approximate levels according to the Fountas and Pinnell readability system. However, the materials do not include specific descriptions or interventions for each leveled group.
The materials include frequent, embedded opportunities for monitoring progress throughout the units. Materials include routine and systematic progress monitoring opportunities that accurately measure and track student progress using a rubric. The frequency of progress monitoring is appropriate for the age and content skill assessed.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In the Teacher's Edition of “¡Listos!,” the materials include performance tasks, formative assessments, and informal assessments throughout the lessons. The unit planner for each of the eight units includes differentiated summative performance tasks as interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. The materials support the teachers in assessing student progress using language in context. Each unit is composed of four lessons, and each lesson is divided into four days; a lesson planner is also included for each lesson. The lesson planner includes formative assessments to be administered using online practice: “cuaderno de practica,” close activities, and “hojas de actividad.” It also includes summative performance assessments through the use of “album de recuerdos” and “actividades and aplica.”
Formative assessments in ¡Listos! include but are not limited to “I Can Statements,” where students and teachers review the objectives for the day. At the end of each day, students complete a close activity by completing individual or group tasks. On day four of each lesson, the materials support the teacher in applying informal assessments in the apply section. The teacher reads the instructions and evaluates the student’s performance. The Individual Student Record sheet is also used to keep track of each child’s performance on the Separate Domains and Integrated Domains Assessments that take place throughout the course of the school year. In this form, all possible scoring information may be recorded: unit assessments, closing activities, summative performance assessments, and summative performance tasks.
The ¡Listos!’s materials give teachers the opportunity to rely on observational assessments and to take notes on student performance. Teachers are able to observe performance by utilizing the program’s activities and then recording these observations in the “Individual Integrated Domains Assessment Rating” sheets. For example, the “Integrated Domains Assessment” allows teachers to rate the student’s ability to comprehend and produce Spanish: “For this process, rely on teacher observation notes and a child’s writing sample (if appropriate) produced by the activity.” The individual integrated domains rating sheets are accompanied by a rubric to rate students’ comprehension level and production level in Spanish language development as a way to track student progress throughout the year.
In “Antología,” the materials support the teacher by recommending that students be “assessed three times during the year, beginning at the start of the year; however, a teacher may opt to assess individual students as often as he/she deems necessary.” The materials include a pre- and post-assessment for each unit. Each unit includes formative assessments in the form of quizzes for decoding, print awareness, and reading comprehension at the end of each lesson. The materials support the teacher by providing an answer key for each quiz, including instructions and ELAR TEKS addressed for each item.
The materials include a differentiated instruction section for guidance, scaffolds, supports, and extensions that vary by students' learning level. Recommendations and activities are included for students who have not mastered the content or for students who have mastered the content. Materials also include additional enrichment activities for students at all levels to maximize their learning potential.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In the Teacher’s Guide Program Walkthrough section in “¡Listos!,” teachers are directed to days 2 and 4 of each lesson, where different levels of instruction can be found depending on student needs. Suggestions are provided to teachers for students who are struggling or have not mastered the content in the differentiated section labeled Strategic or Intensive.
In ¡Listos!, the differentiated instruction sections are labeled Strategic. Students who have difficulty with the pronunciation of words listen to audio dialogues. Students listen to an audio or text by clicking on a blue labeled tab. Materials in Listos B include guiding questions that activate prior knowledge.
In ¡Listos!, the lessons include an “Intensive for the differentiated instruction” section. The materials instruct the teacher to “provide students who may have a learning disability or have not mastered the objective with activities to learn new vocabulary.” For example, students view a set of cards with the names for each animal and another set of cards with a color and corresponding name. Students point to the corresponding animal card and the color card.
In ¡Listos! Unit 4, students learn about animals at a pet store and where they live. In the lesson, students read a sentence provided and then match the corresponding phrase “El pájaro de Daniel vive en una...jaula.” For struggling students, teachers are given a ‘Poster Cutouts’ lesson scaffold they can utilize. In this lesson, teachers and students write sentences like “El gato vive en la casa,” then the teacher reads it, allowing time for the student to repeat the reading. Students then match pictures of the appropriate vocabulary words (e.g., perro, gato, pez, and pájaro) to sentences after reading them aloud. Activities are scaffold to provide intensive teacher support to minimal support for students who do not master the content.
In ¡Listos!, lessons include a “Challenge” section for the differentiated activities used to support students who have already mastered the content. The students work in pairs to create written dialogue using their own names and describe where they live. In Unit 4, materials offer a memory matching game that challenges student writing. The memory matching game includes vocabulary from the lesson such as jaula, pez, pájaro, casa, pecera, and casita de perro. The student flips over the memory cards, and if the two vocabulary words match (the animal and their home), they need to compose a sentence using these two words. Students also make an illustration of each animal or pet and label them. The final illustration is displayed in the classroom. Students who do not have a pet are told to write about the pet they would like to have.
In ¡Listos!, lessons include an extended section for additional enrichment activities for all learners in the form of total-body response, culminating activities, multiple intelligences, and cultural exploration. For example, students learn about the capacity of a measuring cup and a one-liter bottle by following a recipe to make pineapple juice. The teacher explains the purpose of measuring cups and invites the students to guess how many tazas (cups) will be necessary to fill un litro (a liter) and un cuarto (a quart). After hearing some guesses from the students, the teacher fills the liter and the quart. This lesson includes a visual representation of the abstract concept the students read in the story. This activity gives the students additional modalities for exploration on the mathematical concepts of measurement is provided during the story students read.
“Antología” includes a collection of leveled reader stories with comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, and writing activities. Activities are differentiated for beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners. Beginner example skills target syllables and verbs, capitalization, and punctuation. Intermediate skills include syllables, plural, and sequence of events. Advanced include skills rhyming, accent syllables, and alphabetic order of dictionary entries, as well as verbs. For example, students view a picture of a coral snake and a king snake. Students will write sentences to describe the color pattern of each snake to extend their learning of the content.
The materials include a variety of instructional approaches to engage students in the mastery of the content. Appropriate multimodal instructional strategies are included for a variety of learners, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile. Support for multiple practices is provided as guidance for teachers to achieve effective implementation and provide flexible grouping.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 1, materials include activities that encourage student participation through kinesthetic learning. The teacher introduces the phrases “Hola amigo” and “hola amiga” to the class by tossing a bean bag. A student begins the activity by tossing a bean bag to a friend and says, “Hola amigo” or “Hola amiga,” until all students have participated. During the close section of the lesson, students role-play the character dialogue. The students use the character cutouts included in the materials resources to practice modeling the dialogue between characters.
During Unit 1, students engage in an interpersonal activity by matching actions in pictures provided to the appropriate greeting (“Hola” and “Adiós”). Students act out by using the images and greet each other using complete sentences. The activity provides directions for the teacher to organize small groups to create dialogues using the expressions in the boxes provided. At the end of the lesson, small groups present their dialogues to the class. Students complete activity worksheets for independent practice.
In ¡Listos! Unit 2, the informational text about Nicaragua, the teacher introduces the lesson by displaying Tarjetas fotográficas for casa, apartamento, señor, and señora for visual learners. Students use the graphics and illustrations to complete a sentence like “Héctor vive en una casa.” Students work collaboratively with a partner and take turns saying, “Yo vivo en una casa [or] un apartamento” and ask their partner, “¿Dónde vives tú?” After reading the informational text and learning about the characters Hector, Lisa, and Tony, students complete independent activities by naming the types of homes people live in and identify some rooms in a house as a language function goal.
In ¡Listos! Unit 4, a kinesthetic activity is included to engage students in the learning. Students imitate one of the animals’ movements when the teacher gives directions, for example, “corre como el perro,” “vuela como el pajara,” y “camina como el gato.” During the lesson, the teacher gives students several large and small objects. The teacher writes the titles “Animales grandes” and “Animales pequenos” on the board. The students draw and label animals that fit each category then share with the class. Students work in groups of four to practice making sentences and share with the whole class. As a closing activity, the students complete the riddles and point out appropriate animals.
In ¡Listos! Unit 6, activities include the use of season cutouts to identify the seasons as a multimodal strategy for tactile learners. The teacher displays the season cutouts and distributes sentence strips with the name of the seasons. Students match the pictures with the sentence strips, and then they read aloud the sentences.
In ¡Listos! Unit 7, the story “La familia de Karina,” includes activities where students learn about jobs and practice making sentences. Teacher models reading each sentence during whole-class instruction that includes a family member and what their job is. Students engage in an activity where they complete sentences by matching appropriate words from different columns until the sentences are in the appropriate structure.
In “Antología,” “Nivel Intermedio,” “La Música es un Sueño,” materials include a pre-reading activity. Students interact with actual percussion instruments like bells, drums, maracas, or triangles on their own to discover their sounds. Students answer the questions “¿Qué sientes cuando escuchas música? ¿Te gusta la música? ¿Qué instrumento musical es tu preferido?” The teacher reads the story aloud, and students read the story together in a choral reading.
In Antología, “Nivel Avanzado,” after reading the poem, “Los Frutos de la Tierra,” students get 20 to 30 images of healthy and unhealthy foods for a sorting activity. Students vote and discuss their decision, and they place the cards in the correct column.
In ¡Listos!, the materials include activities for students at various levels and additional resources listed in the teacher's guide, including phonics readers, a phonics kit, a thematic library, photo cards, and manipulatives to engage a variety of learners interests and needs.
The materials do not include supports for English Learners to meet grade-level learning expectations. The materials do not provide accommodations for English Language learners with various levels of English language proficiency. The materials do not encourage strategic use of students’ primary language as a means to develop linguistic, affective, cognitive, and academic skills in the target language (e.g., to enhance vocabulary development).
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!,” the materials do not include support for English learners with various levels of English language proficiency. The materials are for Spanish instruction, and there is no guidance or support for English instruction. In Units 1-8, materials include lessons targeted to develop the students’ understanding of Spanish through activities, stories, and lessons, but there is no evidence that the materials provide accommodations for English learners with various English proficiency. The materials do not encourage strategic use of students’ first language as a means to develop linguistic, affective, cognitive, and academic skills in English (e.g., to enhance vocabulary development).
The intent of ¡Listos! and “Antología” is to use English as a bridge to learning Spanish; consequently, the materials are focused on the usage and development of the Spanish language and not the English language.
No evidence was found in either resource that addresses any particular strategy for English Learners (ELs). The materials are for students learning Spanish. Therefore, the materials do not encourage the strategic use of Spanish to develop English. Instead, they encourage some strategic use of English to develop Spanish.
The materials include year-long plans with practice and review opportunities that support instruction. The materials provide spiraled review and practice of knowledge and skills in all domains throughout the span of the curriculum. However, the materials do not provide resources to consider how to vertically align instructions that build year to year.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!,” the materials include a Language Arts Scope and Sequence indicating the concepts students are learning throughout the year. The materials are divided into thematic Units 1 through 8 named after a Spanish-speaking country such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, España, Venezuela, and Cuba” Each thematic unit includes four lessons that are divided into four days of instruction for “reading strategies, vocabulary development, oral/written conventions, phonics, print awareness, phonological awareness, and media literacy.” Each standard is labeled with a letter “I, R, or M” indicating “(I) for introduce, (R) for review, and (M) for maintain,” allowing teachers to know which standards are taught for the first time, for review or to maintain. For example, in Lesson 1, the oral and written conventions skills are labeled with an “I” for introduce. Students recognize and use punctuation marks. The same skill is taught in Unit 2, labeled with an (R) for review. In Unit 3, the skill for recognizing and using basic capitalization for the beginning of sentences is labeled with a letter (M) for maintain.
In ¡Listos!, the materials provide spiraled review and practice of knowledge and skills in all domains throughout the span of the curriculum. Lessons begin with simple skills and become more complex. For example, in Unit 1, the students identify and decode vowel sounds, demonstrate one-to-one correspondence between spoken and printed words, and identify and use words that name sequence. The lesson includes instruction to help students understand and use verbs (present tense) and nouns (singular and plural). In Unit 3, students recognize the sounds of l, m, and p, decode words by applying knowledge of letter-sound relationships in different syllabic structures. Students become familiar with grade-level vocabulary. In Unit 5, students decoding words in context, blend spoken phonemes to form syllables, and become familiar with grade-appropriate vocabulary. In Unit 8, students identify the sounds of ch, and ll, blend spoken phonemes to form syllables, identify activities people do at celebrations, and describe feelings of celebrations. Understand and use verbs in present tense and use nouns (singular/plural). The materials, however, do not provide a vertical alignment resource on how skills build upon each other as students progress from year to year.
In the Lesson Planner section for each unit of ¡Listos!, the materials provide a Unit Overview stating the essential questions and enduring understandings. The overview includes Objectives by lesson, summative performance tasks, literacy center activities, culture connections, and technology integrations. The unit content lessons are connected to each other throughout the overall theme of the unit, but the units do not seem to be connected to each other in any other way than representing different cultures throughout the year.
The resources that support instruction include the “Antología” resource. Antología includes a scope and sequence section that correlates with the corresponding units in ¡Listos!. The materials are divided into the levels “Principiante, Intermedio, and Avanzado.” Each unit reviews the learning for reading strategies, phonics, spelling, and structures. The materials, however, do not provide a vertical alignment resource on how skills build upon each other as students progress from year to year.
The materials include support to help teachers implement the materials as intended. Resources and guidance support teachers to plan and adapt flexible schedules. The materials include a school year’s worth of instruction with realistic pacing guidance and routines. However, resources and guidance to help administrators support teachers in implementing the materials are not included. Materials are not accompanied by an SLAR TEKS-aligned scope and sequence outlining the essential knowledge and skills that are taught in the program, the order in which they are presented, and how knowledge and skills build and connect across grade levels.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials do not include resources and guidance for administrators to support teachers. Materials are not accompanied by an SLAR TEKS-aligned scope and sequence outlining the essential knowledge and skills that are taught in the program, the order in which they are presented, and how knowledge and skills build and connect across grade levels.
In the Teacher's Guide for “¡Listos!,” the materials include a Program Walkthrough to support the teachers with an overview of the components for each of the four lessons. The materials include a total of 8 thematic units in ¡Listos!, providing 32 weeks of curriculum for a school year’s worth of instruction. The materials include four lessons within each unit, and each lesson takes approximately one week to complete following the same structure. Day 1 is the lesson opener that includes objectives, vocabulary, guiding questions, predicting tasks, activating student’s prior knowledge activities, and closure of the day's tasks. Day 2 of each lesson presents the vocabulary in a reading passage, differentiated instruction, teaching suggestions, practice and application tasks, and closure of the day activities. Day 3 follows a pattern across units and changes based on the lesson for checking comprehension, pronunciation, language, function, and forms. Day 4 instruction also follows a pattern across units and changes based on the lesson to practice language and structures by exploring cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. The materials, however, do not provide a sequence that presents the SLAR TEKS or how they are incorporated in the curriculum materials.
In ¡Listos!, the Scope and Sequence Charts in the Teacher’s Guide provide the themes and structure for each unit. The chart is a view at a glance for all eight units that follow the same instructional structure to teach language functions, structures, culture connections, and writing. For example, in Unit 1, “Nos Conocemos,” students learn how to use different greetings and goodbyes by using language structures of “despues, primero, no, si.” Students make cultural connections by reading “The Aztec Stadium” and investigate the culture in the text “Máscaras para el Festival.” Students finish the lesson by writing about “Mi amigos.” In Unit 8, students practice language functions to identify and name some items needed for a party by using language structures for verbs such as “celebrar, preparar, beber y comer.” Students make cultural connections by reading “Piñatas” investigate the culture in the text “Calle Ocho.” Students end the lesson by writing “Mi fiesta de cumpleaños.”
A Unit Planner of ¡Listos! is included to provide a unit overview to support teachers when planning for the entire unit. The unit overview includes essential questions, enduring understandings, and objectives by lesson. Summative performance task guidance is provided into interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modalities. The literary center subtitle includes skills practiced in the unit, theme-related readings, and cultural readings with supporting activities that are included in “Antología” resources. The culture connection texts students will be reading are color-coded by lessons. Technology integration activity ideas are listed and may be added to the students’ portfolios.
Each unit of ¡Listos! includes a Lesson Planner for each lesson to support the teachers to know where to locate the activities. The lesson planner includes four sections: “Lesson Overview, Evidence of Learning, Meeting the Standards and Additional Components.” The lesson overview states the objectives, vocabulary, and “I Can Statements.” The Evidence of Learning includes both formative and summative assessments. Meeting the Standards provides the mode of communication and activities and how each connects to the lesson objectives in “communication and culture, connections, comparison, and communities.” The Additional Components include both Print and Online resources that teachers may use during the lessons, “Cuaderno de práctica, Hojas de actividad, Character cutouts, Alphabet game, Tarjetas Fotográficas.” The Lesson Planner is a comprehensible tool for teachers to plan in advance and to know what to teach for that particular lesson.
In the Teacher’s Edition for “Antología,” a scope and sequence is included to support the teacher to implement this resource as intended. The chart provides the unit, themes, titles for reading by level, text types, and spelling. Each Unit is color-coded by level Principiante, Intermedio, and Avanzado.
The materials provide implementation guidance to meet variability in programmatic design and scheduling considerations. The guidance for strategic implementation does not disrupt the sequence of content that must be taught in a specific order following a developmental progression. The materials are designed in a way that allows LEAs the ability to incorporate the curriculum into district, campus, and teacher programmatic design and scheduling considerations.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials include two different pacing models found in the online component for “¡Listos!,” Resources section. A five-day pacing model chart guides the teachers who provide instruction for classes that meet more than 120 minutes per week and includes the pacing suggestions of a 30-minute class with five sessions per lesson for a total of 150 minutes per lesson. The Alternate pacing model is intended for classes that meet three times per week with 120 minutes of instruction and 40 minutes of instruction per class. A flexible pacing suggestion section is also included in the Unit Planner for classes that meet 1 to 2 times per week for 30-45 minutes per class. . In order for classes that meet three or more times per week for 30-45 minutes per class to present all four lessons in the unit, there should be one lesson per week.
In the online Teacher Edition of ¡Listos!, a Phonics readers scope and sequence is included in the Resource section. The Scope and Sequence provides a list of readers to introduce students to phonemes, diphthongs and blends, and basic syllable patterns in Spanish words. The 12 readers emphasize phonemic patterns, gradually scaffolding and spiraling the vocabulary and transitioning from syllable recognition to text decoding. The resource provides a list of syllabic readers, cumulative vocabulary, diphthongs, and blends readers. However, this resource does not state the SLAR-TEKS address throughout the lessons.
In ¡Listos!, the materials provide a Scope and Sequence displaying all units at-a-glance in the Teacher’s Guide. Each unit is named after a Spanish-speaking country. Each unit contains four color-coded lessons based on themes that correlate with the language functions, structures, and culture that the students are learning about. In the appendix section, a Language Arts scope and sequence is included to support implementation and correlates with the color-coded thematic units. The lessons focus on specific skills and strategies and follow the same structure from Unit 1 to Unit 8, such as “Reading strategies, vocabulary development, oral and written conventions, phonics, print awareness, and media literacy.”
The materials provide guidance on fostering connections between home and school by providing a letter to the parents before each unit. Materials provide some activities for use at home to support students’ learning development. However, materials do not include support development of strong relationships between teachers and families.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In the Resources section in “¡Listos!,” the materials include a parent letter for each unit. The letter provides a brief description of what students will be learning in Spanish. It also provides expansion activities to complete at home. For example, in Unit 1, “Mexico,” the letter provides suggestions to reinforce the child’s learning by having parents, “Ask your child what he or she is learning to say in Spanish at school and encourage your child to talk about Mexico.” The materials provide suggestions for parents to “encourage your child to act as if he or she is your teacher. Ask: “¿Qué se dice cuando se presenta a un amigo o una amiga? What do you say when you are meeting a new friend? ¿Quiénes son los miembros de tu familia? What are the names of your family members? ¿Qué cosas llevas a la playa? What things do you take to the beach? ¿Cómo es el festival en México? What is the festival in Mexico like?” The student draws a picture of what they learned about Mexico, writes a sentence, and brings it back to class to share. The materials do not include resources for relationship-building between the teacher and the parent.
“Antología” includes a letter to parents and teachers that describes the program’s structure and the different instructional components. For example, a section of that letter that is called “Habilidades de Competencia Lectora y Estrategias” defines each of the reading skills and then explains how to help students master them. The skills included are point of view, author’s purpose, cause and effect, compare and contrast, drawing conclusions, reading aloud, problem and solution, main idea and details, making inferences, making connections, retelling, sequencing, summary, and visualization. Additionally, the letter explains how parents and teachers can encourage students to use reading skills after reading a story or piece of text.
In ¡Listos! Unit 2, in the story “La Casa,” the materials include activities to use at home to support students’ learning. In the “Album de Recuerdos” section, the students are given an activity sheet that can be a home connection activity. The materials support the teacher to instruct students to “read the directions and cut out the speech bubbles to glue above the characters.” Students color and decorate the page to glue on their album de recuerdos scrapbook. The materials have limited instructions for the teacher to guide and provide parent instructions about the activity.
In ¡Listos! Unit 4, in the text “Como son los Animales,” the materials include activities to use at home to support student’s learning. In the Album de Recuerdos section, the student uses the “hoja de actividad” for a home connection activity. The materials support the teacher by instructing students to “read the directions and draw themselves holding a photograph of a wild animal from Costa Rica.” Students color and decorate the page to glue inside their “album de recuerdos” scrapbook. The materials do not provide guidance or instructions for parents or students. The materials only state, “this can also be a home connection activity.”
In ¡Listos! Unit 8, in the text “Las Tradiciones,” the materials include activities to use at home to support student’s learning. In the Album de Recuerdos section, the teacher directs students to read the instructions on the hoja de actividad. Students draw themselves playing a musical instrument with the characters in the story. The students color and decorate their pages. When finished, the students glue their drawings in their album de recuerdos. The materials do not provide guidance on how to instruct parents or students on completing this activity at home.
The materials include a visual design of student and teacher materials (whether in print or in digital) that are neither distracting nor chaotic. Materials include appropriate use of white space and design that supports and does not distract student learning. The pictures and graphics are supportive of student learning and engagement without being visually distracting.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!,” in the teacher's textbook, the materials include a “Unit Planner” section that provides an overview for each of the eight units. This planner is identified by the color green. The subheadings provide a visual of the overview of the unit. The materials offer teachers the ease of navigating color-coded or tabbed pages, which allows them to easily identify content on that page. The unit planner includes “Unit Overview, Summative Performance Tasks, Literacy Center, Culture Connections, Technology Integration, and Pacing Suggestions.” In the lesson planner section, in the teacher’s textbook, the materials provide an overview of what will be taught for each of the four lessons in each unit. The lesson planner pages are identified in the color red and contain “lesson overview, evidence of learning, meeting the standards and additional components.” Each lesson is color-coded in each of the eight units; for example, lesson one is in red, lesson two in purple, lesson three in orange, and lesson four in blue. The materials provide subheadings for all the components for each of the four days in each lesson that teachers will need for instruction. Subheadings include but are not limited to “language functions, culture objective, vocabulary, materials, teaching strategies, differentiated instruction or review, and application.”
In the student edition, in ¡Listos!, the materials include a table of content that supports students in locating the units they are learning. The student materials are appropriately designed to clearly state the intent. For example, photo images to teach the unit vocabulary online are clear, made with actual people, and appropriate colors. The images are real pictures that support the stories and vocabulary that are taught. The stories include characters that are used to interact in dialogue, and sentences are accompanied with a visual to assist emergent readers with comprehension. At the end of each unit, the materials are structured with simple activities divided into sections for students to complete. Each lesson for each of the eight units is color-coded to match the teacher’s textbook. Vocabulary words are highlighted throughout the text. Any tables, charts, and visuals included are clear and concise without distracting the student from learning.
In the “Antología” teacher’s book, units are divided by students’ level of Spanish development, such as “nivel principiante, nivel intermedio, and nivel avanzado.” Each “nivel” is color-coded and includes eight units for each. The teaching instructions are bolded in pink throughout the pages that the students are engaged in before, during, and after reading. The subheadings include “Vocabulary development, Echo Read, Differentiated Instruction, Practice and Apply, and Scaffold and Apply.”
In Antología, student edition, the materials provide visual support for students. Every sentence or word is accompanied by an illustration or real photographs. The materials include activities for students to complete after reading labeled, “Comprendo lo que leí, Así se dice, Así se escribe, y A escribir.” The activities contain real photographs or images that correspond to the students’ language development or comprehension. The vocabulary words within the text are highlighted in yellow and are easily identifiable. The illustrations and visuals are clear and do not distract the student from learning.
This item is not scored.
The materials do not provide clear guidance specific to a bilingual program model. Materials do not include guidance or recommendations on how they could be applied within a particular bilingual program model. Materials do not include or cite current, relevant research on Spanish literacy development and second language development and acquisition.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “Antología” within the “Teacher and Parent letter,” a statement includes, “A program built to meet the varied needs of today´s Spanish learners, Antología can be used in a dual-language elementary program, a foreign-language-in-the-elementary-school (FLES) setting, or a Spanish-language-immersion instruction.” No guidance is given to the teacher on how to implement the program within a specific model.
The Teacher's Edition section for “¡Listos!” includes a statement in the “Communicative Approach” that states, “Communicate with spiraling content that allows for added flexibility of choices in any second language classroom models or with any methodology.” Materials do not include guidance or recommendations on how they could be applied within a particular bilingual program model.
Although the materials present lessons that scaffold across all domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and that allow opportunities for interpersonal communication, building vocabulary, offering sentence stems and frames, and incorporating other methods of second-language acquisition, the materials do not cite research material on second-language acquisition, best practices, how Spanish language literacy develops, cross-linguistic connections, etc.
This item is not scored.
The materials support teachers in understanding the connection between content presented in each language and provide guidance on how to help students understand this connection. Materials highlight opportunities for students to make cross-linguistic connections. Materials support teacher and student understanding and application of the connection between the languages. However, the materials do not allow equitable instruction in both languages in terms of quality and quantity of materials based on English materials not being accessible.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
In “¡Listos!” Unit 2, lesson 3, the materials highlight opportunities for students to make cross-linguistic connections. In the “Spanish to English: Adjective placement,” the materials instruct the teacher to write the following sentence on the board and read it aloud: “Lisa compra la falda blanca.” The teacher underlines the words “falda” and “blanca” and points out the way the words are arranged in the sentence. The teacher tells students that in Spanish, most adjectives come after the word they describe. Next, the teacher writes the English equivalent of the sentence on the board and underlines the words. The teacher explains that in English, the opposite occurs: The color comes before the word it is describing. The students apply the learning by writing a pair of sentences for each article of clothing using two different sentence patterns, for example, “La falda es blanca. Me gusta la falda blanca.” Students present their sentences to the class.
In ¡Listos! Unit 3 Lesson 3, the materials highlight opportunities for students to make cross-linguistic connections. In the “Spanish to English Comparison” section, the teacher writes the phrases “por la manana” and “por la tarde” on the board. The materials instruct the teacher to explain that “just as in English, these phrases tell that something happens in the morning or afternoon but without mentioning a specific time.” The teacher displays the cards for “biblioteca, cafeteria, escuela” and “patio.” The students repeat the words and add the word “cafeteria” to the Palabras Similares chart as the teacher explains the words “cafeteria” and “patio” are loanwords from Spanish. In Unit 4, lesson 1, the teacher uses the Flash Cards to introduce the vocabulary word “iguana” and tells the students that it is a “loanword” from Spanish because it is the same in English. The teacher and the students list this word under the “Palabras similares” chart.
In Unit 4, Lesson 3, in the “Spanish to English” section, the teacher explains the difference in how verbs change in both English and Spanish. The materials instruct the teacher to explain “that having a /s/ at the end when talking about one animal (the bird walks) and dropping the /s/ when talking about more than one animal (The birds walk).” The teacher writes the action verbs “corre, camina, salta, vuela,” and “nada” on the board. The students change the verbs to indicate when more than one animal is doing the action by changing the verb. In Unit 5, Lesson 2, in the “La b y la d” section, the students compare the similarities and differences between those two letter sounds in English and Spanish. The teacher writes the letters b and d on the board and says their names “be and de.” The teacher explains the sounds for the two letters in Spanish sound the same as in English when it begins with a syllable, such as “ba, be, bi, bo, bu.” In Unit 6, Lesson 2, in the “La n y la ñ” section, the teacher writes n and ñ on the board, points at each letter, and says their name, “ene” and “eñe.” The teacher explains that the “n” in Spanish sounds like the “n” in English while the “ñ” sounds like English “ny” when the two letters are pronounced together, as in the word “canyon.” Students write the missing letter for the words, “montaña, niña, piña, [and] muñeca.”
The materials in both ¡Listos! and “Antología” provide quality materials for Spanish instruction. The components include “Tarjetas fotográficas,” a thematic library, leveled readings, and a Language Handbook. The stories inside Antología contain a wide variety of folktales, poems, and fables representative of Hispanic culture, and the lessons in ¡Listos! contain information about the different cultures, customs, and traditions of South American countries and Spain. The materials contain leveled stories (Principante, Intermedio, Avanzado) and differentiation and enrichment opportunities provided within the lessons throughout the entire school year. However, the materials do not include English curriculum that may be used to compare the quality or quantity for equitable instruction in both languages.
This item is not scored.
The materials in Spanish are authentic and culturally relevant. Both teacher and student materials are presented in authentic and academic Spanish as appropriate for the purpose and context of the activities. The materials support the development of sociocultural competence. The materials represent the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture.
Evidence includes but is not limited to:
The materials in “¡Listos!” and “Antología,” both teacher and student materials are presented in authentic and academic Spanish. The “¡Bienvenidos!” letter and the Teachers and Parents letter in Antología describe the stories contained as “authentic selections from across the Spanish-speaking world” with selections that are authentic Spanish literature and informational texts covering a range of topics. The stories include a wide variety of authentic Spanish texts written by Hispanic authors who intentionally develop storylines that reflect Hispanic cultures, traditions, customs, values, and beliefs that students can identify and connect with; this aids comprehension and provides self-validation. In ¡Listos!, each unit focuses on a different country, such as “Honduras, Perú, Republica Dominicana, España, México, Argentina, Panamá, and Colombia.” At the end of the unit, “Investiga la Cultura” provides a lesson about the culture of the particular country. The materials support the teachers by providing a script or given sentence stems to use in both Spanish and English.
In ¡Listos! Unit 2, the materials represent the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. For example, in the “Investiga la Cultura” section “El huipil y la cotona,” students learn about a Nicaraguan marketplace and the traditional clothing sold there. The materials encourage the teacher to explain, “It's very common for different countries and cultures to have their own traditional clothing. People wear traditional clothing for special occasions, such as holidays and celebrations…” The teacher asks “¿Pueden pensar en algunas prendas de ropa tradicional típicas de este estado o país? ¿Cuáles son?” Answers may include jeans, cowboy hats, and pioneer women´s clothing such as long skirts and sunbonnets. At the end of the lesson, students design an outfit for a special occasion, using two items from the reading.
In Unit 3, in the “Investiga la cultura” section, the students learn about the “Fiestas Patrias” in Chile and how they are celebrated. The materials support the teacher to “tell the students that the Fiestas Patrias described in the story relate specifically to Chile. In Chile, the celebrations are on the 19th of September.” The students compare the culture to Independence Day in the United States and discuss how they celebrate patriotic holidays in their community.
In Unit 3, lesson 2, the students learn about the games that children play in the country of Chile. In the section labeled “Hopscotch,” the materials support the teacher to explain, “En muchos países hispanohablantes, el juego hopscotch se conoce como ‘rayuela.’ Pero en Chile se llama ‘luche,’ porque ‘rayuela’ es el nombre de otro juego que juegan los adultos. En él, se lanza un disco o una piedra en un espacio cuadrado o caja.” The student answer the question, “¿Te gusta el luche? (Do you like hopscotch?)” and draw a picture of a game they would like to teach others. In Unit 5, the materials in ¡Listos! provide the students with the opportunity to develop socio-cultural competence. At the beginning of each lesson, the teacher presents a cultural objective.
In Unit 5, Lesson 1, “Las partes del cuerpo,” the cultural objectives state, “Students will identify songs and games to learn parts of the body in other cultures and their own.” During this lesson, the students learn the song “Arroz con leche” and sing about their body parts to match the tune. Unit 6 uses the text “Las estaciones del año,” in the cultural connection section, the teacher reads the photo caption, “Viñedo.” The teacher explains “that in Spain, some people work in vineyards, a place where people grow grapes. Grapes are an important traditional product in Spain, and eating 12 grapes is a Spanish custom to celebrate the New Year.” At the end of the unit, in Investiga la cultura, students learn about different regions of Spain and Saint’s Day celebrations.
In Antología, the materials are presented in authentic, academic Spanish and support the development of sociocultural competence. In “Nivel Principiante,” Unit 7, in the poem “Simon Bolivar” by María Fernanda Heredia, the students learn the origin of the hero Caracas, 1783. The students read about his triumphs as a hero who freed several South American countries from their conquerors. Students answer comprehension questions, such as “¿Dónde estudió Simón? ¿Para qué lucha Simón?”
In “Nivel Intermedio” students read the story “La Fábula de los Tres Peces” by Alfonso Chase. The fable is about completing chores in a timely manner. The fable is written in authentic Spanish and the questions “¿Cuáles son algunos de tus deberes? ¿Haces tu tarea a tiempo o esperas hasta el último momento? ¿Haces de una vez lo que te piden tus padres o te lo tienen que repetir?” In “Nivel Avanzado,” Unit 1, in the story “Celebra el Día de los Muertos” by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy, students read about the Day of the Dead celebration and draw comparisons to their own traditions. The materials encourage the teacher to “Have students research other celebrations around the world such as carnavales, La Tomatina, and Halloween. Distribute Venn diagrams and have students compare and contrast celebrations.” In “Nivel Avanzado,” Unit 8, students read about celebrations that take place in San Juan de los Remedios, on December 24. The teacher asks, “¿Cómo celebras el Día de la Independencia en Estados Unidos? ¿En qué fecha reciben regalos los niños?” Students discuss a tradition that originated and is celebrated in Cuba.
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